Saturday, December 16, 2017

At the Ranch! Day #2 - Goats, Pumpkins and Old Houses! A Rainy Saturday!

Ranch Day #2! 
Louis Dean is my Knight in Shining Armor!

We brought all our fall pumpkins down to share with the goats.

They love them!

Makes me want to buy MORE pumpkins next fall!

BBQ loved his!

We did our morning Critter Chores and then my sweet husband did our laundry.

How could I love this man any more than I do??

I think hanging up the laundry is one of THE most romantic things! 
Sometimes we forget the beauty and meaning of  our sweethearts doing the little things.
Those mean the most......

This afternoon I went to town. To Mart. By way of the back roads.

I saw so many beautiful abandoned houses......

and wondered at the history......

sweet memories? or bad ones?

I'll never know.

So many.....

Who lived here? Does anyone ever return and remember?

Maybe. Maybe not.

One after another.......

all on the same road......

Probably not the best part of it was then and now.

Still, I want to think there were some happy stories in some of these homes.

I think there MUST have been! Happy memories, I mean!

All these homes are on this one road.....

I made my trip to 'town'.....aka Mart!
I shopped the Dollar Store on Texas Avenue in Mart, where I picked up goodies for the Christmas Snappers for our Christmas Eve Family Gathering as well as coffee and dish soap and toilet paper. The Dollar Store in Mart has everything you need!!!
After I got 'home' - which is what we call our camper when we are down here.....
I unloaded and we did our Critter Chores early.
It had been sprinkling earlier but it began to seriously rain.
ALL the critters were ready to come in! Goats. Ducks! They headed for the pen as soon as they SAW me! I didn't even have to shake the feed jar! The chickens were all roosting in each pen so all I had to do was shut the doors. Easy Peasy!

Tonight I painted to the sound of the rain on our tin roof!
I finished the second 'Chimney Santa' - as I do two of most of my Santa paintings.
Then I finished  the first of two of the Christmas Barn ones.
This one is mine to keep. Tomorrow I will finish  the one for the Chinese Christmas Tree in Fort Worth on Christmas Morning.

We finished up our Country Saturday Night with this movie!
It's not even 8:30 and we are ready for bed.
It seems to get earlier every night!
And it is still raining.


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Sleep well. Such a wonderful 'other home'.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, those poor houses! And the tall grass and weeds almost as high as the houses. And the poor one with the roof caved in. There are three of these houses that really get to me, almost physically. I see these are on Falls road. It makes me think of the movie "Legends Of The Fall". I always wonder about the lives that lived there, too. OH, your barn and cardinal!! They look so realistic and beautiful! It is truly a gorgeous painting. You are so talented!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Nice to be tucked in cozy on a rainy night! Sweet Dreams!

jujupage1 said...

Love the name of the goat. BBQ!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it has been so many years since i saw Guarding Tess all i can remember is i liked it. not even the story line. maybe it will show up in our pick list. i will check prime for it. i do love a man who does laundry, cooks, cleans, all the female STUFF i hate... when i read you painted to the sound of rain on the roof, i first read it this way. I painted the sound of rain on the roof and thought how do you paint sound, re-read it and got it. love the barn and cardinal.. love those goats eating punkins

Carol said...

What amazing homes! I hate seeing so many family homes in such bad shape when I think of homeless families that can't find shelter.

The painting is beautiful! How I wish I could do that. My art talent is almost non existent.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a treat with the pumpkins! So glad someone could enjoy them. Nice you have that wonderful home away from home and get to enjoy country life. So sad to see so many empty old houses. Does make one wonder. You do see a few like that here in the country and I think many left farming for a better job and moved to the city. We are to get rain here today that will wash away the snow. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

Luann said...

I love the barn picture! Great job and in TN they say a cardinal is a sign a deceased family member is sending you their love. I think I got that right. sweet sentiment anyway. Enjoy the rest of your time and Merry Christmas

Tina said...

I really love the cardinal painting, you are so talented! And I hope that those poor houses saw at least some Merry Christmases in their heyday! Enjoy your time at the ranch!

Carole said...

Rain on a tin roof - nothing like it! I don't know your Christmas songs - off to check them out! Cheers

Bluebird49 said...

Where did my comment go! I love a man who is willing to do any housework!
Your barn and cardinal on the snowy fence is an awesome painting. I know you must enjoy that last brush stroke.Your animal menagerie must love seeing you both come!!

Susie said...

Linda, That drive to Mart would make me curious too. Maybe someone from the town could explain the old houses. Your LD reminds me of my brother Miles, he helped his wife with chores...they were a team. I love your paintings Linda. If I lived near you , I would want lessons.:):) Funny even animals get into routines. I know you love the restful time at the ranch. Blessings to you both, love you, xoxo, Susie