Sunday, December 10, 2017

Friday With Mother and My Decorating is DONE!!! Happy Dance!

Thursday afternoon I took a break from the cleaning and decorating.
I had an appointment with my dentist and spent 2 hours in the dental chair as they tweaked  things for me. I go back in 2 months. Due to the amount of bone structure I lost, the tweaking may go on for awhile. I'm just grateful for what can be done now.
From Sterling Dental I dropped off a stack of Christmas cards at the post office and headed over to Dallas. I shopped Aldi for my Cup of Christmas Tea coming up. They have such a good selection of cheeses! All sorts of cheeses and crackers.

I made it to Quadville in time for dinner and spent the night there.
Friday morning was Math Games and Amber and I were there to play!
It was 7:40 in the morning and I had been up since 6:00.
Coffee, dressed, make up and hair, breakfast and out the door!
We did the math games until 8:30 and then stayed to hear the school superintendent speak before we left at 9:00. All that done before I am normally even awake!

On our way home, Amber and I decided to shop Trader Joe's.
I had planned to go to the one in Fort Worth later that day so I jumped at the chance to go together.
I loaded up on lots of Tea Party things from cookies to chips to crackers to olives.
It was a Win! WIN!!!
Errands done and time spent with my daughter!
I picked up my car at Amber's and went on to Central Market.
By doing these errands in Dallas instead of Fort Worth, Louis Dean would be glad he didn't have to go along with me. (Usually he just sits in the car! But he always tells me to take my time!)

I love Central Market!!

I loaded up with lots of good stuff!
I swung into Sam's for a couple of things on my way to Hobby Lobby and bought napkins and a few other things for the party. I accomplished all this BEFORE noon!!! Gasp!! I KNOW!!!

I stopped by the house to pick up Louis Dean and then we were off to Fort Worth!

We wanted to hear Craig Murphy who entertains at the nursing home on the second Friday of every month. Mother and Lillian were both taking a nap when we got there but I hustled Mother into her wheelchair and away we went! Lillian followed.

I'm glad because they both had a good time!

Craig has a way of making every single person there feel special.

This was fun for all of us!

:Louis Dean enjoyed it! Music is his love and he was impressed with Craig Murphy!

Made my heart feel good to see how everyone responded to his attention.

We took our traditional selfie!
It took 7 shots before we got one we both approved!

Thank you, Craig Murphy!
You just made our Friday!

By this time traffic was in full swing so I went out and bought hamburgers for our supper.
Mother and Lillian really enjoyed a break from the regular menu there at the nursing home.
The meals are nutritious but not very tasty!
Mother and Lillian and I all got the smallest burger available.
Louis Dean got the BIGGIE!

Listen, by the time I got home at 7:30 Friday night, I was BEAT!!
But it was a very GOOD day!
I slept like a baby that night.

Saturday was a home day. I cleaned and decorated the sewing room and then we started on the gazebo.

Louis Dean was such a good sport!
He was my super duper helper and I appreciated him.

I even rewarded him with a nice long 'sit' with our wine before we went to bed.

Sunday morning arrived and he was still sleeping.
I tend to go straight to sleep and it seems to take him longer.
I quietly got ready for church and left him to get some extra rest.

One more shopping trip for my tea party.
For church, I wore a black velvet dress with a Christmas scarf and fancy pin and earrings.
Instead of my comfy Skechers, I wore a pair of red flats.
NOT a good idea!

I bought a pair of slippers at Walmart so I could continue my shopping!

Louis Dean was watching football when I got home.
I immediately started this super easy and super quick soup for our late lunch.

It was super GOOD!!!
About that time the Cowboys game got really interesting so we watched the second half together.

Way to GO, Cowboys!!!

Then it was back to work for us. I had finished the sewing room Saturday night but needed to do a few extra things to it.

The tree.......and the snowmen!

I loved turning the chaos that was in there to Christmas!

That room done - looking in from the gazebo.

Looking from the sewing room into the gazebo.

I consider the gazebo a real 'room!'
We spend a lot of time here all year round.

I love the lights!

To the right of the sewing room French doors.

To the left of the doors.

So all my Christmas decorating is now done.
I am happy about that!
Tomorrow I will clean and cook and bake.
Tuesday we will party!

I wish all of you could drop by for a cup of Christmas Tea - or a glass of iced tea, or a cup of coffee or even a glass of wine. I will have cheese and crackers, ham and turkey, olives and veggies, chips and dips, cookies and a special cake from Estelle's!

All my Christmas cards have been mailed. I would love to send one to each  of you so if you would like one - please email your address to me. The card features one of the Santas I painted for 2017.

And now I bid you all a Good Night!


bj said...

Holy Cow, Linda girl...I got TIRED, just reading about that day. WHEW...I don't have that kind of energy any more. I have to do all that one day at a time. :)
Glad you had daughter's always pretty special. xoxo

Bluebird49 said...

Goodness, what a busy girl you have been I can't wear much but sneakers anymore with my feet in the shape they are in.
I am so glad you and Ambber got some good visiting time in!
You're almost ready for your Christmas Tea, and I know it will go very well. Now you and Louis stay well!

Carole said...

Good night busy lady! Cheers

Vee said...

That Craig Murphy is a wonderful singer! So many talented people in this world and I am glad for those who visit and share their talents at nursing homes. My grandmother always enjoyed the special music.

Still in the dentist chair? Hope this tweaking does the trick!

Your home looks beautiful! I wish that I could see it in person, but I’m not much of a party gal so I’ll enjoy the report. Have great fun being the relaxed hostess you are!

Hootin Anni said...

First of all, I do so love your blog template! Beautiful Linda!!
And then...what a grand time [other than the dental work]

I'm like Louis Dean...I too love music. And like you, I love the seasons to decorate. We watched the Cowboys' game too. Oh, and my favorite photo you shared is the 'selfie'!!!!!!

Kathy said...

You have been so very busy. I wish I could say my decorating is done, but I'm still trying to clean up my messy house. Too much to do and too little time. I don't know where you find the energy to do all that you do. Your home is gorgeous with all the decorations and lights. Glad you got to spend time with the quads, Amber and your mom. Family is so important. Thank you so much for the Christmas card. It is beautiful.

Estelle's said...

I could not keep up...simply could not! I think you were on a mission and I just love that! Have a wonderful party and enjoy the food and laughter! So glad you are going to make the cake. Y'all make it merry!!!

Carol said...

What a busy weekend! I am amazed at the decorating you do to your home. It is beautiful! I will be emailing you my address as I would love to have your card. I would also like to send you one so please return your address as well.

Anonymous said...

whew,, that's was a busy time,, everyone looked so happy and the burgers must have been a treat, your home looks magical,,

Susie said...

Linda, You are a whirlwind. I love that you accomplished all you want to get done. Great day with Amber and your mother too. LD looks great , I know he loves visiting your mother and her friends. I think it's great that he loves music. It keeps him playing and singing too. That Murphy fellow has an easy listening voice. Glad the house is set for all the parties and gathering. I loved our card. It will become part of my decorations for Christmas.Love you guys so much. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Arlene G said...

You got a lot done!! Thank you so much for my Christmas card Linda. It made my day!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How great you have everything done. I'm not to that point yet, but by the end of this week I will be and then will have a whole week just to sit back and enjoy. Your tea sounds wonderful. Will look forward to seeing pictures!

Changes in the wind said...

A very full day with lots of fun. Loved seeing your Mom so happy with the singer. Got my card and thank you so much.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry you are still dealing with dental visits. hope they end soon. love all your beautiful lights and am suffering from exhaustion just reading about your day... you are the queen of go and the queen of shoppers. i do love Murphys singing

NanaDiana said...

Oh- Nothing much worse than spending two hours in the dentist chair. While I don't mind the visit I hate the time it takes.

Everything looks just beautiful and you do SO much that it is no wonder you are exhausted.

I love all your pictures and the tea sounds perfect for the holidays. xo Diana