Sunday, December 6, 2020

Our First December Weekend.....

Louis Dean and I have both been home all weekend. He left a time or two to go to Home Depot but I have not put on makeup or dressed in anything suitable to be seen in!
My favorite kind of days!

I have continued my decorating frenzy and Samantha is loving all the nesting materials she finds on the floor.

Louis Dean has focused on his sump pump project!
He did get that monster concrete housing out of the ground and around to the back corner of our property where he was finally able to bust it up with a 16 pound sledge hammer!

He has done all but the final finishing before he can start putting the deck down.
I think this whole side yard will be pretty by Christmas!

I tackled the last major room and it took all day Saturday and some of Sunday to get it done.

For a minute or two I thought I may have lost my mojo.
But one thing led to another and I am happy with it.
My Christmas books are in here this year.

And I brought my Texas Santa in from the gazebo to drive the sleigh!

My blogging spot tonight!

The debris I had to hide is behind this divider.
It covers a hodge podge of mess!

I found more and more decorations that I had forgot about every time I went out to the storage building.! I knew I had more red cardinal ribbon and, sure enough, I found it!

Plus some more of my favorite ornaments.

Summer has given me so many special ornaments over the years, I could decorate a whole tree with them! But I keep some up year round and some are themed.

The tree and carolers have never been displayed in the dining room before.
I do things a little differntly every year and they were in one of the last tubs I dipped into.
Purchased in 1970 at Sanger Harris ( which was in old Plymouth Park on Story Road )After Christmas Sale!

I have kept tweaking and adding a ribbon here and there as I come across things.
I finally got the Santa wall in the hall hung.
It's hard to take pictures in there.

I put the things I am going to use in Louis Dean's bathroom IN the room but I will clean and decorate that later this week,

This tin chock full of delicious candy arrived today and we have enjoyed ONE piece each!!
It is SO good we have to ration it!
Thank you, Linda!!

Speaking of candy.....I meant to make 


this evening.....but I ran out of time and energy.
However......I am going to make them in the morning.
I love the idea of wrapping them up in a flat little gift box for giving.

Several have asked for Lillian's address again....

Lillian McDowell
Trail Lake Nursing Home
7100 TRail Lake Dr. #512
Fort Worth, Texas 76123

Thank you all again for your kindness in praying for her and sending her mail.

Our Bee Meeting is Tuesday so we will be heading down to the ranch for a couple of days.
It will be good to BEE there!!!



Ginny Hartzler said...

It all looks beautiful, you have worked your magic once again. Some of my favorites are the Christmas tree tablecloth with the little trees on the table and the poinsettia trunk.

Bluebird49 said...

It all looks lovely, just like you! I'm not sure I'll get much done this year, but not going to worry about it. Most folks do enough for me, too. The doc at the ER told me to get plenty of rest, and I don't see much choice!
You and Louis are a wonder!
I'll try to get Lillian a card out before Christmas if I don't get any others!
I am hoping Santa will bring me energy for Christmas--just a little!
Loved your card--and love you, my Texas friend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if you ever lose your decorating mojo, i will be shocked to the core. it is in your genetics.. you are ready for Chrismtas, except LD's bathroom, is the country home ready? or will you do that when you go to the bee meeting

Arlene G said...

I have changed up a few things this year too....I did purchase one new container and several small things. Well I guess I purchased a new tree to come to think of it. I enjoy moving things around. It really does change up the decor without a lot of expense. Thanks for sharing Lillian's address again, Linda. I had misplaced it.

Rain said...

From the looks of it Linda, you have NOT lost your mojo!!! Everything is stunningly beautiful and cozy! How do you keep the cats off everything??

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are the queen of cover up. Everything looks wonderful. I bet you are excited for the bee meeting and a trip to the ranch. Take good care and keep safe !

Pam M. said...

Love love each & every room. The photo of the tree in the background & lamp just glows. Your memory amazes me. Well done, as always, Linda

Carole said...

Let it bee indeed! Cheers

photowannabe said...

I so love your decor...Cozy and inviting.
That LD is so amazing. You've got a real keeper there.
Thanks for the recipe and Lillian's address again..I sure don't know where mine went after I sent her a Thanksgiving card.
I'm in the midst of getting all my ornaments on the tree and the other do-dads that find themselves a home.
This Old Gray Mare sure ain't what she used to be. Gotta sit down more often and fiddle on the computer..
Okay, I had better get back at it.

BeachGypsy said...

Happy safe voyage to the country today my friend!! I know you're sure looking forward to "bee"ing back, and the "bee" meeting! Glad Louis Dean got that big heavy concrete thing out successfully. Your back deck is going to be so nice! Pet and hug those sweet kitties for me okay? Oh, and thanks for the compliments, that denim thing is just a big long long shirt, I think it may have been a dress??---but I wear it as a shirt! LOL

Hootin Anni said...

I received a very nice surprise from one Linda And Louis Dean today!! And, Linda, I love it very, VERY, much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Your home looks fabulous, so festive & beautiful. The lighting throughout is warm & inviting!

I'll wait patiently for his new deck.