Saturday, December 12, 2020

Friday Blues and Saturday Joys.....

I admit to feeling a little blue sometimes.....and Friday was one of those times.

My brother, Lonnie, had a rough night Thursday and we were all concerned about him.

Lonnie has pneumonia (and I have to look that work up every time I spell it!!) and his oxygen and sodium levels are extremely low. NO Covid. And that's a good thing.
I was concerned about him and concerned about other family.
The Bell Quads were meant to spend the weekend with us while their parents attended a wedding down in Houston. I had bought groceries with them in mind - chocolate milk, Greek yogurt and olives, biscuits and tea party things - and we were to make Texas Trash together as we have done several times in Christmas past.
Amber called me Thursday night to tell me they had word that Mike had been exposed to the Covid virus.......and until they get the test results, they would be quarantining at home all weekend.
This was a disappointment but totally understandable. These days we must go with the flow and adjust.
I feel certain Mike will be negative as ever since the quads were born at 29 weeks 5 days.....we have all been in germ free mode. We took every precaution since they were so tiny to not have germs around them. We washed hands before washing hands was so popular! Mike automatically distances himself as best he can in any siuation. This being a hockey contact - he was on the other side of the locker to the guy who turned out to be infected. There are no guarantees about anything but I know we are all as careful as we can be.

So I spent some extra time in prayer Friday morning and then decided to do something to cheer myself up. I took some Christmas decorations I had that matched some of the things Amber is using this year and left them on her porch. I was back at my car in the driveway when she came out and we visited from across the yard for a few minutes. It was so good just to SEE her!!
Nothing like knowing you CAN'T hug someone - makes you want to hug them even more!

I told her I was going to Hobby Lobby to see if I could find a Happy Place.
I went and I found the mini cupcake papers I am using for my homemade caramels.....but I did not find my Happy Place. Instead I became even more anxious. I use 'Christmas' lights all year long. Lots of lots of lights. I am running short so I thought I would pick up a couple of boxes and then stock up on the after Christmas sales as I do every year. Except Hobby Lobby had very few left. Half a cap end...I think that's what you call it. Not a whole row....just the end cap and only abouth a third of that!

This concerned me but I thought, no problem, I will stop at the Dollar General store on Rosemeade Road on my way home. They had 8 of the 20 count white lights - so I bought all 8 - plus the one and only box of 50count. Now I was really anxious so I went back to the Home Depot next to Hobby Lobby and they, too, had all but sold out of their Christmas things. No big after Chrostmas sales here because they will all be GONE by Christmas!!! So I bought a case of the 100 count white lights and two boxes of the white LED - which are pretty pricey if they are not half off after Christmas.

I came home and Louis Dean and I organized my 'Light Closet' which is located on the back side of the house. I discovered I had more of the LED than I thought I had and once we organized it all - I will be okay. However, I intend to check out a few more local Home Depots next week!
I can only remember this happening one other year. 
I guess people have been buying more lights than usual this weird 2020!

I finished up the tree in our bedroom and, yes, 
there is at least ONE tree in every room of our Christmas House!

I was feeling better by the end of the day.
Michele reported that Lonnie was being giving a medicine to help him sleep and stay calm every four hours. At the last report from his nurse, he was sleeping peacefully. 

I did get to the guest room last night!
Cleaned it and changed the sheets on the bed.
Finished decorating and even put up a small tree by their litter box/cabinet.
And, once again, Louis Dean snookered Tabitha.

I don't understand this!
When I get her to put her in the kennel.....she doesn't do this.
Only with Louis Dean.

This morning I made our coffees, lit my candles and fed the kitties.
Then my friend, Melba, called me and we had the nicest phone visit.
She and I go way back to homeschooling days and we made a great many good memories together.
She lives in Oklahoma City now....and lost her husband a few years ago.
She is on my prayer list for widows and I pray for her every single day.
I myself may be on it someday so I am praying it forward.

I got a good laugh from Amber today!
She sent me this pic and said she had dusted her house with GOO GONE!!!
She grabbed the orange bottle out from under the sink and went to work!
Bless her heart!! That's what we say here in Texas!!

Today was better. Michele visited Lonnie early this morning and he was awake and eating breakfast. He knew where he was and that he was there to get better. We were all greatly encouraged to hear this!

Today was Texas Trash day and to make it even better......

I had a helper!
Pam came over this afternoon and was a tremendous help!!!
We did caramels and well as Texas Trash so it was a double whammy!

The trash can is lined with two heavy plastic bags.

I used the convection setting on the stove to hurry the baking time.

Pam had the idea of adding pecans on top of the caramels.

By 10:00 tonight the trash was done!

It filled up a Rubbermaid storage tub!
Tomorrow I will tin it all up for gifts - but I am done for tonight.

The kitchen is clean, the dishwasher running and I am feeling like my old self again.
I have heard the saying......

It's okay to have a pity long as you don't invite any guests!

I think there is some truth in that!

I'll close tonight's journal entry with something Nita had on her Facebook page today......
and let me just say that my sister, Nita, is THE most positive uplifting person I have ever met!!



Linda said...

I am going to comment first so I can see yours in my email!

Deanna Rabe said...

I’m so glad Lonnie is doing better! I’m trusting Mike and the family will be fine too! Your Texas trash is incredible! What a gift!

Bluebird49 said...

It all looks so pretty!
I've got what I hope is just a virus; guess we will see! Hope you all stay well!
xx, Trudy

Lisa said...

I believe everyone will be fine. I will keep you all in my prayers. I’m glad your day got a little better (and sweeter it seems). Those caramel look delicious! My husband said his mom used to make something like your trash and it was a holiday favorite. I used to make what is called “white trash” it was similar to the puppy chow people make now. In fact, thats what I plan to make to give to neighbors this year.
Love all the lights and your Christmas spirit.

Arlene G said...

Glad you were able to get a lot accomplished and work those blues away. We all have those times where we feel BLAH...especially these days. That Texas Trash looks amazing. I am going to wait until we get back from Grimmwood to do a bit of Christmas baking and treat making. Heaven knows we do not need it but I think this year we can all use some Christmas Cheer.

Estelle's said...

I am so sorry to hear of your brother's illness...this is odd as I have heard and know a few people now hospitalized with non-Covid scary....saying a prayer to be restored to good health...

Kathy said...

Good news about Lonnie. Have been praying for him. Your Texas Trash always looks so good. I must make it someday. I tried once, but didn't have good results. I think I burned it. It wasn't your recipe though, so I'll try again. I had to laugh about Amber dusting her house with Goo Gone. Maybe that's the way to do it.

Changes in the wind said...

Glad you found your little lights, know that is important to you and one less thing to be concerned about and glad your brother is doing better, what a relief. The added walnut on the caramel is a great idea and am sure they are delicious.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I always know it's just before Christmas when the Texas trash comes. And this year it's really good you had a friend to help you with it and I know you miss having the quads to help with it prayers that all of them will be safe and healthy! You had your blues and you got rid of your blues and that's a wonderful thing

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Your Texas trash does look good and you'll have plenty to share too. I'll be praying for your brother and for MIKe, hoping they'll both soon will be well. It seems lots are decorating with lights this year, We all feel the need to brighten up our lives. You certainly do just that.

Carol said...

Your post is just what I needed this morning. I am having a pity party and have for a few days now. I am really feeling down and disheartened this holiday season and feel that I must make some changes to my life and one maybe one that I never thought I would do.

Susie said...

Linda, Thank you for texting me. I too get the blues and with Ted in the hospital , I get them more. I am praying for Lonnie and my Ted. They seem to have the same thing. Ted was good yesterday and this morning he was very low. They put the oxygen back on him after he had his morning wash up. So glad you saw Amber. I know what you mean about hugging. It's a normal human reaction...and we can not do it now.
Blessings to all of you and your family. xoxo,love you, Susie

photowannabe said...

Happy to see you "trashed" the blues away.
Sorry those precious kiddos can't be there this weekend but better to be safe.
It seems this has been a week of ups and downs for me too...Working my way out of it with the help of the Lord and good Blogging friends like you.
It's a very cold and dampish gloomy Sunday morning here in Sacramento. But, I turned on all the Christmas lights and just the light over my laptop. Its my Church today...Saying prayers for you and your family and others on my "prayer list".
Love you and your gentle spirit.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I am so glad to hear that your brother is feeling a bit betterLinda! I said prayers for him. My son had pneumonia a couple years ago from the flu and it was so worrisome. He couldn't even walk up stairs he was so weak. Thankfully he bounced back and now is being very careful with his health. I hope your daughter and family will all be well -- they were wise to quarentine to make sure.
Your Christmas treats always look so good! Enjoy a wonderful Christmas!

Carole said...

Glad Lonnie has turned the ocrner and that you are all being so careful. Cheers

Jan said...

Keeping Lonnie and Amber, Mike and the quads in my prayers.

Vee said...

Praying for Lonnie and his wife and his sisters. It isn't easy praying someone through, but
what a privilege. God's got this.

This year sure has been one for disappointments. Hope you and the quads rise above it all with
a good plan for a future event—tea or something.


MimiG said...

I haven't posted in a few days, but wanted to let you know I have been praying for Lonnie and will continue to do so. Also praying for Summer and her little family - I know they are so happy being together at this time.
Just to let you know, my DIL is no longer considered contagious, praise God! She still gets pretty tired and has a very scratchy throat, so we are talking more instead of having to text. The twins go back to school today (and Thursday, then out for Christmas break). They came to see me Saturday for a bit, so good to see them, and they were pretty excited to see me too. My son can't go back to work til Thursday (his work restrictions) so he's been catching up on a few honey dos. Prayers working!! I sent some early Christmas goodies home with the boys, as I know she won't have the energy for that yet.
And, I bought Christmas cards yesterday, so will try to get them out this week!
I do hope Lonnie had a good night last night, and I hope the same for Lillian. Prayers for you and LD - strength for you to make all the wonderful things you do at Christmastime!

Debbie said...

you are right about the pity party, they are cathartic once in a while, it is also good to let others know you have had one!!

i am sending warm, positive thoughts to both you and lonnie, i want him to be well for you!!!

"and stay positive", it's my motto!!

Sue said...

Beautiful thoughts you have shared,Linda, loved the quotes too! Happy to read that your brother is feeling better, having an appetite is good sign, someone is getting better.
You are a busy lady, I love making and giving homemade gifts.
I do have a pity party ever so often too!
Thanks for sharing.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sorry to read about your brother, Linda, but glad he is improving. And, yes, you are allowed to have a pity party as we all need those from time to time. But, you seem to have lifted your spirits and that Texas trash may have heloed along with seeing your friend.