Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Goats, Great Pyrenees, Kittens!! And Tuesday Dinner With Roy and Ruth Ann!

Monday morning I was up and down at Dean and Sherry's doing Critter Chores at 9:00!
I let Louis Dean sleep in. He had filled all the water containers for the critters really well Sunday night so it was easy peasy for me to feed everyone.

I was walking back to the camper/cabin when my phone rang.
It was Louis Dean. He had got up and turned the coffee on, watched it brew and then took a cup with creamed coffee into the girl bunk and was surprised I was not there!!

This was the last of our critter duty as Dean and Sherry came home late Monday afternoon.
Amon had fed the goats some hay and left them in their pen since he had to work that day.

Louis Dean had worked on his projects and I worked on mine all day and it was about 6:30 or 7:00 when I saw all the goats grazing up by our place.

I assumed Dean had let them out to eat since they had been penned up all day.

The mops were doing their job bu herding them and keeping them all together.

If they started wandering too far off, the mops would round them up and send them back.

Then they would play around for a bit!

These are good healthy happy dogs!!

Turned out, the goats had broke out of their pen!!
Dean and Sherry drove up and Sherry put her head out of the car window and asked if we were trying to steal her goats!!! Hahaha!!! I had not realized that they had left soon after Roy had brought them home. They rounded up the critters and finished the evening chores.

We slept so well last night with no AC and our camper windows open to the cool 51 degrees outside.

This morning Louis Dean was totally entertained by the kittens!!

He kept calling out, "Linda! You are missing this!!"

I love his expression!!!
He is pretty proud of his kittens!

He was working on the electric in the front and ended up having to tear out a wall - but he put it back.
I had to keep the kittens in the camper while he did all that.
I worked on my art and encountered a bit of trauma with one of my Santas. I am thinking my love affair with him is cooling off!

It was wonderful that we had somewhere to go tonight!
We both needed to take a break!
We put up our tools, showered, and Sherry drove us over to Reisel to the RV Park where Roy and Ruth Ann are staying for a few days.

This is my second visit with Ruth Ann this year!

Sherry made pepper poppers and baked potatoes, grilled onions and mushrooms.....

and Ruth Ann had steaks, chicken and sausage for the guys to grill.

It was so much fun to catch up and visit!

They have a gorgeous RV!

It was a great evening and plans are made for more good adventures tomorrow!!!



Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, this is a huge and beautiful RV. I have never seen one like it. Your kitties sure can JUMP!! I love seeing Louis Dean this happy! Your picture of the one goat in the sun is beautiful!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. Isn't it awesome news about Sandra! I was so happy for her that I cried. I know she is on her way back to her old MadSnapper self now.

Bluebird49 said...

I think that RV is bigger than my house!
Was it Tuesdays that you and RuthAnn used to get together? 😊
Looks like you had a really great day, and so did the animals! Lol!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thank goodness the goats were kept together by the dogs. I would imagine the were easier to round up that way. Glad you got out to visit with your friend. Their camper is huge. What a nice way to travel. Hope you all have fun while they are there..

Vee said...

As if you'd steal goats...😉 Happy days and happy plans make the world go 'round!

photowannabe said...

Linda, you and LD just live such a charmed life. I love that you have the Ranch to go to and putter and visit good friends.
You guys certainly eat well too.
Love those "Critters" and the Mops.
You just make my heart sing.

Changes in the wind said...

Another wonderful day in the country with family and friends.

Carole said...

Would love to see inside that rv... you couldn't drive something that big here other than on motorways which wouldn't get you anywhere interesting. Stay well. Cheers

Susie said...

Linda, I am so glad those big dogs did their job right. I love Ruth Ann's camper. It sure is good to see her. I miss you and Ruth doing your Tuesdays. So glad you all had such a wonderful time together. You are sure enjoying the kittens. Blessings to all of you. Love you guys, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my son David has a great pyrnees, i have photos but no time to post, i love seeing those goats and dogs but then you know that