Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Welcome to our Christmas Kitchen!

It was a 'Stay at Home' day for me and I feel good about what I have accomplished.
I have been getting up early lately - until this morning when I slept in. Louis Dean was up and out the door before 8:00 as he had a follow up appointment with his primary care doctor. I figured he would gone longer than he was. By the time I was up and turning on my 1,000 points of light, I could hear the TV on in the den and knew he was already home. I was tempted to tip toe back to the bedroom as I like to 'stupor' for an hour or so - but I didn't. I wanted to know how the visit went.
He had my coffee made so I took a cup and went in to hear what he had to say.
Louis Dean was pretty happy about it. It seems he's a popular patient and everyone from the receptionist to the nurse to the doctor were all so happy to see him. He has no idea how cute he is!
He sees Dr. Sharon Cebik who is the daughter of Dr. Bell - who was Louis Dean's doctor before he retired. That's when his daughter took over the practice and she has been excellent.
His blood sugar was down and that made both doctor and patient happy!
Alas, his weight is up - again.
We have no more rooms to build - other than a storage building - so that seems to have been how he lost the weight in the first place. All in all, it was a good visit and he is done until next June!

The kitchen is all decorated and CLEAN!
Man! I worked hard in here!

I love looking in from the outside.

The only thing I didn't get to was cleaning the fridge out.
That will be another day and soon, I hope.

When you have as much  STUFF as I do, you have a lot more cleaning to do!

It's always night when I get done for the day.

I'm glad to get this room finished. My Christmas Tea is next Tuesday and I'm running out of time.
There's still the sewing room, gazebo and the outside lights to do. Plus the food shopping, prep and presentation.

Since both Louis Dean and I are in a stupor when we wake up, I make the coffee the afternoon before so all we have to do is turn it on. I am so pleased to have a fresh bouquet of roses from the garden.
It's been 332 days since we have had a freeze in Texas, but we should have one Friday morning.

The corner to the left of the sink.

My decoupaged Christmas plates.

Our every day dishes from December through February.

I have Christmas containers to fill with Christmas goodies. Soon, I hope.

The lamp is new to the kitchen but I love the warm glow it gives.

A table set for two - me and you!

Special little snowmen!

Christmas! Christmas!! Everywhere!!!

I hang my Christmas needle works on the cupboard doors.

I did the one on the lower left way back in 1968 and the one on the right in 1990.

I stitched this Santa back in 2009 when we visited Amber and Mike in Aberdeen, Scotland for the entire month of December.

I think this one was stitched in the 90's.

I'll close with this one from 1983 - the year my house burned.
It was the grace of God my Christmas decorations were stored where the fire didn't get them.

I admit to being overwhelmed early this week by the chaotic mess around here.
However, I just keep my focus on the task at hand, and continue from one side of the room and around until it's all done.

Now for a glass of wine with Louis Dean while we finish our movie -


Ginny Hartzler said...

It is all beautiful. Even your coffee nook is so pretty and Christmassy! My favorite needlework is the house with the snow. SO glad that Louis Dean got a good checkup! How could he have gained weight...he is still working on the room at the ranch!

Blondie's Journal said...

I so look forward to your Christmas decorations---so, so pretty.

LD is one healthy guy. Perhaps some walks around the neighborhood together in the morning or afternoon would help with the weight? You have such a good climate this time of year. Not that I should talk! lol!

Love to your both, and Happy Holidays!


Bluebird49 said...

I love it! I wish I had your ability to focus on the task at hand! I have ADHD, and it is so hard for me to finish one task before starting another...and that is a recipe for disappointment and disaster. I so wish I could focus better, yet it seems to have worsened with age....

Thanks for your yearly Christmas Home Tour. I enjoy it annually!

Cranberry Morning said...

Sounds like Louis Dean had a good doctor visit. That's a blessing. Sticking with meat and salad might help with the weight issue, although i know that's hard to do this time of year. Your whole place looks so delightfully Christmassy. And a whole month in Scotland in 2009 must have been wonderful.

Susie said...

Linda, Glad to read that LD got a good report. I loved the needle works you made all those years ago. It's nice to have our houses clean and decorated for the season. The kitchen does look so pretty. Blessings to all of you, love, xoxo, Susie

Jackie See said...

Linda your home is like Santa, full of goodness and so cheery! I love it. Thank you for the sweet message, your snowman is in good company! I am so glad LD is doing well, please tell him I totally understand his weight situation, I am working hard to lose 15 pounds and so far, I’ve not lost a pound. Lol! Have a wonderful holiday!

Kathy said...

Your house is lovely as always. You give me hope because I am frazzled at how upset and messy my house is and how NOT ready for Christmas I am. I have to be like you and just start at one place and continue on. So glad LD had a good checkup. That is always good news. If the doctor doesn't want to see him for 6 months, she's obviously not worried about the weight gain.

Changes in the wind said...

You do indeed work hard but you truly enjoy the results:) Love the homemade things.

Arlene G said...

Your glass containers in the kitchen remind me of my sweet MIL's kitchen at Christmas. She always had so many goodies on display and we were welcome to pillage as desired.:)

Pilar said...

Your home is so festive! I love all the decor! That table setting is so cute with your tree in the background!

Estelle's said...

Where oh where do you store all this Linda? It certainly must be magical for the festive everywhere! Enjoy it all!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Your hard work is paying off and everything looks very Christmassyl. Your cheery kitchen would be a wonderful place to spend some time. I can only wish I had to energy to do that much decorating. Wish you great success in getting it all done. A Christmas tea sounds wonderful.

Phoebes World said...

Oh my....everywhere looks so cosy and festive...I love it. What a joy to work in there. This will be our third Christmas together and we started from scratch.This will be my goal next year...a more Christmassy kitchen.
Congrats to Louis Dean on his health report. I totally understand the weight struggle.. The battle is real people!
Have a great day
Phoebe x

Carole said...

Linda, I would invite you over but you would be too shocked by our lack of decoration! I do keep a nativity set my parents bought in Jerusalem (made of olive wood) out all year - and I will be buying a real Christmas tree in about a week - but the decorations are not likely to match yours! It's summer here so swimming is on the agenda - every day - fab! Good to hear LD@s doctor visit went well. Take care. Cheers

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can't image how hard it was to clean everything and I know you are exhausted. it looks ready to me, for Christmas and your parties that are planned. love the berries in the cup with the two pretty cups. I have to giggle, at your dishes for the months. I have 12 plates, 6 each of 2 patterns, so 12 plates of corelleware plates from Walmart. I have not one set of dishes, no cups or anything that matches. the only cups in the house are 4 matching skinny cups, and we each have 2 mugs. total of 8 mugs in the whole house. I have 2 big pots 2 smaller 2 qut pots and 3 fry pans.. 4 small cookie sheets and 2 large ones and that is every dish except for a few bowls, 5 I think that were mothers

Latane Barton said...

Good reports are a thing of joy.

Vee said...

Good reports from the doctor are always great! Oh my! You have shined up that kitchen until it glows. Looks as if it belongs to Mrs. Christmas🕯

ellen b. said...

You accomplished a lot! Glad to hear about a good report from the doctor.

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

It all looks so cozy and warm! BTW, I am up and posting again! Pop over and see me! Wish I could pop over and have a cup of coffee in that cozy kitchen...

Aloha Acres said...

It's all so beautiful. Warm and cozy. I'm glad LD had a good check up. I pray you are both feeling 100% throughout the holidays.

Nancy Chan said...

Good to know that LD has a good report from the doctor. You have done up every room so beautifully. You are all geared up for Christmas, so wonderful!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful home you have, it is amazing, so much to see! You decorated so lovely, its just prefect!