Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas Day Blessings!

 We were to gather at Nita and Mike's home in Fort Worth on Christmas morning at 10:15.
We were only 15 minutes late!

I was running on 3 hours of sleep having been so excited about Christmas Eve that it was 4:30 in the morning before I went to bed. Well, I went to bed earlier and decided to just get up and do some things since I was wide awake. Dead tired - TOO tired to sleep!

We siblings have been celebrating Christmas morning breakfast for so many years now!
I remember when Deanie hosted long long years ago and it was at 8:00 in the morning!
I think I made it once. Then after all our children were grown and gone, we changed it to 10:00 and had it at Mother's house on Waits, but Deanie still hosted. I don't know exactly how many years Nita and Mike have hosted in their home but I know it's been at least 10 - 12 years.
We started including friends and cousins and our children and their families and more.
Some years we had dozens of people and some years only a couple dozen and then a few years only a dozen or so. This year we were 8 in number and grateful to be with each other.

Nita and Mike always have so much food!
Mike made the breakfast pizza and it was delicious.
The bacon was amazing! One Christmas they cooked 12 POUNDS of bacon!
We had gravy and scrambled eggs, a fruit tray, biscuits and plenty of liquid refreshments!

I brought things for Caramel Apple cocktails and Leah and Patrick brought homemade mead and Irish cream.....and homemade eggnog....and the best apple muffins ever!

It was a perfect Christmas morning to eat and visit and relax.

The best thing about it?
Lonnie was there!!!

We were so happy to see him!!

Mike recently finished a 1960's puzzle and we were all admiring it....

We looked to see how many of these famous people we could identify.

It was even a good day to take a little nap.....and I did.

Benjamin delighted all of us by bringing Klaus to the party!
Complete with portable litter box!

And in due time - we were ready to have our Chinese Christmas Tree gift exchange.

There were 8 people and 5 gifts. 
A couple can bring one or two. 
Nita and I each just brought one.
We really weren't sure how many would be there and if there would even BE enough to do a tree.

You would think with so few - it would be a little dull.
We all had a blast and laughed and laughed!

Everyone got a kick out of Ben getting the white pig Nita brought.
She figured she'd get something SHE would want in case we didn't play the game.

Ben liked him and named him Stu!

I got one of  Leah's gifts!
Homemade marshmallows, fudge, snickerdoodle bread and Irish Coffee - and a bottle of mead which I will take to the ranch with us to share with Dean.

It was a wonderful Christmas morning and we all hugged a little tighter and took a few extra pictures.
I admit I patted Lonnie and kissed his cheek and then hugged him again.

I dearly loved spending time with Nita and Leah!
Seeing my brother topped this Christmas off perfectly!

We packed up a bag of goodies to take over to Deanie and Charlie before we headed back to Irving Christmas afternoon. I sent a text message and told Deanie I would put the bag on the front porch and when I got back to the car, maybe they could come out and wave at us.

Well, they did that and more!!
We kept our masks on and plenty of space between us - but we got to see each other 'with our eyeballs' as we like to say!!!
It was wonderful!!!!

Charlie stood by the car with Louis Dean inside and they visited there.

Deanie and I went up on her front deck to sit in the shade.
The sun was blinding us!!
This was SUCH a good visit!!
My heart filled up so full of pure joy at being with my sister.
It's been many long months since I have seen her in person.
We sat and talked and talked.
Deanie looks GREAT!!
And she FEELS great!
Once she had her gallbladder surgery - it's been getting better all the time.
For the first time in years, she can mop the floor.
Bending her stomach had caused her such terrible pain for at least the last 8 years.
All because of her gallbladder!!
Why, oh, WHY did the doctors not check that??
Praise God for Trish getting on the speaker phone during one of her mother's doctor appointments and telling him all about her mother's symptoms and the great pain she's been in.

I guess Deanie and I visited for an hour or so.
I didn't even want to leave but I have to be home before dark!
We came home and I took a quick one hour nap, freshened up and headed to the Bells house in Dallas.
Exactly 22 minutes from my door to Amber's. 
I can drive there and back in the dark because I know the route so well and it is literally 17 miles on the Bush toll road with only 8 turns from my house to hers.

*Amber's Photo*

We arrived right after 7:00!
Both sets of grandparents were there and we all gave the kids some quality attention.
With four 8-year-olds, you really need all four grandparents!
Uncle Mark had gifted the kids with a Twister game and I was the spinner while they played.

*Amber's photo*

Everything looked so pretty!
They set up another smaller table at the end of the big dining room table and we all ate Christmas dinner together.

Such a delicious meal!

Then, as is the tradition, we all settled down to watch Home Alone 2....
with dessert at Intermission!

Christmas Day could not have ended more perfectly!

So many Christmas Blessings!
I spent time with all four of my children - including Summer by way of FaceTime, phone calls and Marco Polo videos. And I was with all 8 of my grandchildren - with getting to see Rayne on FaceTime.
And I was with my siblings IN PERSON!
Lanita, Deanie, and Lonnie!
I could not have asked for a better Christmas!

I will close with my best Christmas gift this year.....

It is from Logan.
Christmas night, she slipped a small gift bag to me and said, Merry Christmas.
There was a lot of hustle and bustle going on at the time so I put it in my purse and opened it when I got home. Tear sprang to my eyes and slid down my cheeks.
I always carry mints with me and she gifted me a package of candy cane tic tacs, a small candy cane and a Christmas card. And a sign with a G on it for grandparent.
I love how she wrote her name in cursive!
She bought the gift with her own money.
Sweetest gift I received!!!


Deb J. in Utah said...

What a lovely Christmas! Thank you for sharing the fun. Have a Happy New Year!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful Christmas you had, I am so glad!! It could not be more perfect, even if there was no covid! Amber's table is beautiful.

Kathy said...

You had the perfect Christmas ending with the sweetest gift imaginable.

Bluebird49 said...

What a beautiful Christmas, Sweetie!! What a thoughtful gift from Logan, and I'm thrilled you got to see all your children, grandchildren and siblings. That was truly a wionderful Christmas!!
Have a happy New Year! 💕

Hootin Anni said...

Your Christmas was delicious in so many ways, good food, high spirits, fun, laughter...but the best of it all was family & loved ones!

MimiG said...

Logan's gift made me cry - such sweetness. So, so good to see Lonnie with his family. What a blessed Christmas you had.
Get some rest now so we can all see 2020 head out the door!
Happy New Year!

Lisa said...

Hey, Big kids are fun too! Hahaha.
So glad to see you had a great Christmas. This post makes me happy.
The breakfast looks delicious. I always make sausage balls and a light lunch because we usually eat so much on Christmas eve and then again Christmas Dinner with family.


Changes in the wind said...

A very full Christmas you had being able to be those you love, am happy for you and all that food looked wonderful. So glad your brother was able to be there and hope he continues to improve. What a sweetie that Logan:)

Deanna Rabe said...

All the best things! Logan's card brought a tear to my eyes! Sweet heart.

Lonnie is looking good and so is Deanie! I'm glad she is so well! Sometimes we must be proactive with our doctors! Glad her daughter was able to help with that!

You had a wonderful Christmas and I am so happy for you all!

Debbie said...

what a wonderful christmas!! i think breakfast is my favorite meal and the food at nita and mike's looks delicious!! i was surprised and so happy to see lonnie was there, the best present by far!! the pictures of you guys are fabulous!!

i think you got the best gift at the gift exchange, i love getting treats for christmas!!

ambers place looks great, she has a beautiful eye for decorating.....she must have gotten that from her mom!! *wink*

what a beautiful day, i really enjoyed reading about it!! and many thanks for the gorgeous christmas card, one of a kind for sure!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It looks like a wonderful Christmas! So glad you could be with siblings and family both in the same day! Smaller groups may not be the same but they still make a big difference !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you had a triple dose of Christmas for sure, in two days. about your nap on the couch photo. I want that red chair! love it... so glad you were all together and that Lonnie and Deanie are feeling better.. all the homes you have shown us on your Christmas post are so beautiful.

photowannabe said...

I sure get a lump in my throat every time I come here and read about your family and the joy that spills out throughout the many photos and memories you share.
You were so blessed to be with all of your Grands and your sisters and brother. Those are the kind of things that stay deep down in one's heart FOREVER...
The meals you had were amazing..I think I would have been 10 feet wide and 100 pounds heavier if I ate all of that.
Your post makes me long for my younger son and his family to be with us. Unfortunately Oregon and the darn COVID put a damper on that. Mark's being a nurse in their general hospital, keeps him in "quarentine" too. Someday we will all be together again.

Carole said...

Fabulous! So glad everything and everybody went so well. Cheers

Carla said...

What a lovely family Christmas. Love Ben's gift... Stu. I missed our family this year. My knee and covid put a damper on things. Bah humbug.
Poor David has had to put up my ups and downs.
The 3 of us had a good Christmas though.

Wanda said...

What a glorious Christmas Day. Linda it was wonderful to scroll through all the pictures. I believe your Christmas was right on track with my theme to God be the glory great things he has done. And you have proved it. I love you saying goodbye to 2020 and looking forward to a brand new year Untouched by human hands butt touched by God's

Wanda said...

Opps. Wrong but..haha

Susie said...

Linda, What a beautiful family . I just love seeing how you have fun together. So happy to see Lonnie with you girls. Deanie looked good too. Sweet Ben, he just seemed to be enjoying all of you so much. Blessings to each and everyone of you. xoxo,love, Susie

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You brightened my end of year blog reading, Linda, by sharing this post of the time you were able to spend with your family. Sadly, not everyone was able to do that this holiday, but then video chats and phone calls helped. Still there is no sadness, just gratitude that all are safe and well. Glad your brother, Lonnie, could join you all, which I know made your Christmas even more special. Our best wishes sent to you and Louis Dead for a Happy (and safe) New Year.

Bluebird49 said...

I so enjoyed our talk New Years Eve, honey! I had heard it on your videos but I don't think we'd been on the phone. Hoe we can o it again sometime!
I loved that you shared your beautiful Christmas on the blog. You know how much I enjoy your writing. Amber is such a gorgeous woman and all your children are nice-looking.
Your decorations are lovely, as always. I'd enjoy them awhile longer, too.
Enjoy your New Year's day, Sweetie!
Love you~

Arlene G said...

Happy New Year Linda and Louis Dean. So glad you got to spend Christmas with ALL your siblings. What a year 2020 has been hope we take its lessons into the New Year.

Rain said...

Happy New Year Linda and Louis Dean! What a happy post! What a food spread, the cocktail too! :)