Saturday, July 1, 2017

Life and Country!

Friday afternoon Louis Dean and I made another trip to town.

There are several routes we take but one of our favorites is ......

This lonely little house just tugs at my heart every time we drive by.

See that mess on the left?
The roof of the front porch just fell right down!
Since I've been in the country, I have come to appreciate good fences, gates and such like.
Looks like this place had a pretty good fence around  it!
I remember seeing this house BEFORE the roof fell but I think it was maybe over a year ago.
I'm sure there's a story behind this abandoned house but I'll probably never know what it is.
I'm wondering if there's a way to research such places? 
I may give it a try - just to satisfy my curiosity!

The main reason we went to town was to buy the lumber for two new decks. 
We will have two doors so they will each need a porch/deck. No cover!

Louis Dean is continuing his weight loss program of working hard and eating less.

I continue to act like I'm on a camping trip!

While HE shopped Lowe's, I shopped the gardening department.......

This welcome mat is PERFECT for one of our doors!

We've seen a few humming birds down here in front of the windows so I purchased a pretty feeder for them. We will mix the nectar and hang it up on our next visit here later this month.

On our way home we stopped by a Goodwill and scored on some great items!
LD found this set of wooden TV trays and sprayed the tops RED, of course!!
He has a gift for spray paint. Several thin coats, he says. Then a clear acrylic spray.

This find will live in the bathroom and hold towels and tissue.

It's beginning to look like we live here!
Red is the main color theme for the new room with lots of white and touches of blue denim once it's all done.

This 5x7 outdoor rug was just under $20 and I wish I had bought all three that were there.
I will be looking for more at every Lowe's I visit.
It's easy to rinse mud and dirt off - as I have already done!
I'm thinking of blue denim curtains for out there using my vast supply of recycled blue jeans!
The windows face southeast and we will keep them open most of the time.

Even though we went to town, we still got some things done at the ranch.
For one thing, we did Critter Care both morning and evening.
I'm happy to report all animals are alive and well and have been fed, watered, and seen after!

Friday night Louis Dean grilled really good hamburgers for a late supper.
He is the only one I know who likes cucumbers on his! Not pickles but fresh sliced cucumbers!
While I meant to blog after we ate, I was all of a sudden so tired and sleepy, I crawled into the girl bunk, visited a few friends by way of their blogs and had a nice conversation with Deanie via Facebook Messenger. I slept so well all night.

This morning (Saturday) the clouds were gathering and by the time we got the Critter Chores done, they had turned dark and heavy with rain.

I was in a hurry and only took this one picture of the beautiful peacock.
He is just pretty all over with that gorgeous coloring!
His peahen lives in the same pen but she is not nearly as attractive.

We had been back up at the camper a half hour before it came a heavy thunderstorm!
I could see it coming on the radar/weather app on my iPad.
I'm happy to report that the roof did NOT leak!!

Louis Dean has been busy today.
He's hanging the door and sorting his tools.
Make do shelves are now holding all sorts of things.
He's getting tired, though, and it's time to go home.
Sunday will be our last full day here until we return later in the month.
I am amazed at all that's been accomplished!

I love this verse.....

Goodnight, Sweet Friends and Family!!
Sleep well......


Linda said...

It is indeed amazing how much you've accomplished. Home won't be restful but the change of pace will be good. I like the red, white, and blue color theme. The perfect place to use some of your denim squares. Am I right that Summer arrives the end of the week. The quads may have forgotten you.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I can see from his first picture that Louis Dean is thinner! Your wicker chest looks brand new!! Love the new Welcome Mat, and your door and rug. They are so pretty, and complimentary to each other. The rug is amazing, and hard to believe the price! Your color scheme will be country beautiful. What a brilliant picture of the peacock! The quads will be overjoyed to see you!

Nancy Chan said...

You have chosen well the Welcome mat and rug. Love the beautiful peacock. You and Louis Dean have accomplished a lot. Have a beautiful day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am amazed at how quickly LD and his son have built that room.. I like what you are doing with it and happy LD is getting thinner. so is bob. I want him thinner for health reasons, not looks. LD and Bob are adorable and handsome as they are.. next thing we know you may just move to the country and then visit home now and then. that feeder would make a beautiful LAMP

Susie said...

Linda, You two just keep busy. I think the new room will be so much fun. It won't be as hot as the camper. I think the windows will be so nice for your views. Who needs a gym when you work hard, right? LD looks fine. I like your new rug and door mat. I did not buy a pretty door mat this year,just kept the same one from winter(black). But I like pretty welcome mats. I may have to look for one. Today we are going to the little zoo with my daughter and g.daughter. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

Happy homegoing to you! I never knew that that Scripture verse existed, but it perfectly describes all that you two have been up to. When you return in a few weeks, it is going to be so cool to find that new room there! It's looking fabulous. Say, I do love those rugs. I must go see what Lowe's has available these days. I could use some myself. If it's going to keep raining up heah, I am not going to be able to paint the deck as planned.

Nita said...

Job well done ! I know you're thankful to know the new roof doesn't leak, it's just something you wonder about. How lucky we got a heavy rain to test the new roof while you were there ! It's really looking cozy and country !

Ang said...

WOW, thinks are looking wonderful! You have such a knack for making everything beautiful. Love the color scheme you chose and that whicker chest is just adorable!

Debbie said...

hi linda...i google everything, if you have the address, i'm sure you could get some information about the house through google!!

the place looks great, as i have gotten older, i love red...but purple is still my favorite. cuc's on a's not that odd when you think about it, pickles start out as cucumbers!!!

happy sunday!!!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

LD is a treasure and he is looking good! I have so enjoyed seeing the progress on the addition and the bathroom - and now decks in the future !!! Hugs.

ellen b. said...

The two of you have been busy. You found some great bargains. Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July and I think I'll try cucumbers on my next hamburger!

Kathy said...

The new room is looking wonderful. I am so impressed. I bet you could build an entire house with enough time and a little help. It reminds me of Pa in the Little House books. LD would have been a great frontiersman. Have a safe trip back to the city tomorrow.

Carole said...

We do slices of beetroot on our hamburgers - they even occasionally have them on the McDonalds menu here. Great work on your new 'palace'. Cheers

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What an amazing space LD, Dean, and Robert have built! Louis Dean has been working so hard, and he's looking great.

You always look good and are such a great encourager! You two make a wonderful team. I'm sure your family will be excited to see you two, especially the quads! They'll need to see all Granddad and Memaw have been up too!

jackie said...

I bet you are missing the quads and they you and Granddad!

Arlene G said...

I am sure you are ready to get back to have the quads done without y'all there? Love that little cabinet for your towels etc.