Friday, September 25, 2020

My 72nd Birthday and the Day After!

 Yesterday I woke up to my first day of being 72 years old.
I didn't feel any different than the day before.

I think age comes in one day at a time.
My goal is to live each day to the best of my ability....try to keep my sense of humor intact....not sweat the small stuff and take advantage of every opportunity for new experiences. I pray and read my Bible every healthy meals most of the time...get plenty of sleep and exercise, and spend time with those I love and who love me.

Louis Dean drove me to town so I could get my hair cut and my nails done for my birthday.
This corner on County Line Road is covered with pretty morning glories.
I consider them weeds when they grow up and over my landscaping plants at home - but here in the country - they are spots of beauty!!

After my appointments, we had lunch at El Conquistador - again.

I love that place!
Not fancy but oh, so good!
Potato nachos! Ate a third of them and took the rest home.....
and I had them for lunch today!

We had a lot to do to get ready to leave this morning so it was actually after 1:00 this afternoon when we left.

We picked the melon garden last night after we got home and I hosed these down to get all the dirt off before we loaded them up to take with us. I thought we may eat a couple of them this weekend when we visit Chandy and her family.

And that's where we headed this morning!
ETA was off by an hour and I am shocked we were not even later than that!

We stopped at every rest area on the way.

But we had fun!

We spent a little time walking around and snapping pictures and getting the kinks out of our legs!

Louis Dean did a good job driving.
I can't help with that since my legs are too short and I can't move the seat up for fear that it won't go back! And I'm not too sad about that situation, either! I actually don't LIKE driving all that much.
I do it but it's nicer when someone else can do it for me!

WE are checked into our modest little motel room.....the old fashioned kind where you park in front of the door. This way you don't have to unload everything and if you need something - just open the door and take a few steps and get it!

We arrived before dark and touched base with Chandy.
Since we are tired and they are still in Big Spring, we decided to meet up tomorrow.
We are so excited to get to see everyone!

We found a Mexican restaurant less than a mile from our motel!
Really good - but not nearly as good as El Conquistador!

We are back in our room and locked up tight.
Looking forward to all the excitememt of meeting our newest great grandson and celebrating Bella's third birthday - which is officially today - visiting with Kaitlyn and Piercyn - and seeing Chris and Chandy's new place!

I will close tonight's journal entry with an updat on Tabitha.....
her eye looks so much better!

Amber says she has been taking her pills wrapped in a bit of cream cheese and she's had no trouble putting her eye drops in. I think Tabitha loves Amber and I know Amber loves her!!
I sure am missing our little kitties!!

Our friend, Dawn from Florida, posted this chart on her Facebook page this morning.
Dawn LOVES words more than anyone I know!

I am familiar with all but a couple of these!



How many of these do YOU use???

Goodnight from Snyder, Texas!!!


Bluebird49 said...

I don't feel I've ever seen or used that last word, was it "codswallup"? I definitely recognized the rest of them, but I read a lot.
I do love words, too, but the only one I've used a lot is "flummoxed"! I like to reserve that for special times when I am, well...flummoxed by something or a situation.
When I use "flummoxed" around my family, they understand I'm completely confused about something, or that I've lost or mislaid something and don't have any idea what I did with it! "I'm completely flummoxed...!" is something I find myself saying more and more as I get older. ��
At least a couple of them I identify more with Great Britain or Canada; a few seem more likely to be used by mountain people who were Scottish or Irish. Judge Judy likes "kerfuffel", so that may be Yiddish?
I probably heard Mama use more than a few of them. She read everything, too, and was quite a wordsmith herself.
It was fun seeing all those interesting words -- you rarely hear any very complicated words or phrases in today's world, it seems!
Hope you all are having a great time! Can't wait to read about the visit. Both you and Louis Dean look wonderful.
Is Amber gonna end up with two more cats?!��

Ginny Hartzler said...

I know all of the words except one! Happy Birthday, your goals are super!! I have never seen Louis Dean so happy!

Blondie's Journal said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 72 years young! It's all a state of mind as long as you strive to be healthy!

Hope your kitty does well. My pup Layla had oral surgery and I'm having the hardest darn time getting her to take her meds. Cream cheese sounds like a winner.

Have a great trip with LD! Keep us posted.

Jane ❤️

Hootin Anni said... word I use a lot is gizzywich. Not on the list. Bummer.

I came over to wish you the happiest of happy birthdays Linda. I turned 71 this year...I'm right behind you.

Vee said...

Wasn't Maria (Sound of Music) a flittergigibbet? Why, yes, she was!

How do you solve a problem like Maria?
How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
How do you find a word that means Maria?
A flibbertigibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!

That's a great list.I certainly don't use all of them, but many of them.

Nice to see Tabitha's eye looking so much better.

I see you've had happy trails so now I wish you a happy visit with the family and happy trails back again.

Happy Birthday🧡

Vee said...

hopeless! I'll leave a comment later...I'm off over the trail myself today. I'll learn never to try and edit. 😊

Vee said...


Debbie said...

happy birthday girl!! mine was the 19th, i turned (why do we turn) 62 and 62 feels great!! like you said, no different than the year before!!

those potato nachos look awesome, my mouth is really watering!!

i use the word kerfuffle all the's a little argument, not a fight, just a little disagreement!! i really like that word!!

ps...i like how you live your life also!!!

Changes in the wind said...

Happy Birthday to you:) I know you have looked forward to this trip for some time now and so glad it is finally here and going well. The kittens eye does indeed look better and what a sweet hug she is giving Amber.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Birthday sweet lady! You and Louis Dean both are the youngest people I full of energy and FUN! I hope you have a fantastic weekend! Sweet hugs, Diane

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Birthday ! It's true, we really don' feel any different after a birthday, but the years do add up. You have w wonderful outlook on life and make the best of what you have. Enjoy your trip!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy birthday again! Sometimes I feel like I'm 10 or 20 years older than I am and sometimes I feel like I'm 30 years younger but not very often on that. Glad you had a wonderful birthday and got your hair done and your nails and that's your off visiting with candy and the Grands. We stopped at every rest area also or at least we used to we haven't been passed the rest area in years but if we did we would stop

Donna said...

Happiest of Birthday, Miss Linda!

Susie said...

Linda, Bazinga, a whole new list of curse words. I had to change up some of my working with men in a factory language ,when I retired. So I say Hasenpfeffers as my curse word now. Gee you guys had a nice melon crop. Hope they are good . So fun that you got out for your birthday. I hope it was a happy day for you. Enjoy the family time. Be safe getting back home. Blessings to all, xoxo,love you, Susie

Deanna Rabe said...

Happy Birthday dear Linda! You have good goals for a happy life, regardless of age! Enjoy your great grands and Chandy and hubby today. So glad you finally get to see them.

That list of words is great. I’ve seen all these words and have used quite a few!

Beachgram said...

Happy Birthday from Oregon to my sweet friend.
Hope you have a great trip and fun with family.

Carole said...

Reminds me of Roald Dahl words. A flibbertigibbet is a youngster who is flighty and not serious. A kerfuffle is a fuss or a todo about something. Cheers

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you, Linda and what a sweetie Louis Dean was to take you to your hair and nail appts. and then to lunch. I know you will both have a wonderful visit with family and meeting the newest family member as well. Travel safely.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

BTW I have heard of most of those words and my friend from the UK uses gobsmacked all the time in her emails. The ones I was not very familiar hearing are: cattywampus, flibbertigibbet, dingleberry and codswallop. Maybe some of these are regional favorites?

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Belated Happy Birthday! You have good goals.
Those potato nachos look yummy.
The word list gave me a chuckle, and I saved a copy to my computer. I've used most of them--and still use quite a few, but that's because I'm ancient, LOL. You don't hear them so much anymore.