My 'Mother's Heart' is full to overflowing tonight!
I have been so concerned for Summer this week and she called me yesterday (Thursday) to say she was on her way to Amber's for the weekend.
She needed to be with family and it really did hit the spot!
She shared her day in pictures with me and I used the PIP app for my post.
Amber, Summer and the Quads!
I have been so concerned for Summer this week and she called me yesterday (Thursday) to say she was on her way to Amber's for the weekend.
She needed to be with family and it really did hit the spot!
She shared her day in pictures with me and I used the PIP app for my post.
Amber, Summer and the Quads!
An afternoon at the pool -just what the doctor should have ordered - if he had been smart!!!
From Summer's Facebook Post yesterday:
Spending some time with the quads has renewed my heart and spirit. Being in the water felt so good! The kids were so helpful, considerate and careful not to hang on me. I needed this and thankful for my family! 

Harrison is already swimming like a fish!
My Little Logan!
She even has some synchro moves like her Mama!
I asked her where she learned them and she said, "I saw my Mama doing this!"
Trystan is a Sweetheart!
Thank you, Summer, for sharing these.
I enjoyed looking at them all!
Miss these Little People!
We are coming home soon!
I love the pool where they have summer family passes.
I made note cards for the quads earlier on Thursday and biked down to the gate to put them in the mail. I used treasures I found from my nature walks here at the ranch along with Dean and Sherry's contributions as well.
Thursday was HOT but not as hot as Friday!
We loaded a lot of stuff back into the truck and spread out our new rugs.
They are indoor/outdoor so we can holes them down if we need to.
The water will drain right out through the decking underneath!
Life is simple here.
That's one of the things I love about this place.
We fix up the camper and work on the new addition.
We pay attention to the critters and watch the sky.
We think about food more than we do at home.
Thursday night we fixed dinner and Dean and Sherry joined us.
Pepper Poppers from our homegrown Jalapenos.
Steak grilled to perfection bought on sale at Read's.
While down here, our menu reflects what's on sale there!
The sale papers come out on Thursdays.
Flies are ever present so fly swatting is an ongoing activity!
I love the fly cover nets and also use embroidered scarves and tea towels to keep things covered when we eat outside.
Dean and Sherry had to leave right after supper to tend to the animals.....
and as I was coming back out to sit with Louis Dean, the horses were standing in the road in front of the camper waiting for their treats.
I fed them apples and sugar cubes.
Then I rode my bike down to the gate and back and then on down to Dean and Sherry's where she was 'goat head sticking through the pen proofing!'
The sky was beautiful!
You can even see the moon shining in the upper left hand corner.
This was back toward the Big Tank.
And the last of the sunset as I walked up to the water.
I hope this is not being indelicate - but I did something I had not done in 60 years!
I took an outdoor shower bath!
It was marvelous!
I was discreet and it was dark!
Bath and Body Works Cashmere Glow -
Shower Gel, Lotion and Fragrance!
By the time the weather cools, we will have the bathroom done complete with a full size shower and lots of hot water! But for now - this is perfect! I even shampooed my hair out there!
We slept like babies!
This morning I made us......
Then Louis Dean and I started in on some of our projects!
The ants keep popping up in different places!
I washed and put up the breakfast dishes and went on to other chores.
At lunch I pulled down the same two plates from the cupboard and the top one was crawling with ants! We are catching them shortly after they arrive!
The camper is only 31 feet long so before we go home, I'm sure every spot will have been sprayed and protected! I sincerely hope!
I left Louis Dean to install a new shelf in my pantry and I headed to 'town!'
I feel like a real Country Woman driving this big white truck bouncing down the road!!
I love Mart!
It's not a city slick place at all and I'm sure it's got problems.
But to me - it is perfect!
I drove straight down the county line road to Texas Avenue.
'Town' is not very big so I went to the far end first - to Dollar General.
As I parked, I noticed activity at the silos next door.
I guess they are called grain elevators.
From there I went back up Texas Avenue to Leon Junction.
I love this place!
It's relaxing to inch down the isles and think back to the times all these things were being used.
You can always find SOMETHING there!
Usually, I get a candle.
Their scents are wonderful and their prices are good.
It's been too blooming hot to burn candles lately - every tiny flame can heat up a tin can camper!
I nearly bought this old snuff jar!
Our Granny dipped snuff and would put a tissue in an empty jar and then use it to spit her snuff in.
These jars were also the drinking glass for my siblings and me.
We wondered if she had used them for spitting before she used them for us.
Deanie thought they were pretty and I may go back and buy one for her.
My last stop was at Read's Grocery Store.
Then - since the truck was pointed in the direction of the Dollar Store - I cam home by way of the back road that is right next to it.
It was deeply wooded and shady there today.
Then I turned onto this road......
until I got to THIS road which leads me back to the ranch.
I turn right at the very end.
Summer spent last night at Amber's and today they all went to the library and Target.
I loved the photos she sent me!
She knows my heart so well.
Louis Dean and I sat out on the deck at sunset......our favorite time.
This was our view.
Wildflower is this horse's name.
Sunflower and Viper.
Viper has weird blue eyes but is a sweet horse.
This ends our day.
Now we are going to do one last sit to look at the sky and see who can spy the most shooting stars!
Your sky pictures are gorgeous!!! and I am so glad for Summer's time with Amber and the Quads. Is she in pain when she is in the water? Her photos are wonderful, and she is quite a good editor! I love that rug!!! I think it looks quite expensive too.Pesky ants! they are so small that they get everywhere. But I did learn that ants are CLEAN. Not like dirty old flies.
yay for outdoor shower.. I would do that to... love the sunsets and fantastic job with the pip... these photos are perfect for using the app. so glad summer got to play in the water.
Your descriptions of your days are so lovely to me. I smiled to think of the bath taken after! So glad that Summer found Amber and children just the tonic she needed. Still praying for answers for her hurting back. Love you folks!
Linda, I am so glad Summer had a good day. Being with so many little was probably good to keep her mind from her pain. I am praying for her. Wow the kids are growing. Glad you and LD are enjoying your days there. It's so peaceful in the photos. Blessings to all, love, xoxo, Susie
What a beautiful day! Sometimes swimming is known to help people with joint issues as it relieves some of the pressure, I know they don't know what is wrong with Summer but swimming might help her
Linda, I have found a set of mesh pop up covers very useful to combat pesky flies. I'll email you a pic.Have a safe trip home. Cheers
Your days are busy Linda, filled with lots of love. I reared up a little reading about Amber, why can't she catch a break. It's so hard to be in constant pain and try to live life. Often, you know what you want to to, know what you should be doing and both are just impossible. I am sending her sunshine today.
Pictures of the quads are always my favorites, but the ones of the horses are really exceptional!!
I "teared" up a little reading about "summer"....I have never hear of proof reading!!
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