Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tuesday Treasures, Aldi and a Visit With Reaoma! We are Home!

We left the ranch Monday afternoon as more rain was in the forecast and it can get pretty muddy down there. As it was, we skidded our way to the gate and had lots of mud on all six tires. By the time we drove over the gravel roads to get to town, the mud was pretty much gone!

The fog settled in after we stopped in Hillsboro for a late lunch.
We came home by way of Highway 67 so I could finish up my Christmas shopping before we arrived home. I wish I had taken a picture of the other worldly scenes with the street lights glowing blue and pink from the fog. It was beautiful!

We closed out the evening in the gazebo.
Candles lit and wine poured!
We are loving all the beautiful Christmas Cards!
The heavy fog turned to rain - heavy rain - in the night and it made for perfect sleeping weather!

This afternoon - Tuesday afternoon - I decided to bite the bullet and do the shopping for my Texas Trash as well as Christmas Eve Dinner. Since it was Tuesday - I may as well go ahead and see what they have at the Goodwills! All Christmas just happened to be 50% off!!!

This cute Santa spoon holder was the first thing I found......

followed by four Heartwarming Holiday dinner plates for Home Interiors for just $0.50 each!
(Replacement plates can run around $15.00!)
I will use these for the Quad Table on Christmas Eve in the den. The older grands will sit at the big table in there and the quads will have their chairs gathered around the long coffee table with Grandad and I at either end using TV trays. I like for all my grown children to sit around the dining room table and have that time to talk and laugh and tell their stories! But, I digress......

This cute bowl is a Cheryl Alger design and will be perfect for my Fluffy Cheesecake Salad!

I also bought a fresh supply of pot holders.
I actually threw all my old ones away this afternoon!
They were in pretty bad shape!

I have a new batch of Christmas Tea Towels hanging on the oven handle!
Most of these were brand new!

A fun find was a big bag of over two dozen jingle bell door knob hangers.
I hung them up everywhere!

Including the garlands!

And some on all the Christmas trees!

Two new Santas!
This one now lives on the baby grand in the den.

While this one is in the bedroom!
(I need to glue his eyebrows down!)

After all my fun shopping - it was time to do the heavy duty Christmas food run!

Aldi was my store of choice!
I found virtually everything from the cereal and peanuts for Texas Trash to the Butterball Turkey to the cheeses and vegetables to the dairy products to the pecans! Everything except Worcestershire Sauce - which Louis Dean will go out and get for me in the morning!
I lifted all that stuff INTO the buggy and then ONTO the checkout thing and then INTO the bags!

Then I hauled those heavy bags into the trunk of the car!
I was tired!

So I decided to go see my friend, Reaoma.
As I was driving down Beltline Road, the birds were making such a racket and there were so MANY of them!!!

It was almost creepy!

Once at Reaoma's, I relaxed.

Her place was decorated so pretty.

She has a tree and everything!

I do love Reaoma!
It had been too long since I was here.

This is her southwestern tree.....

and all lit up!
Pam (her daughter) arrived while I was there and we had a nice visit.
I left Reaoma laughing as I was telling them about the time I got stuck trying to get out of the back seat of Sherry's truck with Dean trying to pull me out. I ride in the front seat now.
We always laugh together every visit.

I love my Christmas Kitchen and this is where I will be all day tomorrow.
Texas Trash and do ahead preparations for our big Christmas Eve Dinner.


Linda said...

Oh my, you do get the best Goodwill treasures. My days of heavy shopping are over. I figured out I was lifting a carton of soft drinks five times before they were at home in my kitchen. Multiply that times six and it’s a problem. I order the heavy stuff from Safeway Home Delivery these days. I can just see you hanging all those bells throughout your house. Tomorrow it will be time for the giant trash container to move to the kitchen for its fill of Texas Trash. I love that stuff.

Ginny Hartzler said...

My very favorites from your haul are the big beautiful bowl and the tea-towels. I have a bell Christmas! Bells are everywhere in the house. Now you have given me an idea, I will do a post on them! I have never seen a tree like Reaoma's! It is pretty when lit up! And would fit anywhere! Those big fancy Santas are hard to find at Goodwill!! You find so much more in those Texas Goodwills than I do here. Ours don't have near as much really nice stuff. I get a lot there, but over half the time I come home empty handed.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You found some wonderful things!

I love Aldi!

Christmas will soon be here! I'm so excited!

Bluebird49 said...
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Bluebird49 said...

This tablet makes too many typos...or could it be My shaky hands! You chopped great for sure. Loved everything.
Christmas will be great for all the Chapmans +, I know. It will be quiet here, but it's ok. I don't feel up to much more this year.

Andrea said...

I will be in the kitchen Wednesday.... Thursday too. And I can't sleep tonight! Now isn't that convenient? NOT!! :-) I will be thinking of you as I grind my cranberries, Linda. XOXO

Kathy said...

Welcome back to your city house. I always feel as if you have two homes, both of which you enjoy and both are beautiful. You got so many beautiful things at Goodwill. They are not like that here. Most of ours is filled with junk and it's hard to find nice things. Have fun in that pretty kitchen today.

Vee said...

You often leave me laughing. I started when you said, “I have to glue his eyebrows down.” Struck me funny! I am glad that you found time for your friend! You are a good one!

Carol said...

I am amazed at the items you find at Goodwill. I rarely find anything there. I love your jingle bells. I have looked for just a nice set of them for the grand doll and have not found one.

Estelle's said...

What fun Christmas goodies you found Linda...I know you must have been so happy! Isn't shopping and planning the holiday exhausting sometimes? Enjoy ever minute of your gathering! MERRY CHRISTMAS LOVE!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

After seeing all your Christmas finds, now I want to visit Goodwill. I need some new potholders and this are so very nice. You do have a cheery Christmas kitchen that would be cozy to be working in for sure! Sounds like some busy days ahead! Have fun and enjoy! Getting ready is always half the fun to me!

Arlene G said...

I got my chex mix done yesterday along with two batches of fudge. I need to keep cooking today. Its that wonderful time of the year when calories don't count.:)

Changes in the wind said...

Some good finds at Goodwill and many look nearly new. My daughter and son-in-law are moving to Texas right after Christmas and I will have to tell her about the Aldi store.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Monica in Sweden posted about birds like this on her blog. maybe Hitchcock is at it again? love the southewest tree, cute. glad you are home safe and cozy and prepared with what you needed

Susie said...

Linda, Glad you are all set for the holidays. I need to get that Texas Trash recipe...I am sure it's something Teddy Bear would love. Glad you saw Reaoma too. Her daughter will always remember your kindness. Sounds as if you will be busy for the rest of this time putting the last minute touches on things. Wish I could help you. My sister Jeanie and I always had the best times making and decorating cookies. I miss those days. Blessings to you and sweet LD. Hugs to all, xoxo,love you, Susie

Carla said...

You always find the coolest and best stuff at Goodwill. What is Cheesecake salad? Sounds yummy. And how in the world did you get stuck in Sherry and Dean's truck? I can see you laughing as you try to get out.