Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Our First Fireplace of the Season....and a Change in Plans

 We woke up Monday morning to Winter Weather!
It was gloomy! It was cold! It was wet! 
I loved it all!!!

Louis Dean brought me coffee in bed and I snuggled deeper under the covers as I sipped and did my prayer time. I always open the back door when I wake up so I can see a glimpse of the sky and trees as I pray. I love using my prayer journal because it helps me keep up with the ones I have promised to pray for. Sometimes I actually write out my prayers and I usually include the scriptures from the scripture cards I use every morning. I have two boxes - one in the kitchen by the coffee pots and one in the bedroom on the dresser.

We celebrated the cold weather - which I have been longing for - with our first fireplace of the season.
It was a crackling firelog - thanks to Louis Dean for buying a couple of boxes at Home Depot the other day - but it was still a fire!!

After we had our morning coffee and reading, I headed to the sewing room to work on Summer's birthday gift. 

She turned 57 years old on Monday, October 26th, at 6:00 in the morning.
She is spending this week in the Ozarks with Sherry taking in the fall folliage.

I can share pics of the gift I am making since I already sent her some!
I could NOT wait to show her!!

I used lightweight chambray strips cut from shirts I wore during the 1990's.

I originally had three strips of dark denim on the far left but it was too heavy so I took that off and spied some white netting stars in a plastic storage drawer! That was perfect! Lightweight and flowing.

I made this with the idea of Summer hanging it in a garden - or in her room in Rowlett as a wall hanging with her beach paintings and decorations.
I was nearly done but not quite.

I decided to take a nap around 6:00 Monday evening. 
I slept soundly for a couple of hours and when I woke up - Louis Dean had shut down the house - meaning he turned off many of my 'thousand points of light' - and suggested we go to bed early.
I was good with that so I got up, put my nightgown on and read for an hour and we were both asleep before 10:00.

We woke up this Tuesday morning to even colder weather!
We normally do not use the central heat and always turn it off at night if we do ....so it was 61 degrees in the house!

This time we had a real wood fire using logs from our pecan trees saved when we had them pruned this year. We had a change of plans. We meant to leave for the ranch so I could attend our monthly bee meeting. Rosey sent Sherry and me a text letting us know that meeting was cancelled due to the winter weather. Yes, we are not used to this!

Rosey sent this to me along with her message about the bee meeting!
I checked the weather down in Mart and the rain they have already had - plus the rain today - would make getting in to the camper difficult.....

So our plans changed and Louis Dean and I ended up going out to do some errands together.
I was surprised he wanted to go with me but he couldn't work on his deck or do anything outside.
We first stopped at the post office and mailed out three packages......the book to Trudy, a package to Dawn and a Christmas painting to BJ. Then we hit up two thrift stores (and I walked out of the Goodwill without buying a single thing!) and Aldi.

Within 45minutes of getting home - I had put up the groceries and made a late lunch.

Flounder, Pesto pasta, Brioche roll and a salad with lettuce, tomato, celery, clemintine orange slices, chopped sweet apple, banana pepper, purple bell pepper, and avocado.

I spent the rest of the day working on Summer's gift, doing routine housework, changed out my closet from spring and summer to fall and winter......

I added more to the hanging.....

If the tulle is too much for her, it can easily be removed.

Since she may hang this outside at some point, I added some small bells.
When she gets back from her trip, she will give me some seashells with holes in them so I can hang them for added interest. All in keeping with the beach theme - driftwood from our recent beach trip - and blues for the sea foam - and short strings of small pearls. You get the idea.
If there is one thing Summer loves - it is the beach!

Here are the Tuesday Treasures I found today!
Skechers are the best shoes for my feet!
That little Christmas tree is already at home in my bathroom.
Those two bowls? Perfect for our salad suppers!

Tonight I started the Texas denim quilt for Louis Dean's 84th birthday next month.

I had it all cut out last year.
But I'm just now getting around to sewing it!
I did not realize he really wanted this quilt!
He mentioned it a few times before I caught on.
So that's what I will be working on this week.

Lillian called me today and was so excited!
She got three more cards today and had two more yesterday.
As of now, she's received more than 60 cards!
The lady that brings her the mail is so impressed!
Lillian told her, "It's because of Linda and all her friends!!"

Thank you all so much for cheering Lillian up!!
She has loved the cards!


Kathy said...

Happy birthday to Summer! I have so enjoyed getting to know her on facebook. She is a special lady. I hope she is having a wonderful time in the Ozarks.

You are welcome for the cold weather. We don't want to be selfish and keep it all for ourselves here in the north. Ha, ha! At least you got a nice fire going.

Can't wait to see the quilt you are making for Louis Dean. I love how they are all denim, but each one is unique.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What will make this hanging so special to Summer is that it is made from shirts that you actually wore. So it is like a piece of you! It's a wonder you could still sleep with the temp at 61 inside!

MimiG said...

Happy Birthday to Summer! I always picture her with her beautiful smile. Your "daughter of your youth" has one of the prettiest smiles I have ever seen. I know she's in pain most of the time, but she still has that smile!
I was one of the late ones sending Lillian's card, but got it out. So please she's happier now.
Have a great day, stay warm and do NOT send that cold weather to Alabama. LOL

MadSnapper n Beau said...

That will look good in summers Beach things! And looking at that you can make a curtain that way and just use a curtain rod and Tavis stuff on a curtain rod and then hang it up. It would also make a nice curtain to go in front of something like we don't have a dishwasher and it's a hole there with a microwave in it. Happy birthday to summer I know they're having fun together! I would love to have enough cold to have a fire but we don't have a fireplace I don't want to get really cold just cool

Changes in the wind said...

Beautiful first fire for the winter and so cozy. Am sure Summer will love her special gift and happy you are making LD a quilt of his own.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a beautiful birthday gift, I'm sure Summer will love it. It's just perfect for her and you've put so much thought into it personalizing it just for her. I could only wish I had a free place here, but sadly there isn't one. But central heating is on so I'm warm and cozy. Hope your weather clears up soon so you can go to the ranch. It's been cold here and will only get colder. Our days in the sun are over and done for now. But I've plenty of warm clothing and a cozy house, so it should be fine 1

Vee said...

Oh I am glad that you are going to avoid the nasty weather and mud at the ranch. Your graphic made me laugh. It has been spitting snow for about an hour here this morning. 😖 Crazy weather all over.

Summer is going to like her gift. That is a beautiful photo of her.

Happy puttering, happy sewing, happy everything! 🧡

Debbie said...

i really adore your gift for summer - what a great idea - i'm sure she will treasure it always!! also, that is such a pretty picture of her!!

as i read through your post, i became exhausted, i don't know how you do all the things you do. i don't understand how you can put all of your groceries away and prepare a beautiful meal in 45 minutes!!

here in new jersey, we have not seen the sun in ages. it is warm, but rainy, misty, card and gloomy, we are expecting a storm tomorrow...the storm i am excited about!!

photowannabe said...

Happy Birthday to Summer. I love the photo of her and her sweet smile.
No grass grows under your feet when the plans change...Your fireplace looks so cozy and inviting.
I must get back to my journaling. It seems once I take a time out it gets harder to get back into the routine. My journal is more of a thankful journal..it's always fun to look back and see what the Lord did ..Enjoy "Hump Day"

Rain said...

Well I personally will NOT be dropping in to gather up my weather, you can have it!!! ;) Too bad your meeting was canceled though. Oh a fire, how cozy! And that lunch! Yum! Happy Birthday Summer! :)

Bev said...

Oh my dear friend.... you have no idea what cold is...hahah...We got snow early this year for our area....but it is warming up to a balmy 48 F today!!! xo

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Happy birthday to Summer!
I'm impressed you could put away your groceries and then get that yummy looking lunch together in just 45 minutes.
The fireplace looks very cozy.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love what you’re making for Summer! I’m glad LD is getting his quilt this year too! I wish we had a fireplace! That’s one thing I really want.

I’m so glad Lillian is being cheered by the cards! I must get one in the mail to her!