Sunday, July 9, 2017

Our Saturday and Sunday.....

Saturday morning I took Levi to Dollar General to spend the $10 his Aunt Summer had given him.

He looked long and hard and finally made his decision - Nerf guns!
He bought two boxes with 2 guns in each box and a dozen rockets.

I love the candles at the Dollar Store and was happy to see these two new ones.
They smell light and clean - just the thing for summer!

I like these fragrances, too! I bought two of the Amber Spice/Weathered Oak/Cashmere layered ones.
I light candles every single day. In these hot summer months, just one in the bathroom, one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom. They may be a small wicks but they still give off heat!

We grilled hot dogs and had all the trimmings for a good lunch and settled down to watch a movie - The Great Gilly Hopkins. I bought it - renting wasn't an option for some reason -  on demand at Frontier - but it was all garbled and wouldn't play right. An hour and a half later - through a live chat with Frontier - they finally patched me into a tech support person who helped me sort it out. By that time, the kids had lost interest. No matter. Mother and I sat down and watched it and it was really good!

Leigh Ann arrived just as it ended to pick up the kids.
Mother was so happy to see her! It had been years!
Leigh Ann asked, "Is she always this excited??"

Mother enjoys seeing family!

Thus ended our visit with Faith and Levi.
I did MiMi Camps for many years when they were all younger.
Then we started going to Burgers Lake every August for several years, staying from opening to closing. As grandkids grow up, you have to adapt and change along with them.

"I was glad when they said unto me, 
Let us go into the house of the Lord."
Psalm 122:1

It was good to be in church again. Now that we stay at the ranch more and more, I am going to start looking for a Cowboy Church where we can go to worship.
The quads are now old enough to go into Children's Church!
After the service, they always seek out Pastor Doug so they can give him hugs.

Then it was on to Dicky's BBQ for Sunday lunch!

I was just soaking these little faces up!!

I sure have missed them!

I love how happy they are!

And they are funny and entertaining!

Kailey did her 'mustache' look using her own locks of hair.

They love to say, "I MUST ASH you a question!"

Harrison had to borrow some of Kailey's hair for his mustache!

We laughed and played and had such a good time.

Even I borrowed Kailey's hair so I could get in on the fun!

My Logan told me over and over that she misses me.
She said, "I don't get to see you very often."
I miss them, too.

Our Quad Mondays are over. I knew it would happen. Nothing last forever.
I'm hoping we can still do Quad Days when their schedule and mine permits.
They are growing up and start Kindergarten this year. I'm grateful for every minute I have had with them since the day they were born. We have bonded and I think that bond is strong enough to hold.

I must admit, I came home relaxed and happy but tired to the bone.
I went straight to bed and napped for several hours.

This evening, Mother and I watched a movie - A Walk in the Clouds.
We are not keeping the TV on all day and limit the amount of news we watch!
I am thrilled about this. Louis Dean discovered that while we were away from TV for a month that when you tune back in, it's the same old thing. Over and over.

Mother stays cold and I stay hot so she wraps herself up in winter blankets.

While we have central AC, this window unit is awesome in making the den really comfy.
So far no 100 degree temps yet! Amazing for Texas!

We are still navigating this path with Mother. We take her to the doctor on Wednesday and he will be issuing an order for a rest home - or whatever you call them these days. Deanie's health will simply not allow her to take care of Mother anymore. I really appreciate all the wisdom and advice Linda H and others have shared privately with me. Thank you so much. This is new territory for us and we want to do this in the right way. I'll be talking to Mother about things tomorrow. After I pray. 
It's hard to know how to word things and it's a challenge but I can do this with God's help.
Mother understands the news so I'm thinking she understands what we're saying.
I don't wait on her hand and foot because I think she needs to get up and walk a little bit. I fix the coffee and it's ready to turn on in the mornings. I prepare her meals and serve them to her either on a tray in the den or at the kitchen table. This morning Louis Dean stayed home with her and prepared a big breakfast which he served in the dining room. But she can fill her own drinking container with ice water or tea. She also takes care of her own personal care. I do the laundry and put it away for her.
She didn't bring any of her colored pens and books so I'm going to ask Deanie to take some with her when we visit the doctor and I'll bring them home so she has a little something to do.
She used to sit outside but it's too hot now. Sometimes I see her just sitting.
It's not easy to be old. I feel it myself sometimes. I can feel the changes coming on and I'm aware of little things that used to be easy and now are more of a challenge. I am going to do Yoga or Tai Chi every day - even if it's just for a few minutes - so I can keep moving.
"Grow Old Gracefully!"
That's my goal......


Ginny Hartzler said...

Sad that the Quad Mondays are gone, but now on to new adventures for them! And you have bonded with them in a way that they will always love you and remember it! But of course you will still have days with them, maybe weekends, and summer days. I can't wait till you find that Cowboy Church, I want to hear all about it. There are many here, but we have never been. I know this is such a hard journey with your Mom. But God knows all about it and is helping you both. I went through it with my grandmother when she got Alzheimer's. You are doing the right thing, and treating her the right way. And this is something you must continue telling yourself. You are doing way more than a lot of daughters do! She is blessed to have all of her children, especially YOU.

Amber said...

Quad Mondays may be over but there are still many more new adventures to be had! Both with the kids and with us as a family in general!! Starting with their first visit to the ocean, then kindergarten days and more and more. The bond between our children and their grandparents is one that Mike and I hold in high esteem, we have worked hard and sought out ways to establish that since before they were born. Nothing will ever change that! ❤️

Judy said...

So true, that we must adapt and change along with our grands! I find my oldest grands are as reluctant to let go of many of the traditions of the past as we are. They like everything the same every time...down to the food that we ate.

All the best as you make plans for your mother's future. That is not an easy path to navigate.

Linda said...

Bob wears a coat or heavy shirt a lot of the time and we aren't even using the a/c. I'm glad you're going to talk to your mother tomorrow. The news will be difficult and she will need some time to work through that news. For Deanie's sake I'm keeping my fingers crossed she doesn't relent and take your mom back to her house. It's hard but it's one of those times you have to be strong, support each other, and get it done.

Would you believe I never turn the TV on, never. If it were in my power I would cancel all cable news/opinion programming. Bob watches TV in his room with head phones. It would drive me crazy being in a room with a TV blaring all the time. I just may cremate his TV with him.

Nita said...

Linda, my thoughts and prayers are with you . I know when you start explaining things to Mother, God will give you the words. She can understand, at times she pretends not to be able to, but that's when she's done something and is called out for it .

Vee said...

Elder care is one of life's great challenges. I am praying for your family and the decisions that must be made. Visit Cheryl at Thinking About Home today for a wonderful blessing... Met me where I was this morning. true that it changes...nothing remains static.

Loved my glimpses of your beautiful grands. The quads are just so adorable. Faith and Levi probably wouldn't want to be described that way, but they are, too. My! How tall Faith has grown!

Rest (just as much as you need for I know you can't sit still long), peace, and God-confidence be yours...

Arlene G said...

You are certainly right about things changing with grandchildren. I am seeing that with Kendall and Landon as they get older. I loved seeing Levi and Faith and I know that they had a wonderful time with you and LD. Prayers for you as you get your mom settled in a new situation.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have been that journey with my dad that you are on now, and I know how hard it is... prayers for right decisions and the help you all need. I am with Ginny, want an update on cowboy church when you find one. can't beleinve the quads are old enough for Chirlden church, time is on fast forward..

Changes in the wind said...

Here is a quote that I hope will be comforting..
"Healthy things grow.
Growing things change.
Change challenges us.
Challenge causes us to trust God.
Trust leads to obedience.
Obedience makes us Healthy.
Healthy things grow...."

Susie said...

Linda, I always love your posts. Levi and Faith are such wonderful kids...and then there's those awesome quads too. You are blessed with people who love you and appreciate you. I too think you should let your mother do some you said it gives her a reason to walk a bit and she doesn't feel helpless. Glad you had fun time with everyone. Blessings to all, Love, xoxo, Susie

Debbie said...

I soo enjoyed my visit here this morning and was reminded again how alike in some ways I think we are. I have a feeling we could sit and visit for a long while and not run out of things to discuss. Yes, grandma and grandpa "overnighte" are starting up here next week-end. We take all those still interested in doing this for 2 or 3 days by themselves so they get that one on one attention they all enjoy so much. Our activities change with each depending on age and interests. I LOVE this time with them and know that eventually that season in their life moves on and those sweet times don't happen anymore. Nothing ever stays the same. And yes, quad Mondays may be over but I have a feeling there will still be LOTS of days spent with them. Holiday's, summer breaks, etc. They are soo adorable and getting so big. Some of the decisions we had to make for my mom when she was living with us were SOO hard. Definitely a season in my life that I personally am not looking forward to. But alas we ALL grow old and get there someday. Glad your mama has people who love and care for her as she is in this stage of her life. I will join you in prayer that your conversation with her goes well. Have a good week Linda!

Jan said...

Praying for you. We went on this journey with my father. He was convinced he could go on living on his own until his doctor talked to him. He seemed to accept it from his doctor better than from us! It's hard to be the parent to your parents. Our oldest grandson starts kindergarten this year too. He turns 5 the day before school starts, so hoping things will go smoothly. It will be quiet with all of our close by grands in school this year!

Ang said...

Grow old Gracefully..I love that! It's so true. Prayers for the appointment and all of you throughout this journey. Your so right, everything changes.

Debbie said...

i feel it too linda, even at 58, i can't do what i use to be able to. more for me, it is the amount of things i can do in one day. i get tired early and can't do much at the end of the day!! you seem to be able to do it all, i really admire that about you!!

good luck with mom, a challenge we are going through as well. mine is 83 and legally blind. some days are so hard!!!