Sunday, December 24, 2017

I Enjoyed Every Minute of the EVE of Christmas Eve!

I know  it is now officially Christmas Eve.
Still - I want to document what a wonderful EVE to Christmas Eve I have had!
I enjoyed every minute since I woke up - EARLY - again!!
Once the holidays are over I will probably go back to my pattern of sleeping late.
We'll see. Maybe this is a side effect of being nearly 70 years old.

Louis Dean is already in bed and I am going there as soon as I write this entry for the 23rd of December.

It is late and I will cheat and post what I shared on Facebook today....

I’ve enjoyed every single minute of this Christmas Eve’s Eve! Most of the Day was spent in the kitchen knocking out all the food for Christmas Eve Dinner. A bright spot was when Val stopped by for a little visit!

We do all the food as part of our Christmas gift to everyone. From the turkey to the dressing and all the sides, appetizers and desserts - 

Broccoli Salad! YUM!

to the two things I love the most - the Rosemary/Cheese/Olive plate!
Done especially for my Logan who loves all these things!

To a new Sugarplum recipe - Orange Coconut Snowballs!
I am hoping my kids like it as much as I do!
It is seriously GOOD!!
Everything is done now (except vacuuming the house) so we are watching a Christmas movie with a nice glass of wine before we go to bed. I am so happy and grateful tonight. Thankful for life and family and friends.....and Louis Dean!

Tonight I began a new tradition!
I ALWAYS leave all my lights on Christmas Eve.

Tonight I will be adding the Eve of Christmas Eve!

All my 'Thousand Points of Light' as Summer calls them, will remain on until the close of Christmas Day at midnight.

In every room.....

It takes about 10-12 minutes to turn them all on every morning.....if I don't get distracted and pour a cup of coffee before I finish.

It is a celebration of Light! The Light of Jesus!

He does shine in my heart and I hope He shines in yours tonight.

Good Night and Merry Christmas!


Bluebird49 said...

From our house to your (beautifully lit) house, Merry Christmas, Linda and Louis Dean!

Kathy said...

How good to get everything done ahead of time. Enjoy your dinner today. Merry Christmas!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Merry Christmas EVE today and tomorrow Merry Christmas.. you are certainly ready for Christmas, everything is glowing and looks so delish to me... I even see things i can eat. love that olive tray

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

The light of Jesus! That’s how I feel about the Christmas lights!

Merry Christmas!

Susie said...

Linda, You and LD do make a feast for all. It all sounds good and looks tasty. I would love to drive by your house at night and see all the lights on there. Merry Christmas to all of you, with love and blessings, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love your celebration of Light! I've always left the tree lights on and a candle in the window. But your lights are spectacular ! Everything looks very yummy and a great gift to family for sure ! How nice to be able to do it all and have room for everyone too. My children took over the holidays here as I simply did not have the room. Best of wishes for a Merry Merry Christmas !

Arlene G said...

Everything looks as though it is right on target for the big celebration. Merry Christmas Eve to you too!!

Changes in the wind said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family Linda and a wonderful new year as well.

Tina said...

Your house is gorgeous and all the food looks delicious! I wish I was as organized as you are but still food to be made this Christmas Eve so I'd better get going! A very Merry Christmas to you, Louis Dean and your family! I enjoy reading your blog so very much!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Linda, you really DO let your light shine, like the name of my blog!! And for all to see!! Thank you for the beautiful light! Wow, all this food that you made yourself, you have a lot of energy and a GOOD back!! The food is all so beautiful! The orange coconut snowballs look so good, and are unusual. They do remind me of little snowballs. Sending so much love to my sweet and amazing artist and bringer of light!!!

NanaDiana said...

Merry Christmas, Linda. I always do the same thing. I turn the lights on Christmas Eve morning and they burn until the day after Christmas. Your lights are beautiful. This is the first year I have not done all the food for the family. (Thanksgiving, too) feels a little weird but we are in that transition of having stuff packed in a warehouse and won't have a full house again until next Spring.

God bless you and LD. It has been a blessing to get to know you through blogging- xo Diana

Vee said...

Your light is shining real bright and pretty. My sister said that my house is so dark that it doesn’t look as if anyone lives here. I think I’ll turn on my outside light that shines on the wreath. Yup, that’s what I’ll do for Christmas Eve. Have yourselves a Merry Little Christmas and let your hearts be light...

Jan said...

Have a wonderful Christmas!

BeachGypsy said...

Merry Christmas my friend---it's finally here! Love all your pretty decorations and the twinkly lights. Y'all have a fun day and enjoy and eat lots of good food too!

Ryoma Sakamoto.Japan said...

I hope you and your family are having a wonderful holiday full of good food and good cheer.
Have a very Merry Christmas, and we wish you all the best in the New Year, too!

Carole said...

Merry Christmas, Linda and LD. It's now Boxing Day here. I hosted the Christmas lunch this year and thankfully it went pretty well. Tomato and salmon to start with trimmings, ham, new potatoes and salad for main and some outrageous desserts -- cherry logs, hokey pokey ice cream, fresh fruit salad and brandy snaps - and I have so many leftovers! Cheers

jujupage1 said...

Your house looks amazing at Christmas and so does the Christmas dinner!