Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Small Town Drug Store

Louis Dean and I  dropped a couple of pair of shoes off at the shoe repair shop in Downtown Irving.
I'm always surprised to see a business that  has been here FOREVER is STILL here!!

Big State Drug Store is just a few doors up.

It's not often to see an old fashioned drug store complete with a soda fountain!
Big State Drug Store is the same age I am!!

Vintage scripts I am assuming!

We decided to have lunch after we snagged a table! When we arrived every table and every stool at the counter was occupied! See the young man in the green shirt behind Louis Dean?
There were actually nine teenagers spilling out of two booths!
It was such a pleasure to listen to them talk and order their sodas. 
They were friendly and well mannered.
You could tell they come here often.
Seeing young people like these encourage my heart!

Louis Dean and I splurged all our calories on this one meal -
burgers and fries and onion rings!
We will definitely be bringing the grand kids here during MiMi Camp!

I love the small town feeling of this Main Street!

LD said he felt as he had gone back in time!

While he was in the shoe repair shop I browsed this resale shop.
Found a cute outfit to wear at one of the parties this weekend!

Say what you will - I love living in Irving, Texas!

This is my cute skirt and blouse set for this coming Sunday!
Super comfy and I can wear turquoise accessories.

After lunch we made a Sam's Club run and loaded up on lots of fruit!

While I went over to Quadville, poor Louis Dean made a dreaded trip to the dentist.
He vowed this would be the LAST trip he makes there in his lifetime!!
Poor guy!

I had to get my baby fix!

I can't even say their names without smiling!

I took the 'new' toys I scored yesterday and they were all a success!

Harrison is now officially walking! At least a few steps at a time.

He looks like a teenager in this picture!

The feeling is about back in Louis Dean's mouth.
I'm headed out to pull some tiny tree sprouts out of the flower beds and yard.
Some are NOT so tiny!
After the sun goes down is a fine time to be outside.
Storms have a 50% chance of forming tonight so I best get with it!


Jan said...

Aren't grandbabies just the best? Yours are beautiful! Our oldest grandson has just started walking, and we are having so much fun living close by.

Vee said...

Oh poor LD...I don't much care for dental visits either. Your town looks wonderfully quaint and to have soda fountain in an old-time pharmacy like that is pretty cool. I don't know where I could find such a place anymore.

Just knew that Harrison would be taking off pretty quick. What a guy! Love the new that for the birthday party?

Bernice said...

Wish we had a older drug store with a soda fountain,the food looks yummy,I also love the old town main streets,the shops and everything.
Your outfit is cute, as are the quads, they seem to get cuter and cuter.
Have a nice day Thursday celebrating your wonderful daughter's Birthday,I know how proud you are of her, and you should be.
Cant wait for all your pics of the Big Quad Birthday Celebration:)

Angie said...

We have one of those type Drug Stores in the next town over. They have some of the best food I've ever had!

Hope your storms don't get too bad tonight!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for showing the small town america. i love it...and i miss those old soda fountains and the burgers and sodas in woolworths at the fountains.

Jill said...

I would love, love, love to visit there. It's my kind of town! Brings back some good memories. Thanks for sharing it with us.

The babies are growing so quickly and they are all so sweet!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Thank Your for sharing the Old Fashioned Drug Store in Irving TX!!!!! They are a dying breed.

Our Family Corner Drug Store has been there since the Civil War. My husband ran it for years and now, a son is. But son had to join another area drug store, in doing only compounding. It was the only way of not going out of business.

Naturally we, and all of our old city, are happy, that he was able to save Menges & Curtis!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Bev said...

Heh don't rush it... he looks like a you are too cute!! Once again I love hearing about your life!

Sweet Tea said...

Your photos of Irving make me think of Mayberry. Could there be a better place?! I kept expecting to see Barney Fife in the background of the photos. LOL

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Irving, Texas does look like a wonderful place t live, Linda! What a charming vintage Drugstore. The Quads are getting so big -- congrats for the first steps for Harrison! Pretty soon they will need a bigger playpen. :)

Linda said...

Linda, how great is that to have an old fashioned drug store equipped with a soda fountain??? I haven't seen one like this in decades, they have all vanished. Even the smaller drug stores here don't have soda fountains anymore; very sad. I remember enjoying a great meal at a very good price back in the day. I really miss them.

Nonnie said...

I did not know that Irving had a downtown! Love little towns and I can still remember the smell of a cherry coke in a cold drug store in the summer. The babies are cute as ever.

Carla said...

That outfit is really pretty.
I remember going to the drug store when I visited my grandparents and sitting at the counter. Memories.