Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Jack Daniels Fudge, Christmas Crack and Preparing for Christmas!

Just as soon as we were up and awake enough to know our names we got busy in the kitchen!
Louis Dean prepared the turkey for the roasting pan and then plugged it in outside on the kitchen deck where it cooked away all afternoon making the entire neighborhood smell delicious!!!

As soon as HE cleared out of the kitchen, I started my Christmas Crackers!

I don't always eat my own cooking but these are addictive!!!

I seriously love them!!!

It's like Cracker Toffee!!!

The last step is to sprinkle peanut butter chips over the top, melt and spread them.
You could use regular chocolate chips or whatever you like.

I copied the recipe from the Internet!
  • 1 cup butter (NOT margarine - original recipe calls for unsalted butter but I've used both)
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 40 saltine crackers
  1. Heat oven to 400.
  2. Line 12x17 cookie sheet with foil and spray well with cooking spray.
  3. Layer the saltine crackers on top of the foil.
  4. Heat butter and sugar on stovetop and heat until gently boiling, stirring constantly.
  5. Reduce heat to low boiling and cook, uncovered, between 3 and 5 minutes, until the mixture is thickened and sugar is dissolved. (Be careful to avoid burning the butter and sugar- that will ruin the recipe, but do make sure the sugar is dissolved and mixture is thickening. This is by far the trickiest part of the recipe ~ just make sure it thickens and dissolves but does not burn.)
  6. Pour butter and sugar mixture over crackers and spread evenly.
  7. Bake 5-6 minutes in oven.
  8. Remove pan from oven and let cool 3 minutes, then sprinkle chocolate chips evenly over brown sugar mixture.
  9. As chocolate chips melt, carefully spread into an even layer over the toffee layer using a knife. (Note - I pop the pan back in the oven for about 20 seconds after sprinkling on chocolate chips so that they melt faster.)
  10. Refrigerate for one hour.
  11. Break into bite-sized pieces and serve. . . yum, store covered in refrigerator.

After the crackers were done and set aside to cool, I packaged up the Jack Daniels Fudge!
It turned out GREAT!!!!
This tray will go to Fort Worth on Christmas morning while I kept a tin to serve here on Christmas Eve plus little bags to gift.
This is an 'Adults Only' Fudge as you can really taste the whiskey

I copied the recipe from Facebook for you!!

JACK DANIEL'S FUDGE - PERFECT for the holidays!!
5 cups sugar(2 pounds)
2 sticks unsalted butter
1 cup whole milk
1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla
25 large marshmallows, ripped in half
11.5 oz Ghiradelli 60% cocoa bittersweet chocolate chips
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
3/4 cup Jack Daniels, or a whiskey you really like. You will be able to really taste it!
1. Whisk whiskey with confectioner’s sugar, and set aside.
2. Foil and butter a 9 x 13 (or larger) baking pan.
3. Put sugar, butter, milk, and vanilla in a large pot with a heavy bottom. Stirring steadily until mixture boils, continue stirring while letting it boil for 3 minutes (time it, this is important). Remove from heat.
4. Add the marshmallows and chocolate, stirring until all of it is melted and blended into the sugar mix.
5. Give whiskey mixture a quick stir, and add it to the pot, stirring until fully incorporated.
6. Pour into a greased pan, and chill. Let mellow for a day before cutting.

This afternoon I gathered up some goodies and visited my friend, Reaoma, in her assisted living home. Every time I go there, one of the nurses or staff ALWAYS tells me how wonderful and sweet she is and how much they enjoy her! Yes, that's my friend!!
The tree collage is from the place where she lives. Every public space was decorated and it all looked so pretty. I arrived during the evening meal and my friend was in the dining room.
I noticed a husband and wife eating together at a table next to ours.
Later as I was leaving, I noticed this same couple sitting in the big living area by the fireplace.
They were both well dressed and the lady had her hair fixed nicely and wore make up and jewelry.
I imagine they continue to live their normal lives and routine here in the assisted living place much as they did when they were home. It made me smile to see the couple still so happy to be together.
Made me think of dear blogging friends who are apart from their soul mates tonight. They are making the best of it - visiting and caring for each other even while living apart.

I came home to pick up the preparations for Christmas Eve dinner with a renewed sense of gratefulness that Louis Dean and I are doing this together.
I made the cornbread and he put the vegetables on to cook in butter for the dressing.
We are a team. None of us know how long we have here on earth nor how life might change for us in the future. All we have now is the present. It is a gift. A gift to be treasured right now.
I do not want to look back years from now and realize how happy I was. I want to experience that happiness NOW and that's exactly what I do!

The turkey is cooked and cooled. Cornbread is made. Vegetables are chopped and have been slow cooked in butter to add to the dressing. Then Louis Dean and I looked at each other and declared ourselves too tired to do anything more tonight!
We'll put the dressing together in the morning before he starts his cinnamon roll baking marathon!!!
We are both learning it's okay to say ENOUGH for one day!
We'll pick this up again tomorrow!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hugs to both of you. You are both bright lights. Love Joy

Vee said...

You guys make me laugh. I certainly hope that it is true that you have learned to pace yourselves, either that or you have enjoyed too much fudge! Have a wonderful night's sleep and a great day of accomplishment tomorrow.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I would be SO at home in your kitchen...
Are you saying you cook the turkey a couple of days ahead? This would make Christmas day so much easier. Does the family come to your home? We now go to my daughter's home..It's been awhile since Christmas was in my home. They all have larger homes than I do and the family has grown ..and grown..:) Sound familiar?
Hugs and Merry Christmas.

Linda said...

It's been so much fun reading your blog this Christmas season. I so agree with living each day with your spouse so there's no regrets when there's only one. Bob has had a hard year, getting a pacemaker being only one issue among many. I am trying very hard to live each day with no regrets. His twin brother died earlier this year & his family is so burdened with guilt and regrets. I'm trying hard to learn from my sister-in-law and not make the mistakes their family made. But you know, some people are hard to love & my brother-in-law was in that group. My Bob is very opposite and easy to love. Our family loves him very much & we're thankful we get to have him with us for another Christmas.

Jackie See said...

Merry Christmas Linda and Louis Dean! Have a wonderful and healthy New Year! Best wishes from southwest Missouri!

Gert said...

Wow Linda, you two were very busy doing what you love AND the best part you're doing it together. We do need to live and love each other fully with each moment. It truly is a gift from God. What a beautiful post.


Estelle's said...

You could not have expressed it better...appreciating each moment of our days....together and happy. It indeed, is a gift! I know your home must smell heavenly! Have a wonderful Christmas celebration..hugs!!!

Arlene G said...

Merry Christmas Linda and Louis Dean!! Thanks for sharing the recipes. I make the Christmas Crack with chocolate chip topping. I never thought of using peanut butter chips! Yum! Thanks for reminding us that every day is a blessing!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Your comment about enjoying to much fudge, made me laugh out loud!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Linda, your words about enjoying your life and you and LD being together and appreciating that, are so true! I want to live my life, recognizing all the blessings while I have them, not later!

We make that Christmas crack! So amazing!


Susie said...

Linda, I am so glad that you and LD have each other. You are both so kind and good and hard working people.You are a "team". Glad you could see your friend, to bring her your cheer. I am praying your week continues to go well. I want to wish you, LD, your families and friends,a very merry Christmas and a New Year of peace and good health. Love you so much, Susie

LV said...

There is no doubt, everyone at your house will have a joyous day. Everything sound so good, but will leave the cooking to you. Just one is no fun to cook. Wishing you and family a wonderful holiday season.

Nancy Chan said...

Linda, I think I can smell your baking. Merry Christmas to you and family!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i agree with you that we only have now and we should enjoy the now, stop looking back and we may not have a look forward. live in the now is the best way.. of course you and i have a happy now and not all do. those crackers look wonderful..

Deanie W said...

Linda as your sister I want to tell you how proud I am of you! I love you dearly & that you spread the gift of JOY to everyone. Merry Chrtstmas ❤️

Nita said...

Yes, I totally agree with Deanie. Live in the now and be happy now is a lessen a few of us should learn. I sure will be happy to try a piece or 2 of your Jack Daniels fudge !

Cheapchick said...

You just reminded me to take out the turkey to thaw for the 25th! That JD fudge looks very tasty!

BeachGypsy said...

Very productive day! I have never heard of those crackers! Might try them

Beth said...

You are blessed to have a husband who cooks! Merry Christmas to both of you!
Hugs, Beth

Diana Ferguson said...

Merry Christmas to you both!

Carole said...

Being in the moment as you advise is really important - and difficult to achieve. Have a lovely Holiday season Linda. My best wishes to you, LD and your whole family. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

Penny said...

Recipes look fantastic Linda! I so agree with you about appreciating each day. It is true that none of us knows what is round the corner X