Thursday, September 17, 2020

Kitties are Having a BALL!! And Bella's Quilt is DONE!!

 Can you believe I am already missing our kittens??

But I know they are having such a good time at the Bells!

I love this photo Amber sent me this morning!
There's a greenbelt behind their house and lots of trees and lots of squirrels!
This is something new for our two!
Squirrel watching!

I love this photo even more!
See their tails entwined?
I can't tell which two but I'm hoing it's Ginger and one of ours!

Samantha has been the shy one while I thought it would be Tabitha!
Who knew they would switch roles the day they left??
She is window watching and discovered Jersey out there!!!
That's Amber's black lab!

I've watched this video several times today!

All cats love windows, don't they?

Samantha hung out with Amber in the kitchen today.
That little squeak of hers is new!
She did it for the first time yesterday when Louis Dean was giving her a bath!
Look at Amber's cute feet!!

She said Ginger has totally enjoyed having her sisters visit!!
They all three wore each other out!

My sweet Tabitha!
I hope she doesn't forget me!
It's funny, but when the quads were little, I tried not to go over two weeks without seeing them lest they forget who  I was.

In other news - today has been a rest day and then work HARD day!
I finished the quilt for Bella's birthday last night and this morning we rolled it up for delivery.

Our reservations are made and I have packed my bags.....
with a special weekend suitcase to take with us next week when we go see Chandy and her family and celebrate Bella's third birthday!
I will get to meet our newest great grandchild and hold him for the very first time.
Plus I will be delivering Piercyn's April birthday quilt and Jaxon's baby quilt.
AND  Chris and Chandy just bought a place of their own!
It is amazing and has 10 bedrooms and several bathrooms! 
And it's in the country!
Perfect for His, Hers, and MINE kind of family!
Between them they have 8 kids!

Tonight Louis Dean and I dug up and potted 7 or 8 trumpet vines!
LONG vines!! I would lift one up and follow it to the root!
These are to share with Sherry and Rosey!
Bees LOVE trumpet vines and they made excellent honey!

Speaking of honey.....I discovered it costs as much to ship honey as it is worth!
Honey sells for $100 a gallon.
Break that down to quarts, pints, half pints and quarter pints.
What with the pretty jars, you can sell quarter pints for $5.
In October I am going to do a giveaway of 5 quarter pints of honey.
I will mail this in the US and Internationally.
All who comment from now to October First will be in the drawing.
With every comment.
I'm really not fishing for extra comments but I don't know any better way to do this.
This time it's only for comments here on the blog.
It gets complicated trying to add the Facebook comments and I am getting tired more than I used to.

My 72nd birthday is coming up next Thursday.
Birthdays always bring thoughts and musings about where I am in life.
Today I slept late - as in 11:00 this morning - and went back to bed at 2:30 and stayed until 4:30.
The hours between getting up and going back to bed were spent doing my morning routine, normal household chores, and such. 
This afternoon and evening I worked outside and then vacuumed the house - or most of it.
I know I sound like the Energizer Bunny and I admit I am accomplishment oriented.
But I am adjusting to the fact that I am without a doubt 'elderly.'
It is a sobering thought.
Elderly isn't what it used to least in my opinion.
I want to be age appropriate and my prayer is to age gracefully and not go kicking and screaming into the latter years of life.

Yesterday in my quiet time, I discovered an old hymn I did not know.
Saviour Lead Me Lest I Stray.....

Savior, lead me lest I stray,
Gently lead me all the way;
I am safe when by Thy side,
I would in Thy love abide.
Lead me, lead me,
Savior, lead me lest I stray;
Gently down the stream of time,
Lead me, Savior, all the way.
Thou the refuge of my soul
When life's stormy billows roll;
I am safe when Thou art nigh,
All my hopes on Thee rely.
Savior, lead me then at last,
When the storm of life is past,
To the land of endless day,
Where all tears are wiped away.

My favorite line is "Gently down the stream of time...."

I want to live the rest of my life going gently down the streams of time.


Unknown said...

Hello! I have followed along quietly for at least 8 yrs! Linda, you are an inspiration an so "normal" to me! I would love some honey! I continue to pray and dream that I find the peace and comfort that you enjoy! You are so blessed.

Bluebird49 said...

You have so much going on, it seems like you keep getting younger instead of older. You and Louis Dean get so much done. I wish I could I say am "accomplishment oriented"! I like to get things accomplished, but it seems I don't get much done anymore. I know as we age, we won't be quite as energetic, but you are light years ahead of me. I was born in '49 -- so we're close in age!
I'd love to try your honey out -- so I'll leave a comment on it. We get very good honey from our farmer's mkt. up the road, and it lasts forever. It is amazing how different honey tastes according to regions.
Your kitties will not forget you, dear! And wow - Chandy and her family sound like they have quite a home there. I'm glad youall can join them for a few days. They will love seeing you and getting their quilts.

Kathy said...

Your kitties are so cute. They will not forget you and they will have fun with their sister while you are gone. Have fun visiting with Chandy and her family. I know they will love their quilts.

I noticed that I am slowing down too. Quite a bit with the pain from my arthritis. I think I am being lazy and my house is always a mess. But then I remember that I am not 27 anymore.

MimiG said...

Well, happy early Birthday! I'm with you - I used to think one way about "old people", now I think it's just a number. I tried to be active daily, some days more than others but every now and then, I want a rest day to get some more energy in my reserve! I'm so excited about your going to see the new great grandbaby, I love to hold and snuggle with little ones. Have a great time - the house must be huge, and can't wait to see the land around it! Prayers for a safe journey.

Beth said...

Hi Linda, Even though you say you get tired more easily, you live a very full life. I enjoy reading about your activities, including what you eat. I think you are one special, special lady and LD and your family are so luck to have you. Enjoy your trip - kitties will be find, and of course they will remember you!

Arlene G said...

Have a safe trip!! I know you can't wait to hold that baby boy in your arms.

Changes in the wind said...

Wishing you a Happy Birthday, we are now the same age:) I thank you for the honey offer but use very little of it so you can pass me. The kittens are so cute together and into everything. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time.

Tina said...

I just love the pictures of the kitties looking out the window! Our cat spends almost the whole day looking out the window when she isn't sleeping! So many interesting birds and squirrels and such! You get more done in one day than I do in a week so I think you deserve to catch up on your rest once in a while! Hope you and LD have a safe and lovely trip! Can't wait to see the pictures!

Vee said...

Oh isn't that a wonderful hymn? Yes, it reminds me of the line from another hymn I love..."prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love..." Now that is a sobering thought. You do seem like the energizer bunny compared to myself. But, hey, I was out in the garage before seven sorting boxes. i will do it again a few more times today.

I enjoyed seeing the kitties and hearing Amber talk with them.

You folks have a wonderful trip and get all the snuggles you can!

Susie said...

I wonder if your cats will miss Amber's cat when you get them back home. I swear my daughter's dog Sam, was so lonesome for Ozzy the cat after it died. The quilts you made will be a treasured gift for those getting them. Ted's mom made many a quilt for weddings and bdays. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the kittens look so much alike, are you sure you will know which two are yours? love the videos and tell LD to spend time while you are doing all your work to think of how to open a window view or add a viewing window. you are right cats love windows. when we walk there are several houses that always have a cat or cats sitting in the window watching us... i am laughing at unknown wanting honey, how the heck will you know who she is, there could be several unknowns. have a wonderful and safe trip to se the big new house and all the occupants

Linda said...

Thank you so much, my dear! Please send me an email (mine is on the right hand sidebar of the blog) with your address and I will send you a jar! Plus I would love to ‘meet’ you!!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are doing the best of making your life pastiche and Going down the stream gently as you can. I think that is a wonderful birthday reflection. Some of have a harder time than others, but you do the best with what you have and that's what counts.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That is to say making your life positive . Sorry for the typo

photowannabe said...

Yes indeed, elderly is just a number...
Since I am more than you..I will be 77 in November and am slowing down a bit but as your quote says,"I want to live the rest of my life going gently down the streams of time."

May the rest of your Life be the Best of your Life.

Sue of photowannabe

VintageCrafter said...

I just love reading your blog, Linda. You are an amazing lady and quite an inspiration to me! I don't often comment, but I am so impressed with all the things you accomplish in a day. Your kittens,friends,family and adventures are always entertaining and I thank you for sharing with us :)
As for slowing down? I don't believe it for a second!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I laughed when reading the part that you thought you were slowing down, Linda. It certainly doesn't seem that way to myself and others who read your blog posts. I am a year younger and you seem to have double my energy level which I didn't think was that low, and then read about the bee keeping, travel to the country and back to the city, painting, crafts. It wears me out, friend! And, no it did not seem like you were fishing for more comments when you talked about the honey giveaway. Happy Birthday year to you and keep on doing and enjoying life. Glad you will be able to see more family members and wish we could do the same (sigh).