Sunday, June 9, 2013

Celebrating the Quad's First Birthday !

Amber and Mike really know how to throw a good party! This time it was a ONE YEAR QUAD BIRTHDAY theme and it was AMAZING!

It was a perfect opportunity for lots of group pictures!

The hand made quilts I designed and sewed especially for each one were big hits!

There were a LOT of people but there was plenty of room to find a spot to sit a spell.
Every single place you could sit - or even STAND - had a great view of the lake!

Sam and Faith - my oldest grandchildren!
I have not seen them since FEBRUARY!!!

At long last I have arrived at that precious time in life when it thrills my heart to gather all my grandchildren together! We were still missing ONE!! We MISSED you, Levi!!! Hope you feel better soon!

The girls all love Grandma's hat!!!

Give Louis Dean a glass of wine and a place to sit (out of the way! He's always worried he will get in the way!) and he is a happy MAN!

Inside the lake house there was much playing and laughing!
This was Faith's first time to meet her youngest cousins!

She proved to be a natural!!

Aunt Luann was one of their favorite playmates!
She taught me some new children's hand rhymes!
Every one loves Aunt Luann!!!

See her back there teaching a new hand song to Trystan?

Leighann and Faith and Sam caught up with the quad's first year through the awesome books Amber has made chronicling their first year of life by three month increments.

This lake house had EVERYTHING!!!

The weather was just perfect!

You can see all the windows with the lake just beyond!

Granddad  provided a favorite place for the babies to crawl UP and OVER!!

Lots going on......


Gifts! GIFTS!!

Granddad and Sam took their guitars out under a shady tree and did a little mini concert!

It wasn't long before they had gathered a crowd and Leighann and Summer were singing with them.

Louis Dean LOVES to talk music!!! Leighann LOVES to sing!!

It was a GREAT day of celebrating!
Everyone had a ball!!

Now we are gearing up for another good PARTY Day!!!
Talk about a FUN weekend - THIS is one of the BEST!!!


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

You couldn't have given us a more perfect Quad's Birthday Celebration Gathering post... It is perfectly perfect!!!!! :-)

Everything! Oh how marvelous! All together like this. Amber and Mike know how to do up an event, to perfection.

Hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs....

Alllllllllllll your "Grands" are gorgeous. Totally gorgeous.

More hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs...

Kathy said...

I feel as if I was just at a party at a lake house. What a perfect setting. Just love everything. Sam and LD are going to have to perform at every party now. I bet LD loves having a grand to play along with. The pictures of the quads with their cake are just too precious!

Linda said...

The quadruplets are adorable...and I love, love, love those handmade quilts!!!

Carole said...

Fantastic. Are the quads now as big as any one year old or are they a little smaller???

Kelly said...

Looks like a great day! So sweet to see the quads being surrounded by gifts and their own individual cakes. That beach house looked like the perfect place for a large gathering. So glad that the weather cooperated too.

Vee said...

Oh I knew that it would be! Yay!! I'll be back in the morning to watch those videos.

Jan said...

What a wonderful day! Family is so precious!

Marsha Young said...

My goodness, I cannot believe it has been a year already. I remember when you first posted that Amber was expecting quads.

What a blessing you have all been to EACH Other!!

Aloha Acres said...

What a beautiful day and a beautiful celebration. My heart is full just thinking of the love shared. What priceless memories!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is amazing, the year has been so fast... now i am trying to imagine the terrible TWOS times FOUR...

darlin said...

WOW! One year already, where has the time gone? A very Happy Birthday to your precious babes, they're all so adorable.

I can only imagine there were four baths to go with the four cakes, but what fun making the mess!

The place looks fantastic for a party of this magnitude, Amber thinks of everything... takes after her Momma I'd say. :-)

I love the guitars, that's so awesome LD is making music with the younger generation... music makes the heart dance if we allow it to.

Have a wonderful week Linda and thank you for sharing the quads birthdays with us!

Bernice said...

Thanks so much for sharing the pictures and videos of the Big Birthday Party for the Quads, Loved everyone of them,especially you and LD with all your Grandkids, how beautiful!!
Have fun celebrating!

Chatty Crone said...

What a wonderful wonderful life! I love all your grand kids. sandie

Judy said...

What a fun celebration! Happy first birthday to your precious quads. How this past year has flown by...and how heart-warming to see they are all thriving!

Carla said...

Looks like an awesome time was had. Love Love the group picture.
Faith and Sam have beautiful eyes by the way. Just in case you hadn't noticed. LOL