Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Climbing Back in the Saddle......

I have spent the last few days resting and recovering from a cold and being thankful it wasn't the flu!

While I have been too ill to do my regular activities, I have not been so sick that I was totally miserable all the time. It felt like my body was just tired of fighting infections and wanted a break!
So I gave it one. It's a wonderful thing to be able to sleep late and nap often, to watch TV without feeling like I should be DOING something......

to sip on warm drinks and eat comfort foods.

Louis Dean was my knight in shining armor - again.
He got on his white horse (big white truck) and rode away to help Amber in Quadville.
That was so sweet of him! He always steps up to the plate and covers for me when I'm down and out.
He picks up Mother from the beauty salon and takes my place in QV.
He is a gem!
As he was leaving yesterday (he spent the night over at Amber's) he cut one of his long stemmed roses from his garden. I thought he was taking it to Amber but he turned around and gave it to ME!
I think I started getting well right then!
He left and I went back to the couch.

After several hours of rest I felt like doing a little art.
After all it was Tuesday!!

Art table for one, please.

I worked on Amber's boot painting. See the boot second to last on the right?
I glued on real lace and then painted it. Will lighten it up but so far I am loving it!
This has been an interesting project. I should be finished in two more sessions.

I also worked on one of the Kneeling Santa.
Probably three more sessions on this one - and I have another just like it to paint as well.
The second one is vertical while this one is in horizontal mode.

I woke up this morning feeling better! NO fever today! I stayed in my gown and watched the news about the elections as I sipped my morning coffee. While I don't like being sick any more than the next gal - I did find having 24 hours of alone time where I couldn't buzz around and do anything but think and pray and BE STILL was a wonderful experience - in its own way.

When I got up from my afternoon nap today Louis Dean was home!
It feels much better to have HIM in the house - even if he's in his music room with earphones on trying to be quiet so as not to wake me.

While he practiced some songs for his jam session tomorrow night, I decided to put together a quilt top for a very special baby to be born in January!

The shower is Saturday so I am cutting it close!

Light weight shirting fabric for the top and I will use a regular denim for the backing.

Homemade potato soup was delivered right to our door tonight from our DIL Sherry and her sister, Cindy. DELICIOUS!!!

We have a fire log burning and we are watching the CMA Awards......
Tomorrow I think I will be be NEARLY ready to climb back up into the saddle - on FRIDAY morning!!!! I am milking this resting time for all it's worth!!!


Deb said...

Take it easy for as long as you can with the Holidays coming on your body needs the rest! Louis Dean is a treasure!

Vee said...

So glad that you are felling better and getting lots of rest. Your beloved is a peach!

Vee said...

Felling? Good heavens! That's the last thing you need to be doing. ; >
Of course, I meant fEEling better.

Jan said...

Glad you're feeling better-take it easy and don't do too much too soon!

Rob Hunt said...

Happy to see you taking some down time we all need to at some point. LD is the best!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am SO glad it is not a cold! Still, a bad cold will drain you. Plus, you do not want to give it to the quads, so you were wise to stay away. Aren't we blessed to have the best husbands in the world? Your quilt will be gorgeous! Yes, there are some perks about being a senior. We can do whatever we want whenever we want. And we can sleep whenever we want.

Vanessa said...

That's a lot of productivity despite being sick!

Kathy said...

God answers prayer. So glad you are feeling better. Hope LD doesn't get sick.

Penny said...

I adore the expression on Louis Dean's face as he is handing you that rose! What a honey! So pleased to hear you are feeling a little better. Take care Linda, there's a lot of love out there for you! X

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your sofas look so warm and cozy and love the white tree lights, what a place to lay and rest..that boot painting is looking really great...

Lynne said...

Such a cozy post, Linda. I hope you are feeling better by now. Amber is going to be joyous when she opens her painting. I love the thought of adding the lace! Thank you for popping in and checking on me. I am back to work today, if only for a few hours, as my eye needs to be shut for rest and healing. I have the perfect excuse for a mid-day nap on a work day!

Carole said...

Take a mini vacation at home, Linda - you are always so busy! Cheers from Carole's Chatter

Susie said...

Linda, I am so glad you got the rest you need. You have been busy fighting infections, your body needed rest. LD is a knight in shining armor, bless his heart. Thank you Linda so much for my bookmark...I was touched. Your friendship is a beautiful gift. I feel so blessed. xoxo, Susie

Kelly said...

I'm so glad that you're starting to feel better. The best thing you can do for yourself when you're sick is rest! I think when we get a fever, our body is saying "REST ALREADY!" It kind of forces you to. LD is definitely a sweetie to take over for you while you were resting.