Sunday, November 5, 2023

Weekend With The Bell Grand Girls!


Friday was a baking day for Louis Dean and he was in his element!

He was a baker in the army and worked at Rainbow and Mrs. Baird's before attending college on the GI Bill and becoming a school teacher!

Amber didn't have a rolling pin so we bought a new one - Kitchen Aid and Teflon coated!

He LOVES baking!

We brought all the supplies and equipment and I left him to it and stayed out of his way!

60 cinnamon rolls!

The house smelled so good!

He ate TWO hot from the oven just to make sure they tasted good!

The girls and I frosted them after school pickup!

I thought it would be fun for the them to share the highlights of the weekend with y'all......

Here is TRYSTAN.....

Hey y'all! I have lots of highlights so far and I would be thrilled to share them with you all! After getting home from school, we couldn't help but try one of the delicious cinnamon rolls that Grandad crafted while we were at school!

My sisters and I  took turns playing our instruments! 
I play the Oboe, Logan plays the Euphonium, and Kailey plays Trombone!

We had a really nice time enjoying a movie all together with pizza, popcorn, and Coke!

Granddad laughed so big when we were making the popcorn halfway through the movie.
Kailey had delivered the message to the kitchen and then she told Alexa to make an announcement!
These girls are SO MUCH FUN!!


Here is Logan.....

I am so excited to post! 
Yesterday after school we went to the post office to drop off some mail and then headed home. Meemaw had some caramel apples we could try because we have never had one before! They were pretty good, although I am not a big fan of the nuts on it!

And the air was filled with the smell of grandads cinnamon rolls!
 Oh they are so good! 
They were fresh out of the oven when I ate my first one!

 Saturday morning we had cinnamon rolls, Pumpkin Pie pretzels, a mini chocolate donut, and mocha/coffee for breakfast!

All the animals were busy, with the cats curiously walking around, 

the puppies wrestling, 

and the hermit carbs on the wheel! 

After we ate I did some diamond art! 
It is where you have this little design that has numbers on it, and these little jewels to put on it. 
There is this pencil thing that has a wax tip at the end so that way you can grab the jewels with it. We have made a lot of them for Christmas!

And this picture is half and half. 
Half has jewels and the other half doesn't.

 Kailey played her trombone and we got ready to play some nuts! 
We played last night and I won three games in a row!

Hi this is Kailey!

i am so happy to be writing on the blog. 

Today I woke up and had some coffee. After that I played my trombone. When grandad was outside cleaning his truck i went out there and played my trombone for him. He was so happy. I played twinkle twinkle little stars, oh Suzanna, and some other fun songs and notes. He had so much fun listening. Even a few people walking by gave me a thumbs up and said i was doing great. It was so much fun. After that i came in and got dressed and now we are about to play nuts and i am obviously going to win! Then we have our hockey game later in the afternoon which i am so existed to play later. Our other grandparents will take us to are hockey game. Well that's it have a good day.


And Kailey did INDEED win TWO games!
I won one and Trystan won one.

Kailey brushed my hair and did a couple of different hairstyles on me!

She is SO good with her Granddad!

After lunch the senior Bells arrived and we had a 'Changing of the Guard!'
We all work so well together!
They do better with the sports side and I really enjoy the school runs so it's a 
Win! WIN!! 

We came home Saturday afternoon and I went straight to bed!

Nearly finished reading this book.....

so I sipped on a glass of Chardonnay and rested!

Sunday has been a  low keyed day.
Louis Dean was up early and made coffee - and put on the gospel  music!
We decided to watch Fellowship online......

Today would have been Nita's 70th birthday...

I spent some time crying and praying and thanking God for all the years we had together.
Heaven is going to be even sweeter because Nita is already there.....


Deanna Rabe said...

Happy Birthday Nita! I’m sure they must have awesome cake in heaven!

Those girls are delightful! Very interesting instruments, too!

Glad you were able to enjoy part of the weekend with them.

And LD’s cinnamon rolls look amazing!

Rita said...

The cinnamon rolls look fantastic!
The girls writing their own versions of the visit was just awesome!
What a wonderful time.
I know you miss your sister. You are lucky to have had somebody in your life that you miss that much. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a fun post, with everyone's description of the weekend! Caramel apples and homemade cinnamon rolls, what could be better! I bet it smelled so good there! The ornaments are beautiful. I need to try diamond painting!! This has just about convinced me. Since I am no good at all at drawing or painting.

Anonymous said...

What a really enjoyable post with so much fun going on! I could almost smell the cinnamon rolls all the way here in Virginia!
I know the Chapmans and the Bells had a good weekend! Love, Trudy

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Nita in heaven. Rest assured, all is well with her. What I wouldn't give to try one of those cinnamon rolls. I do love me a good cinnamon roll. Always have.

Donna said...

Happy Heavenly Birthday to your Nita!
The girls are so Fun! Thank you, Kailey, for your part in today's blog! I enjoyed hearing from you!

Anonymous said...

Miss Linda - For a long time after my mother died in 2022 I would call out to her, 'Come back, Mom. Just come back and we will sit on the couch and watch Jeopardy.' Of course, she won't be coming back in this lifetime so now when I miss her I say,"I'll see you again one day, Mom." You are right about your sister; won't it be wonderful to be reunited with our loved ones one day?! Until then we carry on and live the fullest lives we can - as you clearly are - in order to honor them. Happy Birthday to Nita.


Arlene G said...

Hugs to you Linda...those birthdays and special holidays are hard aren't they? Loved reading the girls thoughts on your visit. I bet they are so much fun. My favorite was the trombone playing for Louis Dean as he cleaned his truck out. I know he loved it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I enjoyed all three of the girls reporting on your fun times with them. they are all so sweet and kind like you and their mother. beautiful and smart and sweet. real winners. i like the hair do and the ornaments and all the eating and cooking and of course the cats and dogs rank high for me. i think i smell those cinnamon buns.

BeachGypsy said...

Love this fun post with the fun kids and I can smell the cinnamon rolls all the way over here!! So glad the kids are in Band--- it's fun and also so good for them. I was a Band mom and it sure kept us BUSY for years, along with all the other sports, Cheer, and activities. Have a super great Fall week my friend! Hugs

photowannabe said...

(((hugs))) Linda. Your Nita is so lovely and I do know you miss her. Praying for continued peace in your heart.
I adore the Girls entries on your journal. They have great style and lots of fun things to say. I can tell that they are a joy to have around.
Glad you are taking it easy too. That's the way to recoup your strength.
Any time Louis Dean wants to make some of those glorious rolls for me, I won't refuse..haha What a guy you have there!!!

Susie said...

Linda, I truly enjoyed this post. Wow do those rolls look tasty. I think it's good if kids get a treat right after school. I used to get my girls those little Debbie oatmeal pies. Not much but they loved them. I think they all still do. LD is a great cook.It is wonderful that the children have two sets of grandparents to love them and care for them at times. What a true blessing. Of course the girls are sweet to entertain Granddad.Blessings to all of you, love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You have such a lovely family. And those cinnamon rolls are the bomb!

Debbie said...

ooooh ld, what a guy, those cinnamon rolls look amazing!! the kids are so cute and those kittens too!!

your diamond art ornaments are so pretty...

i have seen that movie and really enjoyed it!!

happy birthday to nita in heaven, that picture of the two of you is beautiful and so very special now!!

Unknown said...

Hi Meemaw! You did a great job on the blog! I was wondering why you were thinking about that heaven would be even sweeter. I know that Nita is watching over you and she wants you to enjoy your time here. But I agree with the others Nita must have had a heck of a good birthday in Heven! Especially when she knew you were thinking about her!❤
Love, Logan

Wanda said...

Losing someone you love never wears out. Love the picture of you and Nita.
How precious. You grandgirls are learing to be bloggers, and what a gift they have.
Are Louis Deans cinnamon rolls (yeast). They look so good. I love the picture of him rolling it out. What a special time you had with the girls.

They will never forget it! Building memories, one day at a time.

Love you!

Eva Norvell said...

Love the painting! I'm going to try those ribs!