Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Girls Day Out!!

I was up early this morning!
Summer drove down here to Waco and we all met up at IHOP for breakfast - 

Summer, Ruth Ann, me and Sherry!

We had such a good time!
Summer came on an errand and she turned around and drove right back to Irving.
I'm usually an open book but I have a surprise waiting for me when we go home on Sunday and I'm so excited about it! Now if Ronnie happens to come and put our carport up for us this weekend, it would be so wonderful. Sometimes you just have to give it to the Lord and wait for his timing to work things out.

Sherry chauffeured Ruth Ann and I around......we hit up not one - not two - but THREE thrift stores!
Picked up a Rx for me at Walgreens, made a stop at Harbor Freight and finally did a little shopping at HEB. We took Ruth Ann back to the RV park and stayed for awhile visiting.
It's been SO good to be with Ruth Ann again!

While I didn't bring home a car load of stuff - I did find a few treasures for very little money!

I bought three pieces of Chico clothing at $1.21 each!
LOVE this bright orange lightweight jacket!

Summer was with us for the Goodwill stop and she spied this OTT-LITE for me!
Just $4.99! Perfect for the puzzle table at home.

For $3 I got a pair of new CROC sandals.
Changed shoes when I got back to the car!!

Two more tops from Chico!
A comfy white one that I can layer with the airy float.
Love the color!
When I got back here to the camper/cabin, I changed into white pants and these two pieces!
Then I changed into my grundgies!

I have already put this fall leaves vinyl tablecloth on the camper table.
I always use one I can wipe off here because it's way too much trouble to move everything if I used a fabric one and would need to wash it often.

I can use this as a top or a nightgown.
It's fully lined.

Sherry's daughter gave her a shirt with this saying on it.
Now I have one!!

I really like this black 'thing'...very lightweight and perfect for layering.
So perfect that I tried it on - and then forgot about it.
We paid and went down the to the other end of the strip to another thrift store.
We were talking in the car about our Chico bargains and I thought, "Where is that black thing???" I was so disappointed that I didn't get out of the store with it - and then I looked down and saw that I was wearing it! I went right back down there and paid my $1.21 for it and never even took it off!

Since Summer was coming to meet us - she brought a box that had come in the mail from my friend, Dawn, in Florida. How exciting it is to get a box from Dawn!!
These are the very first McKenzie Childs anything I have ever had!
Two such pretty tea towels!
Two garlands of fall lights - and I saw hers today on a Facebook post and they are SO pretty!!!
Sleepy Time Tea and a matching cup!

It was a wonderful day spent with family and a box of goodies from a friend!
And the funny thing about the box from Dawn - I just mailed one to her!

Goodnight from my cozy camper blogging spot!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That really was a lot of fun! And how funny about the black top! I bet you were laughing when you walked back in to pay! Y'all were having WAY too much fun! hahaa! Hugs!

Changes in the wind said...

How wonderful to be able to get together and enjoy each other for the day.

Vee said...

You are obviously a well behaved woman! Don't let that shirt change you. Who needs to be remembered throughout history anyway? Ha!

Glad that you all had a fabulous time. That's a cozy scene you closed with...

Bluebird49 said...

You are having entirely too much fun, girl! (Just kidding -- there is just no such thing as too much fun!)
Fun with RuthAnn and with Summer and Sherry, too - to say nothing of the "reunion" at the RV park. What a beautiful RV RuthAnn and Roy have. Wish we could have seen the inside of it.
It's like you are celebrating your birthday all over again in October, you lucky girl. Going to three thrift shops, getting all those great things, and then "losing" the black top only to find out you were wearing it! Sounds like something I'd do.
It's so good to have fun female companionship like you did shopping isn't it? Covid-19 is not slowing youall down and how nice to hear that you and RuthAnn are enjoying being together again.
I love those pretty dishtowels you got from your friend and I love fun surprises like that in the mail, don't you! How very thoughtful of her.🎁
Can't wait to hear what your surprise is you have waiting at home. So mysterious sounding!
Just keep writing about your fun times even th kmough you are not having too much fun with your Santa.🎨 I know you'll get him to come around. 💕🎄
By the way I laughed out loud when you wrote about the goats getting out the other day and the MOPS babysitting them all day! Never a dull moment at the ranch.
I daresay just having the ranch to get away to has really done as much good for y'all's health as any medicine you take. Louis Dean has plenty of dirt to play in and you never run out of "chores" and hobbies to do-- and you are on no timetable!
I know Sherry and Dean can't possibly know how happy they've made you just by welcoming youall out there, making your "Happy Place" possible. What wonderful folks you have around you both in town and out at the ranch! I can tell you just draw out the goodness in people, and that is a wonderful gift.
Hope you have another good day that the Lord has made today, dear!💕

Susie said...

Linda, I am so happy Summer got to join in on the girl fun. I bet you and Ruth Ann talked a blue streak. LOL Linda, wearing that top from the store, oh my gosh girl. I bet you guys couldn't quit laughing about that. Yes, you had a blessed with with family and friends. I always say Love makes a friends can truly be as family. Blessings to all, xoxo, stay safe. Love you, Susie

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That is a good day! And it’s been great to ‘see’ Ruth Ann on the blog again!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That sounds like a wonderful day. Family and friends, how could life get any better. You do have the best of luck finding treasures when you shop. I never see things that nice when I shop. Enjoy the moments, they go by so fast.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can see the smiles behind those masks, so glad you had time our with your friends and had a chauffer to drive, i don't care for driving anymore. those crocs are like mine but mine are black. my favorite shoes.

photowannabe said...

Love your black top so much...perfect and you made me laugh about almost leaving with it on you.
Your cozy camper looks so inviting too.
I can't believe the treasures you come home with and the prices...what a deal.
I LOVE the ending...
I have a few of those in my life too.

Chatty Crone said...

How much fun with your four friends!

Wanda said...

You have so much fun being able to travel and meet with friends and family for "day trips" and fun thrifting and eating.

I'm looking forward to a mother daughter day soon with my two that live in the area. Wish I could have one with Jill in Oregon. Soon, but not yet.

Love all your fall finds at the thrift store. My last fabulous find was a NIV Leather cover Life Application Bible in pristine condition. No markings and no wrinkled pages. $7

Sending love and hugs and prayers

Arlene G said...

I am jealous of your OTT light. Many stitchers bring these along to stitching retreats for a little extra stitching light. And Chico tops...those are some of my favorite. It was good to see Ruth Ann Again. Tell her we all miss her!! And MacKenzie Childs towels...I would be afraid to use them and mess them up!! I have admired MacKenzie Childs designs for years.

BeachGypsy said...

girlfriend Linda---looks like y'all were having A BALL FOR SURE!! That is my kind of fun out and go SHOPPING, especially thrift shopping!! Wish I could've joined y'all. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that outfit you had on, looks like a long gray blouse with ruffle on the bottom and the black thing over it?? Very very cute!! I would wear that too. Those shoes you got look like they were never even worn! Happy happy weekend my friend!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Linda, I have seen it before and it bears repeating - you find the best things at the thrift stores and sadly we have fewer here now because of the pandemic. A favorite Salvation Army Family Store in Nashua was my very favorite and it shut down in early spring. Guess I will have to travel to TX one day. ALl your tops were great and that was a funny story about the black top.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Looks like you ladies had a fun and profitable day. I love that little light for your puzzle table, and got a chuckle of some of the sayings on the shirts. Can't wait to hear what the surprise waiting for you is.