Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Tuesday was a great day to celebrate!! Not only was it my weekly 'FUN' day, it was a BEAUTIFUL day and best of all - we were celebrating Ruth Ann's BIRTHDAY!!!
She has been ill for longer than she expected but was well enough today to come out and party with me!
I picked her up and - totally by habit - started to drive to the movies! That's usually what we do every single Tuesday! But NOT today!! I had other plans for today!

We had our hair cut!!!
Isn't Ruth Ann adorable???

I can't tell you what she means to me!

Louis Dean has known her since she was 15 years old!
She is his beloved first wife's (Ellen) younger sister.
Everyone should have a Ruth Ann in their lives!!

Normally when I get a hair cut - it gets cut SHORT!
Louis Dean always says, "Hey! They SCALPED you!!"

This time I decided to not go as drastic with the cut.

I am feeling good about it!!!

We also had manicures and pedicures!
We both work with our hands and I wish I had taken a picture of Ruth Ann's.
Hers are LOVELY!!!!
Mine are awful - even with a manicure!
But it is what it is.......

We picked Louis Dean up so he could join us in her birthday lunch at Cheddar's.
Two of my favorite people right here!

We dropped him off after we ate and continued on with our day!

Goodwill!!! While I always find a cart load of 'stuff!' Ruth Ann came up empty!

Summer is doing a Pirate's theme for Raynie's birthday......
too much for a 4 year old?

I simply could NOT pass this critter up! It looks so REAL!
I put him out in the gazebo and asked LD if he had seen our first lizard visitor this year!
Even HE was startled!
Can't wait for guests to come.......

I made a haul!

We then shopped Kroger browsing every isle.
I dropped her off and an hour or two later we were ready for ART!
Tuesday = ART!

Sherry ( our daughter in law ) and her sister came with RA so we had a great evening of visiting and painting.
Louis Dean had an outside fire going so when Cindy came in from sitting out there with him we all thought we smelled roasted hot dogs! That's one of my favorite smells in the world!!!

We made some more progress on our landscape. I forgot to get a pic of Ruth Ann's before she left but this has been her favorite painting so far! When she started painting with me I just plopped her down with my current project (a Santa) that was NOT your usual first canvas! She has been so willing to try anything but she's coming into her own with this painting. First of all - there's no hurry. If she misses a class I just work on another project. The fact that there is no chance on getting behind and having to catch up has taken the stress out of the painting. Sherry has THE best eye and offers invaluable critiques that make all the difference!

It has been a wonderful Tuesday!! Louis Dean had such a nice fire going outside but is out there hosing it down. The day is over and it's time to go to bed and count our blessings!

Happy Birthday, Ruth Ann!!!
We love you dearly!!!


Wanda said...

What a super great Birthday Day! I think Ruth Ann is truly a cutie. Love the haircuts, and pretty toes..nice colors.

You really know how to celebrate a Birthday....!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Happy Birthday Ruth Ann. Great way to spend a wonderful birthday. Loved a bit of sharing of your day Linda. Happy Spring.

Deb said...

You had a fun day!!!! Y'all are both too cute!

Kathy said...

Happy birthday, Ruth Ann! What a great day you gave her. I love the landscape you are doing. Really nice.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a wonderful birthday she had and all of you enjoyed it with her... hubby cuts my hair and he knows he has to cut it until it is scalped or i can't stand to feel it.. the shorter mine is the happier i am

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday to Ruth Ann! I think it's so nice that LD still spends time with his late wife's family. Y'all's haircuts look great! Sounds like y'all had a fun day of primping, eating, shopping, and painting. You know how to put a lot into one day!

Cheapchick said...

Sounds like a fun day out - I was wondering what you were going to do with the skull. If too scary for the BDay party (probably isn't) it can always be used for Halloween. Cheers!

Vee said...

You gals know how to have fun and it was really nice to share it with LD!

Susie said...

linda, Happy birthday to Ruth Ann. I have had two wonderful women friends in my life and they both were named Ruth Ann.:) Paint that skull pink for Rayne's party...then it would not be so scary. Glad you had a wonderfulTuesday. xoxo,Susie

Cheryl said...

I have to tell you that your new lizard has a twin here in Maryland!! My son's friend gave it to him as a gag gift many years ago, and it was sneaked back and forth between them so many times. Then, "Liz" was left in my daughter's bed and then she was mailed back and forth across the country when my son moved away. She was also brought in suitcases when we were visiting and left behind in a hidden spot. I wonder if you'll have as much fun with your "Liz?" :D

On a totally different note, I am sorry to hear about your daughter's cat Snowball. It is such a hard thing to lose a beloved pet...they have such a way of becoming a part of our hearts, don't they?