Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tuesday! Shop! Shop!! SHOP!!!

This morning I picked Ruth Ann up at 10:00 and we shopped til we dropped!!!
We started out at Big Lots! We LOVE that store and used to go there often.
I found tea bags and coffee for Amber's Keurig - Louis Dean drinks that dark roast truck driver coffee!
We each found a buggy load of goodies!

Next stop - a thrift store! UGM stands for Union Gospel Mission.

I found some really good buys!
These Legos were $6.99 less 25%!
I will take them to Quadville tomorrow and separate the sets.
Some of the bigger ones for toddlers and some are the regular Legos.

Ruth Ann had never been in the little Antique Mall on Story Road!

We wandered around there for the better part of an hour!

We stopped for lunch at Applebee's and by then it was movie time!!

This movie was fairly cute although a little slow.
Our verdict was - it wasn't AWFUL!!!
We DID laugh - a LOT!!

From there we hauled it over to Goodwill where I made a haul!!!!
LOOK!!! I am on sale for $4.99!!!
Here's what I scored:

A fall table runner and a floral seat cushion.

A chair for the playroom in Quadville and a couple of signs for the holidays.
I LOVE fall!!!

Another chair and some fall debris.
The fall garland is one of those EXPENSIVE ones and I got it for $2.25!!

Two pair of shorts. I haven't worn shorts in 10 years and have just started wearing them again.
Red and green reversible quilted place mats.

We didn't get home until 5:00!!!!

Louis Dean had cooked a chicken in the pressure cooker earlier so I made chicken and dumplings for supper. I just use canned biscuits torn up and dropped in the simmering broth. That's the way my mother always made them.

Just Ruth Ann and I painted tonight.

I worked a bit on this Italian style painting.

I am calling this one DONE!!!
Take it off the fire!

I love the way the house smells on Tuesdays.

This is a screen shot of the project I started tonight.
It will be for my step grandson, Robert.
It looks like a restful painting to me.
I based the canvas in and will paint it in 'layers.'

So far THIS is what it looks like for now!!!

Ruth Ann and I were both dog tired by the time we got home this afternoon and we were pretty proud of ourselves for hanging in there and doing art tonight!
We were tired to the point we were silly!!
Ruth Ann told me we could be like those two ladies who said they would be friends until they were old and senile and then we will be NEW friends!!!

That's it for this day!!
Good night and God Bless!!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

The paintings are really wonderful, and the snow scene reminds me of the movie Dr. Zhivago! I went to the local Goodwill and found not ONE thing! Now you are making me go to the ones in the other cities when we pass them. I will give you the results when we get back. So do you leave the lid off after you put the canned biscuits in? I will try this! I decorate really heavily for fall, too! And I have way too much fall things now! But I don't care!

Cheapchick said...

Great day of thrifting! I love your paintings, you definitely have talent.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Ruth Ann says the best stuff. What a great friend. Loved seeing your day and reading your post.

Jackie See said...

Your Tuesdays are so much fun! The quads will have so much fun with the Legos, and your fall decor goodies are pretty. I can't believe you found that garland at that price! That was a bargain! I am going to try those biscuit dumplings, they looked yummy. I will have to make them when the kids are home because the hubs is not fond of bread. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now with all the new fall decorations you will not have to pull down the old ones from the attic or storage... you are ready set go for Fall decorating.. i love dumplings.. yummm and i like the Italian painting..

Susie said...

Linda, I love what your friend Ruth said...friends then become new friend ..sweet.You are the best junk shopper. You really find the deal. You are way too cute to just be 4.99 LOL. LD would have loved the coffee where I worked. I used to tell them , "Slice me off a cup of that coffee." That's how strong it was. Blessings for a great day. xoxo,Susie

Deb said...

Great finds! I love the antique mall on Story Rd! Hope you get to come on Saturday!

Vee said...

That parting comment was pretty funny!

More debris? Now do you release any lesser quality things when you find a good quality garland? Those chairs are the cutest things! The quads will love them.

Miss Dishywoo said...

It's so fun to read about your days. I think you are a very talented artist. Your paintings are quite lovely. It's nice that you dedicate an evening each week to work on your art.

Kathy said...

Oh how I love all the paintings. Every single one. I would buy you for $4.99. I'd even pay $499.00! LOL. What great finds. I never find anything at thrift stores. But let me loose in the Marshall's at my sister's house in northern New Jersey. I go wild there.

Angie said...

You gals sure did do the shopping today & looks like you loaded up with goodies. I know the quads will love the Legos!

I just added Chicken n Dumplings to my menu for tomorrow evening. Yours looked so yummy, I couldn't resist!