Friday, December 11, 2020

December Lunch With Brenda, Hair Cut by Yulisa and Prayer Praises! My Thursday!

 Brenda and I have been having a monthly lunch date for several years now.

I know it's been more than 8 years - possibly 10 - or more.
Today was not my fanciest food but it made do.
Baked potatoes and BBQ pork briskit, baked beans, ice tea and cheesecake with some really good Amarena Cherries on top!


I bought these at Aldi and they are SO good!!!

As always, our hour went by way too fast!
But we were talking about our next lunch before this one was over!
It may include a Tuesday Goodwilling after Christmas.
I cannot WAIT for Brenda to retire!
Oh, the fun we will have!
The things we will do!

Brenda went back to work and I fixed a plate for Louis Dean and then left to buy groceries at Aldi.
I had just enough time to get home and put everything up - and that's very important to me - putting things up after I get home. I feel compelled to do this and so I do!

I had a 5:00 appointment with my beloved hair stylist, Yulisa!
It has been too long since I have been here.
The last two cuts I had were in Waco. Both were pixie cuts that lasted a long time.
Covid concerns has been the reason for shopping and having my hair cut and my nails done in a less Covid number place.

But today I decided to go for it and I am glad I did.
She took my temp before and I watched her sanitaize everything right in front of my eyes.
We both stayed masked the entire time.
I left as happy as I could be.
See the shirt I'm wearing?
That's my very favorite shirt of all the ones I own.
I have had it so long that I don't even remember if I did the snowman and tree or if I bought it like that!
I'm thinking I did it because I went through a phase of doing this kind of thing way back in the 80's.

I am loving all the wonderful Christmas cards we are receiving this year!
I have never had one that was personalized before!

And this came with it!
It is from my friend Jackie in Missouri.....
and as it happens, I have TWO 'Jackie' friends in Missouri and I received gifts and cards from BOTH of them TODAY!

This was from Jackie M along with the personalized tea towel.
I will treasure this bracelet all the more knowing the story  behind it.

This package was wrapped so nicely and is from my Missouri friend, Jacki C.

I love this honey bee frame and will be putting a cute photo in it!
This Jacki has been through a lot lately and has so much on her plate that I could hardly believe she had time to think of me!
Both Jacki's are pretty amazing!

I have to tell you, I have been so blessed by so many over the last 10 years of my blogging experience.
I started in January of 2010.....
Many of you have been with me for much of this journey, and I am grateful for each and every one of you. Who knew the blogging community would be such a comfort and even a support group in many ways?

Now for an update on the concerns from last night.....
My brother, Lonnie, is still in ICU and is still in serious condition.....but the nurse reported to Michele (his wife) that he is better today than yesterday. And we are grateful.

Lillian continues to improve day by day. 
Another blessing I am thankful for.
Although the only things I will be sending her will be through the mail for the near future.
I'm so glad she has a cell phone and we can still visit that way.

Harper went home shortly after midnight last night.
She did suffer a concussion and I am certain her family appreciates your prayers.

Tomorrow I am cleaning and decorating the very last room in our house!
The guest room.
Today I finished trimming out the various trees throughout the house and, yes, there is a tree - at least ONE - in every room!
I am getting ready to settle down for the next four weeks and enjoy our Christmas House.
I'll be watching more Christmas movies and wrapping up gifts, making Texas Trash and other Christmas treats, working on my Christmas Eve menu and listening to Christmas music.

The following quote was on one of my scripture/prayer/quote cards this morning and it truly spoke to me......perhaps it will to you, also.

Unless there is within us that wich is above us,
we shall soon yield to that which is about us.
Peter Taylor Forsyth

And goodnight from Texas!
Or Good Morning! 
It IS after midnight!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

good news that Lonnie is better, prayers for his recovery and to get to to home. The Chrismtas house is the perfect name for your home, and The Christmas Country Home for the other one..

Arlene G said...

Nothing like getting your hair "did" as we said here in Alabama. You look lovely! So glad Lonnie is doing better. And sweet Lillian, thankful that she has a faithful friend in you, Linda. Happy Cleaning.

Changes in the wind said...

You have been a blessing to many people and they have been to you:) So glad to hear that Lonnie is improving and Lillian too. Perfect haircut and they always make us feel better. Here you have every room of your house decorated and I have done even one. Think I have turned into a scrooge.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love that shirt too and I know you feel so great getting your hair cut. I've decided to skip this month but I hate to. I trimmed my bangs this week. lol Enjoy your day! holiday hugs!

Susie said...

Linda, I am praying for Lonnie and your family. Lillian too, I enjoyed seeing the picture of your mother with Lillian. It is good for us to pray for helps them and us too. That is what God wants of us. You looked good in the shirt with your new do. So nice you could have lunch with your friend Brenda. Blessings to all of you, stay safe. xoxo,love, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Since all this virus hit and I've been self distancing from others, my blog friends have come to mean more and more sometimes they are the only contact I have with the outside world. Your lunch with your friend sounds wonderful. Nothing simple about it. Thank goodness for the mail that still keeps in contact with our friends and family. My mail runs faithfully everyday.

Vee said...

You're as cute as a button! Love the haircut. The luncheon looks so Christmasy and delicious. I used to say that I couldn't wait for my sister to retire...then she kept right on working. Some people!

🎄Enjoy your Christmas home.🎄

Linda said...

Thank you for all the comments! Does anyone know how I can get them to come to my email? I accidently disabled that when I was deleting a spam comment and I don't know how to get it again!

photowannabe said...

Oh boy a real hair cut!!! I have been ding it myself and I really need an "official" cut. Our Governor has issued a 3 week stay at home lockdown and closing all non essential business...can you say devastating to small business?
Everyone is out of work it seems..California has gone down the tubes.
Love your Cozy Christmas Home and glad you can be in it for the next month to really enjoy it.
Special friends are worth their weight in gold. Glad you could be together and enjoy chat and chew...

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the Forsyth quote, and it is so true! What a coincidence about the two Jackies! We have not gotten our hair cut since before MARCH! We are a Covid hot spot. We have tried to cut each other's hair, and it is not a pretty sight!! I think you could call my current hairstyle "Circus Clown".

Carole said...

Hoping Lonnie continues to get better. Virtual hugs all round.

Rain said...

I'm glad to hear Lonnie is getting better...and Lillian too. Good for you for getting your hair done! Love the lunch photo!

Debbie said...

it is always good to hear/read that lonnie is better!!

your hair looks awesome and your pretty red shirt, it is perfect for christmas!!