Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Good Days, Fort Worth and Family!

Mother has been having some good days! Days that she dresses up in some of her favorite outfits, puts on her jewelry and adds make up.....all signs of feeling good about life and living.

She has even watched some TV the last two days. 
Not non stop but a few hours of news or whatever we are watching.

She's a light eater so I jazzed up a box of Pasta Salad with crumbled bacon, cherry tomatoes, diced purple onion, a dollop of BBQ sauce, some diced herbed chicken, frozen corn and a handful of fresh herbs from the garden! Pretty good if I say so myself.

Paired with fluffy salad, fresh fruit and a Brownie Bite - that was lunch.

This was her lunch on Sunday.
Small plates and she eats every bite.

Monday night Louis Dean cooked!

He dearly loves being in the kitchen!

Just look at that smile!

He fried up a big pan of chicken tenders and made a batch of mashed potatoes. 
The fried okra was so-so. We need to work on that.
Mother said she wasn't hungry but she ate it all up anyway!

Today (Tuesday) was a Fort Worth Day!!

Fort Worth has a completely different vibe than Dallas or any of the suburbs around the DFW area.

I drove over from Irving smiling all the way!

First stop - Trader Joe's!
It makes me feel like a party when I shop here.


I didn't buy much but I sampled things including a cup of good coffee and stocked up on some 'Two Buck Chuck!'
I have a list of favorites I buy every trip - Ming's Mandarin Orange Chicken and Vegetable Fried Rice among other things.

Second Stop....

Target! They are always updating and taking things to the next level.
This is Amber's go to store and I am happy to say that I have learned to do the Cartwheel App on my phone and saved $6.88! 
I finally shopped for a new iPhone cover and a handy knob for holding the phone. Stephanie had one her daughter, Caroline, gave her and I knew I wanted one! Handy dandy gadget but I can't show you because I put it on my phone! Which I use to take photos as of late. 

Next stop - Hobby Lobby!
Ruth Ann, I remembered Burnt Umber oil paint, Pink Soap and Liquin - even though I lost my list!
Plus some of the 80% off of this group!

Fourth Stop!
I found a new bedspread/cover for Mother here!
I bought it in a Full/Queen even though she only needs a twin size. I figure I can cut off the excess and make matching pillow shams.

There was a fifth stop but I will save that for last!

My final destination was to Nita and Mike's house for a Family Gathering!
This is Joni - her treasure of a sister in law - and it gets complicated from there but not to us.
We all love Joni and her mother, Lily!

This is Nita and Mike with Bernie - Joni's husband!
We love him, too!

The cause for celebration was because Nita's granddaughters were in town from Arizona!
Nita is in the center with her daughter, Leah to the left and Emily behind her with Lily next and Hailey and Madison to the right.
Nita was so happy and proud to show them all off tonight!
Sweet, beautiful girls who dearly love their NiNi!!!
And their NiNi dearly loves them!

Most of the group tonight minus the men!
Deanie is looking good these days and she's standing behind Leah and her granddaughter, Andie and daughter, Trish are to the right.
Family Matters and tonight was all about family and we all celebrate it every chance we get!

Now for my fifth stop!

I popped in and toured the nursing home where Mother will be living.
I was very impressed as I wandered through the different areas.

Everything was clean and bright and cheerful.
Smooth floors will make it easy to walk on and there were many pleasant living spaces for sitting and TV watching.
I showed the photos to Mother when I got home tonight and she loved them. She was really happy to see they have a Beauty Shop! AND they have church every Sunday!

I take her tomorrow.
All of us will meet at the home and go in together.
Linda, Lanita, Lloydine Deanie, and Lonnie.
We do this as a family and we know this is the right time and right place for Mother.

I would like to thank each of you who have offered a prayer on our behalf during this journey.
We are all so grateful.
Tomorrow Life changes for all of us in a way.
And the only certainty there is in life is that it is ALWAYS changing!


Ginny Hartzler said...

The meals you fix your mom are so beautiful and healthy looking!Tomorrow will be such a big day. The place really looks lovely, clean and cheerful! I pray that all goes well. I have been in your place before. All of these stores are my favorites! We have a Target very close, and I go at lest once a week. Trader Joes and Tuesday Morning are a bit further. They informed me that they no longer put out their new items on actual Tuesday mornings!

Jutta said...

Looks like a very nice nursery home! She will like it there and you all can visit her when ever you feel like it! Visiting this place may actually be easier than visit her when she was living with one of you children. "Easy peasy" like you use to say Linda! 🌻☺️

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your plates of food are just beautiful and looks delish. prayers for your visit to the home today, and it really is a beautiful place. love the dining room. LD looks so cute on his cooking stool... I did not realize all your sibings are L names. or what Deanies name is.. to cool.. hope your day goes well, waiting to hear

Mrs.T said...

Oh, Linda, it looks like an absolutely beautiful nursing home. You are blessed to have such a good place for your mother to live. Will be praying for your day and for her transition. This is the right thing to do ... the very best thing for your mother.

Susie said...

Linda, I love all the family photos. You have a loving family. There's always something good to eat at your house. :):) You can whip up a meal in minutes. Linda, I think the nursing homes are so nice and clean...well the one you are showing and where my daughter has worked before. They do have beauty salons, and lots of different little places for families to visit with their loved one staying there. I think your mother will find a routine there and be just fine. Hug her for me. Prayers and blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie
p.s. Looks like LD is getting his sexy back the kitchen :):)

jamarson1 said...

I will be sending prayers to your family tomorrow. Not an easy task

Arlene G said...

Prayers for you tomorrow Linda. I know it is the best choice but I also know it will be an emotional time. You all have taken such good care of your mother and you continue to do so by finding such a nice place where she can have some independence and receive the care she needs at this point in her life. You mentioned the song, Daisy a Day, in a comment on my blog post. I had forgotten all about that song. Reminds me of my teenage years. Tell LD one day I want him to sing it for me. ( Because I know y'all want to come to North Georgia and explore LD's Cherokee roots.) Have a blessed day friend. Prayers going up.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your Mother looks very pretty and I am praying that her transition is a good one. Love your family photos and of course all of your shopping fun. You pack a lot into a day....I love Ft. Worth too! Hugs, Diane

Linda said...

A lovely new home for your mom. Reminds me of the day we settled Mom into a similar place. A loving, caring staff will make it perfect for your mom. Was wondering if UTI's are the cause of your mom's episodes. I could always tell when Mom had one because it did a 180 on her personality. Medication changed things back to normal in about 24 hours. Will be praying for all of you tomorrow.

Bluebird49 said...

I was sure this would come soon. She may get confused there for at least a week. Just as we would! I know this hard---it was for me, I guess it was best, Ihave mixed feelings still, but my two brothers outvoted me. Like Mama, she didn't ever complain, and found friends soon. Your mom will settle in soon:. ♥️

Kathy said...

This is the right move for your mom. The place is beautiful! I almost wish I could move in, have my meals made for me, go to the beauty shop, etc. You had a jam packed day shopping. I love my Target. I have never been to Trader Joe's although I hear it is great. And I have never heard of Tuesday Morning. I'll have to google it and see if we have one here.

Terra said...

That looks like a nice place for your mom to move to. I am a volunteer at a place that has that same nice look. The meals you two prepared for her look delicious. I shop at Trader Joe's often, we call it TJs.

Vee said...

It does look lovely. I know that this is going to be a change, but a good one and not as if you are dropping her off and will never visit again. It looks as if she will have a busy, active life and you'll all remain a part of it.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

This is going to be a good change for her, and I think she's going to be happy there. It looks really nice, and a beauty shop is special!

You all have been taking good care of her and God has used you all to be a blessing to her.

Your meals look wonderful! If I ever get to Texas I want to come eat some of LD's Chicken Tenders!

Jan said...

It looks like a lovely place-I'll be praying for everything to go smoothly tomorrow!

Ang said...

Your food posts make me so jealous! You make the best looking lunches ever. Fort Worth looks like a great place. It's one of the places I'd like to visit if I ever get a chance to visit Texas.

Your mother's new home looks beautiful. Prayers for an easy transition for all of you!