Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday!! Facebook Recipes, Movie, Thrift Store Finds.....you know the routine!

I picked Ruth Ann up shortly after noon today and I haven't stopped to catch my breath since!

This was my haul at the thrift store!
Those Pear Candles will be used by the place settings for my 'After the 4th' dining room table.
I always love anything that has to do with sunflowers and just yesterday I realized how close September 1st is!!! Only 61 days and a wake up to my favorite day of the year! So OF COURSE when I found some 'Fall Debris' I HAD to get it!! I can never have TOO many fall decorations!!

Ruth Ann and I had worked up an appetite! Taco Salads at El Chico - YUM!!!

My friend, Reaoma, was game to take in a movie with us so we swung by her place to pick her up and arrived in the theater just as it was starting! WHAT a good movie!!! 
Patricia Heaton was wonderful in it and we all laughed and laughed! EVERYONE in the audience laughed!
PLUS, the movie had a wonderful message about how God sees us and how special we all are to him.
How he is always there for us to give us strength. It is heart warming to see a secular movie with such a warm message! Win! WIN!!

I raced home to get dinner in the oven!
Today I tried not one but TWO recipes from Facebook!
This is 7 - Up Biscuits and using only 4 ingredients!
4 cups of Bisquick
1 cup of sour cream
1 cup of 7 Up 
1/2 cup melted butter
(I didn't have 7 Up. I sent Louis Dean to the store with a list and he bought Diet Coke instead! I used some carbonated peach flavored water and the juice from a fresh lemon. Worked for me!!)

You melt the butter in a sheet pan. Mix the other ingredients and pat dough out and cut with a biscuit cutter.
Mine do not look very pretty because I tried to use wax paper to roll the dough out and that SO didn't work! Bake 12-15 minutes at 425 degrees.
They may not LOOK pretty but they were YUMMY!!!

I had a cute little helper at my house this evening!!
Rayne Pooh!!!

The second recipe was for Caramelized Baked Chicken Wings and Pork ribs.
Easy peasy and yummy yummy!!!

You place the chicken and /or ribs on a sheet pan.
Mix 2 T olive oil
1/2 cup soy sauce
2 T ketchup
3/4 c honey
salt and pepper

I didn't measure anything and I know I used extra of everything!
Bake at 350 for an hour.
I had to bake mine a little longer but they were SO good!!!

Not only did Rayne come over this evening - so did Summer - AND Benjamin!!!
I had 2 of my children here - my youngest and my oldest!!
We are all so very happy to have Ben back in Texas!!

We normally start painting by 6:00 or so.
Tonight it was nearly 9:00!!!
I am bound and determined to get this canvas DONE!!!
I think one more session will do it.
I already signed my name!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

The taco salads look huge and mouthwatering! And I have just printed the biscuit recipe, it looks so easy. Rayne is so pretty. Your wheel and bluebonnets is lovely...they ARE bluebonnets, aren't they?

Village Antiiques Mall said...

A happy day.

Lynne said...

Thanks for the tip about the movie! Both Mr D and I love Patricia Heaton. We
have followed her from Everbody Loves Raymond to The Middle.

I am so happy that you have all of your kids close. Nothing better than when the empty nest is filled with "pop ins".

Your new work of art is fabulous!

Wishing you and your lovely family a blessed Fourth of July!

Miss Dishywoo said...

Thanks for sharing these two recipes. I intend to try both of them. They look yummy! Now I am interested in the Mom's Night Out movie, too.

Susie said...

Linda, I am thinking you need to paint some little flames on the sides of your shoes....you run so much !!! The dinner looked very good, nice you had family to share it with. I love that Rayne, she is so darned adorable. Can't wait to see everyone's paintings when you are all done. I'll have to remember that movie. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Vee said...

I smiled when you said, "You know the drill" because I did! Another great day...good shopping, good debris, good lunch, good movie, good friends, good supper, great family!

Cheapchick said...

I love the debris you found, those pear candles are great - and I am definitely trying that sauce the next time I do oven chicken wings or legs. Cheers!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the canvas is beautiful and looks done to me.. so what happens on Sept 1.. i turn 70 on Sept 5 so now i know it is 64 days and YOWSA...

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty painting!!! I just shared one on my blog I framed that I painted a couple of decades ago. Really? Yes, two decades and it finally got framed.

That chicken dish looks heavenly delicious.
...and that taco salad...I'm so hungry now.

It's been a while since I've been into a thrift store, I usually peruse what they have when I stop by the donation boxes. Think I'll go clean out a closet and drive over to the nearest one today. Love the pear candles.

Hootin Anni said...

ps....I forgot this part of my comment...

Do you sell your paintings?

Linda said...

No....not really. I tend to keep them or gift them. I only paint once a week so I'm limited in time. My next project is a large canvas featuring a snowy field and winter trees. It's a cropped photo of just the tree trunks that I am painting it from. No sky or limbs. This will be for my step grandson's birthday in November. He gave me the photo last year and I'm just now getting set to paint it! Now, I am off to see your framed painting! I've been known to hang my paintings still wet and frameless!!!

Hootin Anni said...

...they're all treasures and family appreciates you gifting them, I'm sure.

peggy said...

I make those biscuits too! And I had jotted down the chicken one too, had to get some honey to make it. Always enjoy seeing what people find at the thrift store and things you make best of all.

Wanda said...

Well a productive and fun day. The thrift store finds...nice..I have a lot of fall decorations too. Love them. Movie sound wonderful too. What a cute little helper.. drooling over dinner, and your painting is just stunning.
I hung the last of the pictures, mirrors and decorations in our little tree house nest. Having a cup of decaf and a cookie before turning in.

Carla said...

I really like this painting with the wagon wheel.