Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jack Pot Tuesday!!!

Back to a 'Normal Tuesday!'
That means a movie at Starplex for fifty cents!

Today's choice was 'OZ the Great and Powerful.'
We thoroughly enjoyed it! 
Ruth Ann forgot her movie sweater so she got COLD!!!
I wore a t shirt and denim jumper but remembered to take a summer sweater with me!
I LOVE it when it's cold enough for a sweater!

Ruth Ann picked me up today in her new ride!!!
SWEET!!! Isn't she CUTE?? I have THE best sister in law EVER!

We needed a truck to haul in all the JACK POT treasures I picked up at Goodwill!

Super sweet tea party dresses for $2.99 less 25%!

Found a pottery tea pitcher for Louis Dean's PLAIN tea...
a beautiful Margarita glass for ME....
the kitchen chicken, two wine glasses from a local vineyard and a coffee/tea travel mug!

I could NOT pass this up at $2.99 - less 25%!

I am a sucker for pretty things!!!

This went right up in the attic to join my HUGE collection of all things 'FALL!'

I scored yet again with these toys for the quads!!
Some of them even had working batteries!!

The bed tray is in place!
It is already distressed - just the way I like!!

The tray also features an easel position - in case I want to ???
read the paper? Who knows?

Can you see the 'window' frame over there?
Not sure what I will put in the openings - if anything!
Louis Dean suggested mirrors. We'll see.

Tuesday means ART and I did some of that tonight!
I may have been too ambitious in thinking I would paint FOUR of these.
One may do it!
It is Logan's face I am trying to capture and if I can get ONE done - that will be enough!

My friend, Candie, joined me this evening. She is an artist with yarn!
She knitted while I painted and we BOTH chatted!
Perfect evening!
She also gifted me with a set of journals!
One of her friends had received these - and she does NOT journal!
I DO!!! Of the five, I see ONE that I will send on to a dear friend who loves all things Mary Engelbreit!
It's a photo journal.
You will LOVE this, Dawn!!
After Candie left, Ruth Ann and Sherry (DIL) and her sister, Cindy, came to visit.
Ruth Ann will be spending the summer in Florida so this was an extra special time together!

Before I close I MUST share what a lovely time I had last night with Amber!
I forgot my camera but she fixed a scrumptious meal of spaghetti squash, meat sauce, garlic toast, broccoli and green beans stir fried with some kind of delicious seasoning!!
We did the bedtime routine first. She finished cooking and plating the meal  AND getting the quads' dinner ready while I changed the babies into their night time diapers and sleepers.
I looked at the clock at 7:02 pm.
The babies were all in the quad table and we were wiping their faces from the dinner feed.
At 7:12 the babies were in bed fast asleep!!

She and I watched a movie while we ate that great meal the babies slept on without a peep!!!

It's been a wonderful Tuesday!
Louis Dean worked hard today and is waiting on me out in the den to end our evening.
These are happy days around here. We're getting a lot done but having fun while we do it!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

The best of times. What a full and wonderful day.

Kathy said...

I can tell they are happy days for you. You are home, back into your routine AND have your family around you. Who could ask for more?

I had spaghetti squash last night also. Great minds and all that.

Hootin Anni said...

Fifty cents...for a movie!?!! That's unheard of. And, I am totally jealous of that. You just may find me on your doorstep some Tuesday, real early so I can see a movie at that price....popcorn and soda on me. [Not ON me...but you know what I mean]

Love all the great 'finds' at goodwill. My goodness, I said I was jealous of your movie ticket price, I'm jealous of all the goodies from your thrift shopping spree. All they have here in this town is "junk".


MadSnapper n Beau said...

lots of treasures, and i would think that easel on the bed would be good for holding an IPAD or Kindle Fire or E reader.... we have a love hate relationship with our squirrels.. they destroy our fruit, one bite out of each one.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Who-hooooo! She's drivin' a truck!


And btw, it's also sexy!

Carole said...

Linda, there are probably lots of great art galleries near you that I don't know about. My favorite one in the US is Moma in NY but my favourite over all so far is the Musee D'Orsay in Paris! Cheers

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hi,I come from Sandra's blog. Your post REALLY makes me want to go to Goodwill, I never find anything nearly this good there, they are all lovely. Also a new movie for fifty cents, how can it be??