Saturday, December 30, 2017

A Slow and Easy Eve to New Year's Eve....

It seems to be cold over much of the country right now and Texas is no exception.

It's now 36 degrees and may go down to 19 tomorrow night.
We meant to be tucked into the camper down at our son's ranch by now but we decided to wait until next Saturday when the weather starts to warm up again. It seldom stays cold for long in Texas!

I painted this canvas when Benjamin was just a baby - nearly 30 years ago.
It continues to be one of my favorites and especially so in the winter time.
It hangs in our dining room.
We won't be getting weather like this snow scene but there is a possibility of patchy freezing drizzle tonight and tomorrow. I bundled up (meaning I put on a jacket!) and filled all four bird feeders up.

The candles have been burning all day.

We have kept the fire going in the den. Not once have we turned the heat on today and yet it has remained very comfortable in the house. Outside it is 35 degrees and a cozy 73 degrees in the house.

I've spent the day doing a little of this and a little of that.
I stayed in bed until nearly noon! Reading, playing Scrabble and Words With Friends and visiting blogs - all while sipping hot coffee while propped up on pillows in my warm bed! Ah, the luxury of it all!!!
I took Christmas debris out of the laundry room and packed it away.
Our washing machine broke a couple of weeks ago and I think Joe is coming to check it out in the next day or two. 
I also changed out all the Christmas CD's to Andean Fusion, Kenny G, and The London Symphony Orchestra. I've been using my new Echo named Alexa, too. Just not at the same time.

Louis Dean took a nice long hot bath and when he went back to the den, he fell asleep.
I took a hot shower, fixed us some hot chocolate and we watched a little TV.
Still figuring out the new Direct TV. We like it - just trying to get used to it now.

I'm wearing my new Granny gown from Summer tonight.
(This photo is for you, Sandra aka Mad Snapper!)
Speaking of Summer......she had a follow up doctor appointment Friday regarding her MRI.
This is from her Facebook page.....
MRI & CT do not show the source/cause of the pain I’m experiencing. Next step is an myelogram. This will show the nerves and any blockages/or areas impeding the nerve. Once done, I should have a diagnosis and a plan of action, praying to have my old life back.

We are so grateful for the prayers being prayed for her.
This was the last stop. Thankfully the doctor is doing everything he can to find the cause.
IF the myelogram is good, he said it will confirm his diagnosis. However, we can't remember the word he used for it but it has something to do with the brain and the pain being on a loop.
There are options to treat that if it turns out to be what it is.


I am getting our 'Bible Basket' ready for 2018.
Tomorrow will be our last day  for what we are currently doing.
We have one more reading in Revelations and then we will have read the entire New Testament this year as well as Psalms - twice - and Proverbs.
I put the Bible, Prayer Book, devotional book and such in a basket that we can pick up and carry to the gazebo or the den or where ever we want to have our coffee and read.

I will close with a bit of good news!
Louis Dean and I go through life looking for things!
BOTH of us do this!
He lost his camera months and months ago.
Not really lost it - he just couldn't find it!
He thought he had packed it away or left it at the ranch.
Finally, on our way to the beach last August, we stopped and he bought a new one. Not as fancy or as expensive as his old one, but he wanted a camera!
This afternoon, I sen him to the post office to mail some things and I set about looking for my prayer book and our out loud reading book we were doing before Christmas. While I have not found them yet - I DID find his camera!!!
HE didn't put it anywhere! I did!! It was tucked under the table in here in the sewing room - right beside my desk where I sit writing now!
I was so excited to tell him I found it that I was waiting outside on the porch when he got home holding the camera behind my back.

And that's all I have to say about that.


Bernice said...

I also have had a slow and easy day, stayed in my “comfy” clothes and did as little housework as possible,spending a lot of time watching programs I had dvr’d,playing solitaire,and organizing pictures on my cell phone.I hope to start taking down Christmas tomorrow.
It is way to cold, we are heading down to 3 degrees tonite,it’s currently
6,and tomorrow’s high will be a warm 12,we don’t have any special plans
to ring in 2018,so won’t have to worry about being in the cold.
Wishing you and Louis Dean a Wonderful, Healthy, Happy New Year,
You are a very special to so many

Linda said...

So are you!! Very special! I seldom reply to a comment because I wonder if you will even see it - but I and my family do love you and yours! Hoping to see you again in the new year!

Bluebird49 said...

Ha! We all lose things sometimes! Of course, I know he wasn't upset with you. Neither of us can keep up with anything around here, and we don't have a second place to live! As soon as Ed asks, "Have you seen my...?" , I kind of slump down and ask, "Well, where did you see it last?" Of course, if he knew, he'd not have had to ask!
We are planning on a good nap tomorrow after church, and I plan on making a pot of soup Monday. He won't eat black-eyed peas and hamhock, so I won't cook them just for me. Probably will make some cornbread with the soup. That's a good meal when it's cold! And I can eat soup any day for several days--he doesn't like leftovers!

Fibromyalgia is a very mind (and body!) twisting syndrome. It can make you crazy, and doctors don't want to listen after awhile.I hope Summer can find something!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a grand surprise! Now he has a camera and a spare. Your winter painting is beautiful! I especially like how you made the light on the water. However did you find a jigsaw and napkins to match!

Blondie's Journal said...

I so love reading your posts, Linda. Your memoir will be fantastic!

I've wondered how you heat a camper. It's 1 degree here in Chicago and its going to stay below 20 for the next week and more. Not trying to 'Up' anyone, we suffer--truly!!!

I would love to stay in bed late; sleep, read, anything. Alas, my kids drop in and freak. Hubby is usually up and awake at 5:00 a.m. I look like a sloth. Oh well.

Enjoy your New Years Eve with your special guy!

Hugs and kisses!


BeachGypsy said...

Awwwwww, thank you for your sweet comments and you compliments, I'm so glad you like the zany pictures I take! LOL Love the pretty nightgown, it looks soft and cozy....perfect for this winter that has arrived! We're having a cold spell here in charleston too--brrrrr, it's so COLD!! People from up North are here running around in SHORTS and flip flops......yikes!!--us locals are freezing! haha ha ha LOL Love that painting in the picture--you surely have a gift, yes you do. Such pretty things you paint.That fire looks so warm and cozy!!!!

BeachGypsy said...

oh....PS--I love that puzzle and I'm so glad you found Louis Dean's camera!!!!

Ryoma Sakamoto.Japan said...

Last year was a great year for you, and I know you’ll have an even better one this year.

jujupage1 said...

Always a pleasure to read your posts Linda!

Vee said...

Ongoing prayers for Summer. God love her, she needs some relief. You put the camera away? How sweet of you! 🙂 I have lost so much that it isn’t funny and usually because I decided to put something in a safe place. Good idea to stay put until this arctic blast lets up. A blessed and happy New Year to you!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did the wolf whistle when i got to MY picture. LOL... prayers the doctor will figure out how to help Summer. you know which photo is my favorite and it now is on my desk top burning merrily away in my bed room..

Susie said...

Linda, I tell Ted that is how I clean house ,looking for things. LOL. Glad you stayed inside where it is warm. :) I am so very tired of all the cold we have had here, too many days in a row. single digits at night and early morn. The sun popped out some yesterday. :) Hope the man can fix the washer. Ted just fixed our ice ordering a new one and installing it. LOL. Linda, I love your art work. You truly have a great talent. I am going to keep Summer in my prayers. She's a tough girl. Blessings to all of you. xoxo, love you, Susie
p.s. remember to look for the 2nd super Moon Monday night.

Changes in the wind said...

Hubby and I are also in hunt mode most of the time. I love how you can enjoy parties but also the slow quiet days as well. Your painting is beautiful, you are very gifted.

Arlene G said...

It is supposed to get down to 8 here tomorrow night. OH MY GOODNESS...southern girls do not do well in 8 degree weather. So glad Summer is on the road to getting an answer to her pain. Thankfully Marvin's back pain was linked to a small cyst that was impeding the sciatic nerve and once it was removed he has been fine for which I am very thankful Chronic pain wears a person down!! So glad you found the camera....Happy New Year to the Chapman family!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Nice you have a day to recoup a bit from the very busy ones you've been having. Hope you can get your washer fixed soon. It's a bother but nothing too big in the realm of things. Ha ! I guess that camera find is what you could call finishing up the old years business so now you can start new in the new Year...I miss my mind a lot too !

Latane Barton said...

Bet that was a nice surprise for hubby. His favorite camera found... Have a Happy New Year. Hugs.

Wanda said...

Well dear Linda, you look adorable in your new granny gown. I love the new look and wall paper on your nice for the start of a new year. I find more reasons to know we are kindred spirits. My dearest and I keep our Bible Basket ready for our morning and evening devotions. I did the One Year Bible this year which took me through the Bible, Psalms and Proverbs, along with my Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie..(have done that for more years that I can remember) and I love Max Lucado's Grace Moments. All with a cup of hot coffee...haha. Have a marvelous new year Linda and your honey. Look forward to many fun posts with you.

BTW ~ Love your winter painting...I have a favorite too, and used it for my header for the beginning of the year...even though we have sunshine and palm trees...I love the look of snow. Hugs.

Jan said...

Hoping Summer's myelogram will give them the answers they need to treat her pain successfully. I've been praying for her. We started out to go to church this morning and when we got to the highway, it was solid ice, so we turned around and came home. So grateful for a warm dry place to hunker down until it warms up! Wishing you and LD a Happy New Year!

NanaDiana said...

LOL-about the camera! I am so glad you found it, Linda, and I bet he was tickled.

I certainly hope they can figure out what is going on with Summer and get her on an action plan to facilitate some healing and good health for her long term.

God bless you- sounds like you are on your way to another happy, good year! xo Diana