Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Home Again!

 We left Snyder at 11:00 Monday morning and only made two stops in the 254 miles to home. 
That's nearly unheard of for me!

First stop was the Cracker Barrel in Abilene.
I count that as one stop even though Louis Dean filled up with diesel right next door.

I just love Cracker Barrel! 
The ambiance and the fragrance is different from Starbucks but it feels the same - if you know what I mean! I sigh and have an 'ah' moment when I go in the door of either place.

We then trucked along until we got to Thurber, Texas where we ate lunch at The Smokestack.

I don't know what I'm looking for in that margarita but it sure was good!

Louis Dean was a happy man with his chicken fried steak that was more than enough for two full meals!

He ate the rest of it tonight!
I had a turkey sandwich and onion rings and brought half my sandwich home and ate it for my supper.
Those onion rings were really good and not at all greasy.
They must have used an air fryer.
I don't have one of those but I'm thinking about it.

We arrived home before 5:00 and unloaded.
Before I even put things up - I went to bed and took a nap!
Not a deep sleep but a nice restful one.
The children that live behind us were out in their backyard and I loved hearing their voices as they played and laughed. We don't have many children in the neighborhood any more so I am happy for the few we do.

Summer had things so nice for our homecoming.
Music was playing and some of my little lights were on.
The AC was off and the attic fam was on - we LOVE our attic fan!
The French doors were open for the first time in months!
She fixed chicken pot pies for our supper that night and we ate them in the gazebo.

I came in and had sacked up a bag of trash to take to the curb before we went to bed when I saw a critter foraging around it.

A raccoon!!!

THAT'S what's been around here!
I thought I had been feeding cats and maybe a possum.
This one is pretty big!
It had paid a visit to Stephanie next door as well.

Louis Dean found his critter cage and has it primed with cookies and apples tonight.
We hope to catch it and then take it to a more appropriate habitat!

It was wonderful sleeping COLD with no AC!!!
 That attic fan pulled all the cool air in  and we slept like babies!

This morning I read all the birthday cards that had come in the mail while we were away.
I have truly celebrated all month long!

My neighbor, Tamara, had dropped off this super cool top and I just love it!
"Life is fine with a glass of wine."
I am embracing my short pixie haircut and am allowing the back to swirl around my natural - what do you call it??? I can't find the word for it in my brain but it's where you hair wamts to go on its own.
COWLICK! That's it!!!
I also bit the bullet and ordered a short blonde pixie cut wig.
I got to the checkout on line three times and closed it out every time.
Then Louis Dean came in and said, "Just DO it if that's what you want."
So I did!

Summer has been staying here all month and this afternoon she packed up her things and went home to Rowlett. Before she left, she gave me two new warm white candelabra lights.
I have one lamp that is simply perfect for them!
Love the pretty glow!

I spent some time this evening pulling up some of the jungle overgrowth that happens when I am not home to keep it in check.
This Wandering Jew is so easy to grow! You don't even need to plant it!
I have broken off pieces and literally just threw them on the ground and the next thing I know -
they are everywhere! I gathered up two grocery bags full of pieces to take to Amber tomorrow.

Tabitha's eye is all better now.

She bought a new toy and all the kitties love it!!
I sure do appreciate her taking such good care of them!
And sending me pictures and videos of their shenanigans!

We are going to pick these two up tomorrow after the kids finish their school day.
They wanted to keep them as long as possible. 
But the quads are coming over this Friday to spend the entire weekend with us and can continue to love on Samantha and Tabitha while they're here.

I have had such a wonderful Birthday Month and made so many great memories that I will treasure for the rest of my life. Tomorrow will my last September Morn of 2020.
I'm listening to Neil Diamond now as I write.
One last day......one last morn.
I have decided to celebrate the last September Morn much as I did the first one this month.
I am going to make Fruitcake Cookies and Pumpkin muffins.
I'm loving all my fall decorations and the scents of pumpkin and spice.
At the Smokestack yesterday I spied a display pf Morenici candles - 

so I bought one! Orange and spice! Smells delicious.
Reminds me of the Applejack and peel potpourri I used to have long ago.
Guess what??
I stopped writing and ran over to Amazon and ordered a bottle of the Applejack and Peel oil!!!

I have chatted long enough! Louis Dean is already in bed asleep so I am going to enjoy walking through my fall decorated home wearing a sweater and sipping my evening glass of wine while I think about all my September Blessings.....

One more September Morn!
The first and the last ones are the MOST special.


Bluebird49 said...

Hard to believe it's almost October, isn't it! Sounds like you did have a month of birthdays. That's a really good thing. 💕

Susie said...

Linda, I am so glad you have enjoyed your whole birthday month. Summer is a wonderful kid. She sounds like my Angie. We are blessed, you and I, with loving children. I like the candles and lights. The picture of the kittens in the window is adorable. Great picture of the raccoon too. He looks to be saying, "come on lady you threw it out, let me at it. " LOL Blessings to you, LD ,and the family, stay safe . Love all of you, xoxo, Susie
p.s. can not believe this month is over.

Arlene G said...

Glad you made it home safely. And how sweet of Summer to have it so welcoming. That makes a big difference. On to October. We have two birthdays to celebrate...Marvin and Landon. Time is flying by even in this covid era.

Deanna Rabe said...

You've had a great birthday month! Maybe, instead of just a few days, I should celebrate all the month of October! That would be fun!

Vee said...

I know that you will enjoy this last September day. You are very good at creating strings of lovely days. I love how you told of the home being so welcoming by Summer's hand. Course, she had a lot to work with. You will be so excited to see the kittens again. I know that Amber and the grands will have taken wonderful care of them.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad you could celebrate your birthday all month long. Yes, this is the last September morn.....and I'm cold here as I wait for repairmen to come. The furnace was blowing cold air this morning and it's only 43 degrees outside, but thankfully 66 inside. I have my sweats on and am sipping hot coffee. Hope you have a wonderful day !

Changes in the wind said...

Glad you made it home safe and sound and didn't Summer have everything so nice for you. Know you will be happy to have the kittens home and this will be the first time in a long while that the quads will spend the week-end. Like that pixie hair cut:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

We were waiting and waiting and waiting for the first day of September so you could play your song and decorate your house and do all your first day of September stuff and now it's the last day of September and I can hardly believe it. And tomorrow Bob will be 84 and I can hardly believe that either. My favorite photo today is the two cats sitting in the window it is just awesome! So glad they had a good time and that the kids love them and that you will be getting them back. Love your shirt! And I do like your haircut it's a little bit shorter than mine but I would have mine that short fat Bob won't cut it that short. I've even thought about having it shaved up the sides to get rid of it. I laughed about the get down to check out get down to check out get down to check out and did not order it I can't tell you how many times I have done at on Amazon. I have also even put things in the cart and let it sit for several days and then take it out of the

Robyn said...

Hi Linda!
Love your T Shirt !.... I would have to agree Louis Dean sure did look happy with that chicken fried steak...LOL... Today is the first day in a week I've had the windows open because we went from 70 and breezy to 80's and humid.. This morning we are at about 69 right now only supposed to hit 72 and I have almost every window in the house open. I am LOVING the cooler weather. Summers in the South are so long so when the cooler weather moves in I treasure it.. That little critter sure is cute!! Chicken pot pie sure does sound good right about now!

photowannabe said...

I love the way you love LIFE.
You make every day special and better than the one before.
Glad your September was wonderful and now you can go Head-long into October and all of its Fall creations.
The weekend with the Quads..how awesome!!

Wanda said...

So sorry I missed your Birthay. Have been out of touch for a few days. Love all the pictures of you and Louis Dean. Cutest couple ever.

Love the cat photo's too.

Wish we had a Cracker Barrel around us....but no.

I'm ready for October and cooler weather.

Hootin Anni said...

Sounds like you had a most PERFECT September...and enjoyed your birthday. I bet your kitties will be pleased to be in their own territory (but cats are adaptable). Cute toy for them. Gotta have me a margarita now...wonder why? Oh, and I have an air fryer and LOVE it.

Welcome home.

Debbie said...

september flew by, where in the world did it go!?!? we have been sleeping "cold" too, without the a/c, it is wonderful!!!

you are right, the first and last ones are the most special. and orange scented candle, that is unusual to me!! you look good linda, lots of pretty pictures of you!! i love the picture of the cats in the window, that is priceless!!

oh and we love cracker barrel too, i get a lot of my white, "fluffy" shirts there!!!

Lisa said...

Linda, I'm a long-time reader, first time commenter. So glad you had a wonderful birthday month. Love your pixie cut. Good for you ordering a wig! I've been wearing wigs for a year and wish I had started years ago. There are so many fun colors and styles at very reasonable prices. You might want to check out Paula Young wigs. Have fun!