Tuesday, December 5, 2017

My One Tuesday Treasure and Our Christmas Den.....

Ruth Ann has been spending some time at their farm so I have been doing my Tuesdays solo for the last few weeks. I started not to even get out today but decided it would be a good time to get my nails done and Goodwill was just up the street. While I normally find a good many treasures on any given Tuesday, today I found only one.

This pillow was just $0.80!
At least I didn't come home empty handed.
I think it did me good to get out.
The weather has finally cooled off and today was about 30 degrees cooler than yesterday.
I stopped at Churches Chicken on Story Road on my way and picked up two of their $5 boxes for our late lunch. 3 chicken tenders, 2 sides, a jalapeno, and a honey biscuit per box!
Louis Dean was excited!
Truth be told, the kitchen was such a huge mess even I didn't want to get in there and cook in it!
As I go through the house cleaning and decorating, I move all the boxes and clutter into the next room in line. It feels good to transform the chaos into Christmas Cheery order.

It was the den's turn today.
I started on it yesterday but didn't get it finished.

I worked on it the rest of the afternoon and by night fall it was done.

It was comfortable in the den today with the fireplace burning.

This tree is trimmed out with lots of Santa Claus ornaments.

The secretary holds more than 30 years of my handwritten journals and diaries.

We don't actually fill the stockings anymore but I continue to hang them up every year.

Some of my lights had burned out in the corner so I spruced things up before adding news ones along with some red poinsettias. I love red and use that color a lot both here and at the camper as well as in my paintings lately. I can remember a time when I seldom used red at all. Brown was my color then.
I like red better!

Between the candles and the fireplace, the room was warm and cozy.

I think I have enjoyed looking at this Santa more than any other this year.
Perhaps because of where I've put him.

It's been wonderful to see all my Christmas things again.
So many memories of so many Christmases.

At last the den was done and I moved on to the next room!

This is a tiny room but it took a good while to clean all the debris off the washer and dryer and then redo it. Everything in my house gets cleaned at least once a year  - whether it needs it or not!!

As I packed up some stuff away so I could display my Christmas things, I thought to myself that just maybe I will donate a lot of it back from whence it came - the Goodwill!

The lit candle means the room is clean!

Amber gave me some candles recently and this is one of them.
It is so fragrant that it scents the den, kitchen, living room, foyer, dining room and I can even smell it from the sewing room! Smells just exactly like a fresh cut evergreen tree is sitting in the house!!
I don't think any tree smells as sweet as the ones we had when I was a little girl.
We always got a Douglas Fir and I still think they are the most fragrant.

Every room has a Christmas Tree - even the laundry room!!

It's getting close to midnight and I am ready to go to bed.
I'm still getting up around 8:00 every morning - unheard of for me!
Guess there's something to that 'Early to bed and early to rise' thing!


Ginny Hartzler said...

WHAT! Unheard of that you came home with only one Goodwill item! I do like the pillow though. It looks very classy. I like the Santa hat on the chair back. And I LOVE your wicker chest with the geese on it. Is that a picture leaning up against it? The St. Nick, poinsettia, and picture on top of it all look gorgeous there. The Santa tree is very pretty, and sits right in front of the Santa wall. As you would say "Win Win!"

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my, you even decorate the laundry room! You really do have a lot of Christmas decorations ! Every thing looks so wonderful ! I can relate to having such a messy kitchen I didn't want to cook in it. Yesterday it got cleaned up a bit just so I could plug the crock pot in. I do love to use a crockpot making everything in one pot. Easy and simple is the way I go...

Susie said...

Linda, It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas , at your house. :):) I finally finish inside here yesterday and last night I felt so relaxed. LOL I love the pine scented candles and air fresheners. I use them . Linda, I am truly impressed at the journals you have had all these years. I wish I had been more attentive my whole life, to keep journals. I have some here and there with brief entries. Blessings to you and LD, take care of each other, love you, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am speed dialing the guiness book of records to see if you are the only person in the world with a Christmas tree in the laundry room. BRAHAHAHAHa love the plaid table and the shhhh Santa... your house is most definitely looking like Christmas. PS you only bought ONE THING AT GOODWILL???? it can't be

Arlene G said...

I know you miss your Ruth Ann! Girls days out are always a blessing to me. I agree that sometimes we do need to get out of the house. Today I am getting a Pedicure...hurray!!

Vee said...

The world may have ceased turning if you had returned home empty-handed. Glad that you found your 80¢ treasure! Your home should be on a Christmas tour, it is so perfectly and completely decked out for the season. 🎄

Aloha Acres said...

Your home is beautiful, as always. I'm with everyone else : shocked that you only purchased one item. ;)

Pilar said...

What lovely Christmas decor and decorations in your home!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love the pillow and the French Joyeux Noel!

The den is cozy and so is your laundry room!

Anonymous said...

I stayed to read a few more of your beautiful posts, I'm your newest follower,, thank you for sharing,