Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Hanging of the Greens and a Photo Op plus LUCY is home!!!

Louis Dean and I made it to Sunday School AND church this morning!
Granted, we were a few minutes late but we're getting there!
We always go in and save seats for Amber and Mike and then watch for the text message that they have arrived. I go out and help Amber unload the quads and walk them all into the nursery class while Mike parks the car. We are loving our church!! Trying to remember names and events as we get 'plugged in.' 

It's hard to get a group shot of everyone! At least of everyone looking happy and smiling with their eyes open!!!

See what I mean???

I like this one!

We helped load the babies up to go home and waved them off while Louis Dean and I stayed for lunch at church and I helped with the 'Hanging of the Greens.' That's where we decorate the church for the Advent Season.
I parked Louis Dean in the foyer where he could rest while I helped the crew work.
I fluffed bows and flowers and garlands and checked light strands.
Louis Dean has the patience of Job! He doesn't mind sitting and just watching the action. I'm sure he has a sound in his head and he is playing the guitar in his mind!

From church we went to Quadville and I slipped up to Logan and Trystan's room to try to get them to sleep and take a rest for myself. As I was lying beside Trystan, she said, "I want to go home with MeeMaw!" Ah! I hope she always feels that way. Trystan was the very first one to say, "I go with MEE-MAW!!!" That was a couple of months ago. Now she has upgraded to going home with me!

After naps we all went up to Grapevine for a Photo Op.
Granddad is pretty good at keeping all four of the quads occupied!

Bless his heart! Harrison is such a BOY. He did a face plant on the driveway this morning.
Just in time for picture taking!!

My sweet Logan.

I just LOVED this antique car with the Christmas tree and flannel blanket!
On the way to Quadville I saw a new white Cadillac with a very similar tree on top.
Wonder if THAT was for a Photo Op??

Makes me smile just looking at this!

We picked Lucy up on our way home tonight.
She has been staying with Roy and Ruth Ann for over a WEEK while we were going back and forth to Fort Worth to take care of Mother and then when Louis Dean was recovering from pneumonia.
She loves staying with them and their sweet Molly Girl.
They kept Lucy for a month back in 2010 when we went to Scotland.
It's good to have her home.

Speaking of Mother - she has had a very nice weekend and is getting stronger and stronger every day.
We are all so relieved Mother is making such a good recovery!

The temps have warmed up a bit here but it is still comfortable. The rains of yesterday have moved on and we had blue skies today.....and WIND!!!
That wind didn't do Louis Dean much good!
No fire in the fireplace tonight but we ARE watching football - The Cowboys vs Giants.
Not sure if I will stay up for all of it. 
I need to get a good night's sleep because I have big plans for this Thanksgiving Week!


Deb said...

sounds like a nice day...boy it is windy....can't wait to see the Quads photos!

Gypsy Heart said...

A nice day but a busy one ~ that's you! :) The wind adversely affects me so I try my best to stay out of it. I've just gone outside when my boy tells me he has to go. Hope you have a great week!


Wanda said...

Sounds like such a good Sunday. We have visited several churches since we moved, but the one we visited today I believe will be a keeper. I loved everything about it. It was decorated very lovely too, and I love a choir and they sang beautifully. Your quads are so precious. As you know I got to love on our great grandsons today. Love and Hugs for a Special Thanksgiving Week.

Amber said...

Thanks for all the help today!!! Love you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE the old white car with the blanket and tree on it. It has been kept in very good condition! Your mom IS looking better each time I see her! Your very first picture is priceless, I love it! I love your camera features! Especially the video to picture. It is midnight now and all the way up to 50 degrees! But lots of rain.

White Lace and Promises said...

Sounds like you have been really busy. I'm glad to know that your mother is mending. Sure hope your hubby is going to get a good report and be back to himself real soon.

Penny said...

Your church will benefit so much from your energy Linda, I bet it looks just beautiful all decorated with greenery. LD looks so nice in his Sunday suit

Estelle's said...

Sounds and looks like everyone is on the mend! Another lovely and busy Sunday! Can't wait to hear and see your Thanksgiving plans for that sweet family! Wishing you a beautiful and very blessed Thanksgiving week and day Miss Linda!

Vee said...

Nice to catch up with you! I can imagine how much everyone was missing each other after ten days!

A blessed Thanksgiving week to you and yours...

Jackie See said...

Just adorable! So happy everyone is feeling better!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking Lucy is really happy to be home with you and in her own home. good to see your mom on her feet.. and at home... you are perfect for the hanging of the greens with your decorator genes. i know they were glad to have your help

Jutta said...

Linda, it is so good to learn that you are back to business. It is my best moment of the day to check what is up in yout life. Thank you for keeping this blog.
Lovely photos of you and all yours. They are so fortunate to have you in their everyday life.

Sweet Tea said...

Love how you are loving your church and getting to enjoy it with Amber & Mike, and kido's! Welcome home, Lucy!!

Debby said...

Goodness, I missed this post and missed a lot of things. Glad your hubby is better. Scary at our age. I like the reference to "Quadsville". They are adorable. Glad your mother is better as well. Now, you need rest. I'm right there with you on interrupted sleep. Hugs

Carla said...

Thumbs up
So Happy your mom continues to improve.