Monday, October 19, 2020

Sunday Things and Monday HOME!!

I watched Fellowship Chuurch live Sunday morning......

It was kind of cool to be able to snack as I listened to the sermon.
Next week Ed is starting a new series and I will be there in person to hear it.
As of now, Louis Dean has not been in a church service this year.
He probably will not be until next year.
I try to keep him as quarantined as possible keeping his risk to being exposed to Covid as low as I can.

The kittens are nearly not kittens anymore.
They are having surgery on October 28th to get spayed and chipped.
Until then, we keep them inside - except for when they escape and we have to play Chase with them!

Samantha is not as bad as Tabitha in getting out and playing hard to get.

I finished this Halloween hanging the Bell Quads and I started last year.
I will be taking it to them this week to hang up.

Sherry came down Sunday evening and we sowed 2 big packages of Texas Wildflower seeds.
One package in our garden by the camper/cabin.
The other in a field over by the beehives.
Sherry let me drive the tractor over there and I was so excited!!

Monday morning we started the packing up and loading the truck to come home.

Louis Dean gave the newly sown seeds a good watering along with the fig tree given to us by Nita's sweet next door neighbor, Sheryl, and the Chinese Elm from our former neighbor, Olga.
Plus he watered the Crepe Myrtle and my herb garden and the asparagus.

This is a pic of the front wall outside on the deck.
Y'all know this is true!!
We left about 1:30 and stopped in Mart for fuel and an errand or two.

Tabitha was talking to us!!

She acted like she didn't want to go.

Last night we had a campfire and when I went out - Tabitha sprang right out the door!
She stayed outside for over two hours!
I worried since she hasn't been fixed yet.
We tried and tried to get her back in but she wasn't having it.
I went on to bed and then later Louis Dean came in.
Still no Tabitha.
I got back up and tried the milk trick. 
By this time she was ouside the fence and running up and down the driveway and into the field.
Long story short - I finally got her!
Tucked her firmly in my arms and took her inside the camper and put her in her kennel!

Today when we were loading, we put both cats in Louis Dean's shop which is a little room off the bathroom. The door shuts tight and they stayed safe - inside.
I did not want to chase cats while we were trying to get out!

I admit to being tired so I dozed and didn't pay much  attention to Louis Dean's driving.
He said he wanted to go the back roads to Hillsboro.

We wound up in Corsicana. Again. He did this once before when we were traveling home in separate vehichles. Since we were there - we stopped at the original Collin Street Bakery location.

Finally! We were home shortly after 5:00!!!
LOOK at our new driveway!!!
It is beautiful!!!!
They were putting in a new one right next door - to the right of our property - where Olga used to live.
The neighbors on our left also were getting a new driveway - so Summer inquired about the price for us getting one! Our driveway is bigger than both neighbors combined but we got it done!
It would never have happened if Summer had not been here!
I am so excited!!!

We are home!
I forget how pretty my house is until I get back home.
Funny, but I never forget any of what I love about the country while I am away.

Louis Dean and I sat out there tonight with a glass of wine!
We love it!

The laundry is going, everything is put up and life is back to normal.
Louis Dean is catching up on the news and I am about to change out the washer and dryer loads before  filling our medicine boxes.....or at least enough for tonight and in the morning!


Ginny Hartzler said...

And you have double the magic...two homes to leave and come back to! I don't think I have ever seen a picture of your entire house from the outside. It is pretty, and does not look like I imagined it! It looks like a large one story ranch.

Ginny Hartzler said...

We love Simon's Cat, and had never seen "The Origin". Really enjoyed it, and it was over too fast.

Sandi said...

I like the photo with the picnic table. It looks like wide open spaces and a farmer proud of his work!

Susie said...

Linda, Hope the trees and seeds grow at the ranch. Your bees will love it. Coming home to a new driveway must have been really nice. Summer is a sharp girl and always on her toes. Hope you can relax a bit after getting home. Blessings to all of you there. xoxo,love you , Susie

Arlene G said...

Oh that is a wonderful driveway....that Summer is always on the ball!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am truly a homebody so every time I leave I'm always happy to come back even when I just go somewhere for a couple hours here. I love that you have to home's and I think it would be wonderful to have two homes because then I could carry my home with me but if I had to choose between your two homes I would take the country home because of where it is in the country and because of all the animals. The driveway is really a while Factor. So glad you got the kitty back inside safely

Deanna Rabe said...

A new driveway is very exciting! Summer seems to be good at seeing a need and an opportunity! So great.

I know it’s aggravating to have to chase the cats. I guess you won’t worry once they are spayed.

Two delightful homes. Happy you have them both!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Yes it is always nice to be home. The driveway looks wonderful. I can imagine it was cheaper with the neighbors also having it done. You are lucky Summer was there. Enjoy your lovely home and stay safe.

photowannabe said...

Yes, indeed...your quote is exactly the way I feel too.
I love going away but I love coming back home and snuggling in my own bed and my own things.
Can't wait to see the wildflowers in the spring. They will be wonderful.
Good thing the kitties are getting "fixed"..their prowling will get them into trouble it seems.
Rest and recharge your batteries now that you are home.

Carole said...

We learned not to chase Molly - she thought it was a game - instead we just shake the dry food container and back she comes at a rate of knots! Glad you are both well. Cheers