Friday, December 15, 2017

At the Ranch! Day 1.....

We arrived at the Ranch last night.

It didn't take long to turn on all the Christmas lights and make ourselves comfy!

One of my main goals for this weekend is to finish all my Christmas paintings.
While I didn't set up that art table, I did prop up all the canvases.
This is a good place to paint because of the light - and that I can keep an eye on Louis Dean while he's out there working on the bathroom....tomorrow!

We closed out the evening early and were in bed at 9:00!

You would think since we were early to bed - we would be early to rise.
NOT! It was 10:00 when we got up.
One quick cup of coffee and we went down to do Critter Chores bundled up like we were in Alaska.
It was 37 degrees but warmed up to 45 and we warmed up even more while feeding and watering the critters, taking off our scarves and gloves.

I first checked on the incubating eggs.

No new chicks.

There were three babies in here last night and, alas, I found one of them dead this morning.

I could hear the ducks calling so I went out to feed them first.

Then I let them out....and they were excited to start their day.

It's one of my very favorite 'chores.'

There are lots of chickens and roosters down here.
This cage is divided and these feather footed chickens are easy to feed and water but do you see those banty roosters down there at the other end?
One of them has a really bad attitude! I had to ask Louis Dean to help me and he got his hand pecked pretty hard!

Gathering up the eggs is always a fun thing to do.

BBQ was being a good boy. I gave him part of a pumpkin we brought down.
Always thinking about goat food and they do eat just about anything and everything.

I brought carrots for the horses as well as apples and sugar cubes.

It feels good to be back.

After we fed and watered everybody, it was time to fix us something to eat.

You don't get eggs any fresher than this!

Louis Dean worked on the plumbing today and I did laundry.

Our washing machine broke the other day so we brought our laundry down here to do.

In between loads, I painted.

By day's end, I had this one finished except for adding a twinkle to his eyes.
It was fun to paint the snow.
I loaded up a fan brush with turpentine and thin white paint and tapped the handle on my wrist.
The paint spatters just right!!

It's not even 9:30 as I write and Louis Dean is already in bed and I am about to follow as soon as I post this.

It's been a good first day in the country!
Three more before we go back home but then we will be back to welcome in the New Year!


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

you have talent. The painting is great. All the animals were so neat. Great to be in the country but you sure have a bunch of work to do but looks fun

Linda said...

Those ducks are my absolute favorite, next to the goats. Aren’t Banty roosters known for their bad attitude? I suppose when you’re little you have to be mighty.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your snow technique really worked. The snow pattern looks so realistic! The picture is wonderful! And your yellow sky picture is about the same color as the sky in your other painting! Your breakfast looks so good!

Bluebird49 said...

I see that Santa have himself a proper shoeshine before he arrived on the snowy roof! I just love your love for the country! I know it lives y'all right back!
Less than 10 days now! Amazing!

jujupage1 said...

Sounds like you had a good day at the ranch and all!☺

Vee said...

Oh good! I am glad that you have some Christmas time at the ranch and that Christmas will be at home. You think being in bed at 9 is early? Try 7! My daughter has been staying with me and her work hours require going to bed at 7. I was trying to make it easy on her so I went to bed at 7 also. Crazy! I was up at 3 a.m. 😏

Anonymous said...

the animals are wonderful, and your painting,, oh my gosh, so beautiful!!!!

NanaDiana said...

I love your adventures and following along with you as you feed the animals and do your daily chores. You and LD are really blessed in so many ways...AND you are a blessing to others.

I LOVE that Santa painting. You do amazing work, Linda. I hope you have a really great weekend. xo Diana

Susie said...

Linda, I guess you will get the laundry caught up . Always things to do. The chicken are fun to see. The ducks seem to have a routine they like. I always love to see horses. Blessings to you and LD, stay warm and safe. xoxo,love, Susie

Kathy said...

Welcome back to the country! I love seeing your life down there. Get your laundry caught up and then you have a day or two to get your other washing machine fixed.

Changes in the wind said...

Love the video of the fun and the breakfast looks divine.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thos ducks are just so funny and cute and sweet and i would love that chore to. i like the view into and out of your new room both at night and day time.

Debbie said...

farming life sure does agree with you two!! i would love to have chickens and fresh eggs every morning!!

your meals are always amazing!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love your trips to the country!