Saturday, August 16, 2014

Yesterday's Pictures and a Surprise Visit From the Quads!!

I left my camera over at Deanie's yesterday afternoon around 3:00. I am LOST without my camera! I used my cell phone pics in last night's journal entry. My camera arrived at 4:00 this afternoon in the mail!!!
That's just amazing! Thank you, Deanie!!

I thought this was a good one of Mother and Louis Dean!!

He may deny it but I think Louis Dean actually LIKES all the attention I give him!!

Mother took one look at Louis Dean's dessert plate and said - clear as a bell! -
"I want one just like THAT!!!"
She got it!

I got some cute pictures of Deanie and LD!
I love her big beautiful brown eyes!

This one was better of Louis Dean and now you can see how pretty Deanie's eyes are when they are CLOSED!

I really like this picture and am so glad we took the time to take some together!

NOW!!! This morning I was taken by surprise when who should walk into the house but Amber and Mike and ALL FOUR quads! Louis Dean and I had just been talking about them over coffee earlier! He said he was feeling better and was really missing the babies since he hadn't seen them since last Sunday.

We visited out in the gazebo but it was another HOT Texas day and we didn't stay out there long!

Harrison was in heaven with all the Match Box Cars I had in a big bucket.

Logan and Trystan played with the Tinker Toys and did some pencil drawings.

The bucket of cars was so heavy Kailey had to have help carrying them!!

We just chilled in the den and I let the kids explore the house.

They are very easy to entertain!

Amber brought lunch fixings and they ate picnic style!
Trystan, Kailey, Harrison and Logan all enjoyed roaming the house and looking at things.
We found the kitty cat and gave her treats. They did a lot of just walking around and looking.
There is a lot to see here!
I don't have many rules and the ones I do have are simple.
#1 You can touch ANYTHING in the house - with one finger!!
Not much damage can be done with one finger and the babies are pretty good about following that rule.
I guess that's actually the only rule I have!
All four of my children grew up in this very house. It has changed over the years but it has always been full of 'debris!' None of my kids were ever destructive and I didn't put all the breakables up when they were young.
What I hope my grandchildren remember about my home is that there were always lots of pretty things to look at. I also hope they remember that THEY were more important to me than THINGS!
It's not a museum and I do not own anything expensive. I want them to ENJOY being here!!

Lots of memories were made today. This was their first visit this YEAR! The last time they were here was last Christmas Eve. My VERY most FAVORITE memory today??
I was in the bedroom and I heard Kailey coming down the hall calling out, "MeeMaw!!! MeeMaw!!! Where ARE you????"


Deb said...

That was a awesome surprise! I like your one finger rule

Angie said...

That Deanie is quite a gal. How sweet of her to get your camera back to you so quickly.

What a wonderful surprise that visit was. I know you cherished every moment of it :)

Pondside said...

The one finger rule is a very good one, and I just may borrow it! I'm glad to read that LD is feeling better. Your mum is very cute - I'm glad she got the dessert she wanted!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful surprise! I had the one finger rule, too! And if they break anything, I always am calm and tell them that accidents happen. I love the beautiful picture of you and Deanie, that may be my favorite today. And L.D.'s big smile, he looks all better now! Grandma's house must be like a treasure trove!

Amber said...

We were there at Easter this year! So it'd been all summer since we visited. Hopefully it will begin to become a more frequent thing! Love you mom!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i know your heart melted when she called your name.. so sweet. LD has a LOT of females in his life, in fact the majority are females.. lucky LD and lucky females.

Vee said...

What a nice surprise! That rule is a very good one! I bet that they loved being at your house.

Judy said...

Most have them visit you at your place! And so sweet...they are! Glad LD is on the mend.

Changes in the wind said...

Love the picture of you and hubby and the quads:)

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Loved all the pics, Linda! Fun family times for sure. xoxo

Carole said...

Love that you don't treat your house like a museum even though it's stuffed with great things! Cheers from Carole's Chatter

Gypsy Heart said...

So, so cute! I agree re: teaching them manners and yes, the one finger touch. I know your home must be very warm and welcoming! All the stuff we have is really just "things". I treasure people more than a pristine home that is not comfortable to be in.

Loved all the photos!


Penny said...

Lovely photo's of those cute babies! Brings back lots of memories of when my two boys were small. Isaac (12) still has a BIG box of toy cars that he can't bear to part with, even though he hasn't played with them for years! X

Carla said...

Love the pictures and I bet those little darlings had fun exploring. Each time they come they'll find something different.