Friday, October 3, 2014

Women - We Keep On KEEPING ON!!!

Morning came early after a rough night. I got up and got ready (I thought!) and was on the road west to Fort Worth to pick Mother up at the beauty salon! When I got there and went in the restroom, I noticed I had not put on all my make up! Oh, well!!!

Mother didn't feel her perkiest either so we hugged and laughed and sat side by side as we had lunch at the brand new Mexican Inn Restaurant just up from the salon.
I could tell when I parked that it was NOT her first choice of a place to eat today!
Remember the In 'N Out Burger fiasco a few weeks ago?
However, I really wanted something that had a lot of TASTE to it!!

Mother found the Tortilla Soup on the menu all by herself and pointed to 'BOWL!"
She LOVED it!!!

I had the Taco Salad - which is what I nearly ALWAYS order when dining out at a Mexican restaurant! I had meant to go over to see Deanie after I took Mother home but was SO tired! I called her and she said, "Where ARE you?" I told her and she said, "I'll be RIGHT THERE!!!"
Mother and I were sitting front and center of the front door so it was a lot of fun to jump up and hug her neck just as she walked in!! 'Hug her neck.' That's an old folks saying! Deanie asked the other day, "WHEN did we get old?" Not really old but we are both in our 60's! I was really dragging and so was Mother, but by the time we left, though, it was like someone had turned a light bulb on!! Mother and I were both SHINING as we left!!

I saw on Facebook that my oldest son was still without power from that awful storm last night and he and the kids were out cleaning up. Even though I was still not feeling too perky, I decided to come home by way of his house. 

Faith is my oldest granddaughter! She is putting together a costume for Halloween.
She plans to be a NERD! She is just about the cutest little 'nerd' I have ever seen!
I had not seen the three older grands since MiMi Camp in July!
It did me good like a medicine to visit with them a few minutes!

When I finally got home after 4:00, Louis Dean was in bed asleep. He had dug fence post holes and had set said poles in cement thus completely tuckering himself out while I was gone!! I went right straight in to the guest room and took a good long nap myself! My phone rang about 6:30 and it was Louis Dean! He said, "Are you LOST??"
He didn't even know I was home!

My only chore this evening was to bake a cake for the Family Reunion tomorrow.
My blogging friend, Kathy, reminded me about Dr Pepper Cake!!
The last time I made it was in May of 2012. Amber remembers it well!! She was 28 weeks pregnant and in the hospital. I often made treats to share with the nursing staff back then. Amber had eaten one small piece and went to sleep. Mike took the rest of the cake out to the nurses station. It was gone in a matter of minutes! THEN Amber woke up and wanted another piece of cake!!!!
OOPS!!!! She STILL gets all agitated when she talks about this!

While this one is for the reunion - I will be baking another one tomorrow night to take over to Quadville for Sunday dinner! I shall leave any that's left over there!!

I am so impressed with my sisters, daughters, friends, blogging friends and women in general!
Have you noticed how women simply keep on keeping on????
We are a tenacious bunch. While we may not feel well - we continue to do what we need to do - no matter what!! I know some friends who are battling serious health issues and others who are in a difficult stage in their lives. I do not know one single lady that has thrown down the baton and said, "I QUIT!" My daughters, my sisters, my friends - I want to tell you all how impressed I am with all of you! I think women are AMAZING!!!

"First God created man, then he had a better idea!"

I thought this was clever but Louis Dean just told me it was a very OLD saying!!!
It's a new one to me!! 


Deb said...

Linda you are awesome! Have fun at the reunion!

Unknown said...

That cake looks SOOOOOO good!!!

Penny said...

You are pretty amazing yourself Linda, take care of yourself, you are still trying to get over that pesky UTI. Did you find a way to follow my blog yet? I know you were having trouble, and I'd love you to be able to visit me here in Scotland! I follow you on bloglovin, and have no problems with it X

Kathy said...

You may have kept on, but maybe with not feeling so well you should slow down a bit. Your Dr Pepper cake looks good and now I'm going to have to make one. Glad I could remind you of it.

Faith looks so cute as a nerd.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

women are amazing, LD is right, that is an old one, but still good and true. LOL your grandaughter is way to pretty to be a nerd... glad you all three had a good time and got to visit... still laughing over the LD called to see if you were lost. that is hilarious. once my son and his wife were in walmart. he lost her and did not have his cell phone, he went out, drove home, got his cell, drove back and called her to find her. i said are you nuts? walk up to customer service and they will page her...

Susie said...

Linda, I think God created man....then knew right away, someone has to take care of him ! LOL. So the drudgery began. LOL. Gotta love those boys. Glad you and your mother started feeling better. Yes, I keep wondering myself ...when did I go from my 30's to my 60's. It went by so fast. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Kelly said...

Well I'm glad that your mom was finally happy with your choice of lunch! LOL! I laughed when you said LD called you when you were just in the next room over. Hope you are feeling better now.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Aww, I am sorry. You MUST be feeling bad to leave the house with no makeup! And also, I bet the medicine is making you tired, too! Antibiotics will do that. Be sure and take probiotics or yogurt! Yes, we ARE amazing, aren't we?? I have been through some rough times, but God is so good. We are about the same age! Your cake looks so good, please pass me a slice through the screen. Older people do NOT like change, but once she ate something she liked, maybe you have opened up her world of cuisine! I don't remember ever seeing Faith! She is so pretty, and those big red glasses are so cool, they show off her sweet delicate face!

Cheapchick said...

Women are definitely tough cookies! We need to be.....someone has to keep the men in line!

Judy said...

You make me smile! I just went for my morning walk without doing my hair...and with yesterday's mascara under my eyes. After all...I would not meet anyone out on the country road. Haha. My daughter and her friends were cycling by and stopped to chat. Then a friend from church passed by, spotted me and pulled over to chat. Next time I will get 'completely dressed' before going out. BTW...I always order a taco salad as well.

Keep on keeping on!

Lynne said...

What a perfect post for what is ahead of me for the next two weeks!

I am taking on two more doctor's surgery scheduling requests and I have the two grands next Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and a weekend of organizing and purging at my Mom and Dad's on the following weekend. I am over - committed, but it's only temporary. I am already sensing the feeling of accomplishment when October 20th arrives!

I always have you and your jam-packed world to keep me motivated, Linda!

Go LD with those fence posts!


Hootin Anni said...

Well's a good thing you make the cake often so she can 'catch up' on what she missed.

That Tortilla Soup looks delicious!! Well, so does the salad....I LOVE Mexican food.

Hope the power is on now!!!

Angie said...

It's a new one to me too Linda & I love it!!!

I hope your feeling better. Your right, we are definitely some tough creatures. I know there is days that I'd love to throw the baton and say I quit but I don't. It's just not who I am.

That Taco Salad looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Glad you and your Mother had a nice dinner

Gypsy Heart said...

I think I could eat Mexican food every day in some form...and seafood! Both are my favorites. Glad you had a great day. Women make the world go round, right? :) A male friend said he'd always heard how difficult it was to have a baby. I told him, "Yes it is. Try squeezing a football out of your _ _ _ _ _. I've always said that if men had 1 period and 1 baby the whole world would be different! :)


Carla said...

For you my dear are very amazing! And I'm happy/glad to be able to call you my friend.