Sunday, March 2, 2014

Marching ON!

March arrived yesterday with temps in the 80's! Louis Dean took advantage of the nice weather to put a brand new canopy on our gazebo. I took the old one off earlier in the day and brought in all the cushions and curtains to wash. We had an A/C man working up in the attic for over 6 hours today! SO happy to get this work done BEFORE the hot summer gets here!

So it was in the 80's yesterday.......within the course of this weekend our temps will see a 70 degree DROP!
We have had 'Thunder Sleet' today and are expecting to see 14 degrees for our low temp tonight!
Then it will be back in the 70's by Friday! Crazy!!!
While the weather was warm I got up in the shed storage attic and brought down all my spring/Easter decorations. Last year we moved home from Katy and the RV park on Easter Sunday. I never took down the spring stuff last year!

I don't know if it's the weather or what but I cannot seem to get over whatever it is I have that is making me sick! It's so cold - how could it be allergies?? But a cold isn't supposed to last this long! That was one of the reasons we chose to watch our church service live online this morning instead of getting out in the weather.

While I brought all the tubs of 'debris' IN yesterday - I puttered around putting it all out this afternoon.
I set the kitchen table up for all I need to add is food!
Not that we eat at this table all that often. Louis Dean prefers his easy chair in the den.
However, I can count on at least a couple of lunches here with my friend, Brenda!

I have an Easter Tree in the den. Some of my things are so old they are falling apart - as in the wreath I tucked under the tree. 

Birds and bird houses are nestled in this tree.

I also used a few nests complete with eggs.

Every season I love to see the special things Summer has given me over the years.
This one is adorable!

It may be WINTER outside but it's SPRING inside!!!

This cute bunny couple remind me of Louis Dean and myself!

I love this Rabbit purchased at Goodwill several years ago.
He stands in the foyer ready to welcome visitors!

I keep the white lights up year round.

I have more eggs than I know what to do with!
There will be plenty to fill with candy and use for an Easter Egg Hunt!

I only added the Easter Egg wreath to the living room.

A basket of Bunny Rabbits live on the sewing room table.

These three were Amber's when she was just a baby.
Summer gave them to her! Summer celebrates all the seasons and just about every holiday!

I have started on the dining room. Since I use this table for art every Tuesday I intend to keep it easy to clear off every week.

Since our A/C (which means the heater as well!) is being worked on we have kept the fireplace glowing all day. Three of our window units are heat pumps as well so I turned them all on for the first time ever!!
Louis Dean is old school and likes to have a back up plan for central air.
Today I am glad he's that way!

He's out in the kitchen now fixing our supper - tomato soup and ham sandwiches.
I'm not going to complain about eating in front of the fire either!!


Blondie's Journal said...


You and LD always seem to keep busy. My hubby does not think ahead and we pay the consequences quite often.

I am excited to bring out some spring things. My, you have a lot of cute stuff! I have a thing for sorry looking bunnies and hares. I plan to give a lot of figurines to my daughter, she's always loved the whimsical stuff.
Keep that fire lit, your coming temps sound dreadful!


Cheapchick said...

Wow, you sure did Springify your hous! Love it!

Cheapchick said...

Sorry meant house! So nice to have that gazebo too

Kathy said...

80 degrees? It didn't get above 26 degrees here. Want to trade?

I love your spring house. The little nests and birds are so cute.

Vee said...

Sounds like a cozy day! Supper before the fire on a cool day seems very pleasant to me. I am sorry that you are still dealing with a cold. Seems as if that antibiotic should have kicked it to the curb along with anything else.

I think I had better look up Easter...I have no idea when it is this year! But if you're gearing up...

Vee said...

Oops...meant to mention that 80 may be very nice, but those temp swings are insane!

Judy said...

It sounds like crazy weather everywhere! You are always way ahead of the game when it comes to decorating. It's looking good over there!

Angie said...

Look at all that Spring at your house! I think I need to fill my house with Spring, this Winter seems like it's never going to end. We are having an ic storm as I write this and then we have several inches of snow coming overnight. I'm so over snow right now!!

Miss Dishywoo said...

Love all your springtime "debris!"

Changes in the wind said...

Love that fireplace...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite photo today is that fire place... beautiful, warm and cozy... Easter bunny came early to your house. that is a cue little yellow bird that kind of looks like sponge bob

Susie said...

Linda, I just now got around to reading this post. Your home always looks so welcoming . I like your spring décor. There's that LD working again. Does he have an off switch??LOL You two get more done in one day than most people do in a month. You hard work shows too. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Carla said...

You are definitely ready for Spring. And yes that bunny couple does look like you and LD.