Saturday, March 16, 2013

I Love My 'People!'

This morning Louis Dean and I both headed west!

He loaded up Lucy and headed to West Texas to deal with a piece of property he owns.

I, on the other hand, headed to Fort Worth to see my sweet little Mother!

She does love a good bowl of clam chowder at Red Lobster!

The Dollar Store is one of her favorite shopping places!
Mine, too!

She must be really hard on her slippers because she buys so many!!

I took my laptop with me so I could catch her up on Facebook and all the pictures.
We had the nicest time. I promised her I will be home SOON to stay!

Next on my list was a visit with Deanie!

We hit up Starbucks for Frappuccinos!
It was so good to linger at the table and just talk and visit and catch up with each other!
She and I have a running joke about the saying 'My People!'
It seems it is something the older generation says and she and I have both caught ourselves saying it!

 'These Are My People' by Rodney Atkins 
While most of the lyrics in NO way reflect me or my sister - there ARE a few lines we identify with!

"These are my people
This is where I come from
Were givin' this life everything we got and then some
It ain't always pretty
but it's real
It's the way we were made
Wouldn't have it any other way
These Are My People

We fall Down and We get up
We walk proud and We talk tough
We got heart and We got nerve
Even If we are a bit disturbed

Woo Come on"

When I talk about my 'people' I must include a picture of my daughter, Summer!
I snapped this when I toured her new office but forgot to include it in yesterday's post!

It is late as I write tonight.
I came home from Fort Worth and went to bed.
Too tired to sleep - was it the caffeine in that DOUBLE Frappuccino??
I just rested and thought and read a little.
It may be that I am just exhausted trying to figure out what our time frame is regarding our camper and the RV park.
Add into that equation the problems Louis Dean is having with his rental property (which is out of town) and then some special circumstances that have come up with scheduling and needs in Quadville.
Talking with Deanie helped - once again she talked me back away from that cliff!
Louis Dean will be home tomorrow and I think we may have settled on a plan.

My therapy of choice when I can't think and can't sleep is to CLEAN!
I spruced up this formerly Christmas angel in my foyer.......

.....and added a rustic bunny along with a fabric basket of hearts and robin eggs.
That's as much decorating for Easter as I will do this year.
This is only the second time in memory I haven't gone all out with the decorations!

I still have the ONE clean room in my house!
The living room.
Even though it is midnight I will tackle the dining room before I go to bed.
That shouldn't be too hard!
Maybe a glass of milk and a piece of that apple pie from the Grand Lux Cafe will help!


Carole said...

Goodness I need some of your cleaning gene! I find it so boooring. You are such a creative person - how can you like cleaning?

Linda said...

I know! It's CRAZY!!! No one is supposed to LIKE cleaning! I hate to vacuum, though. I do it but I don't LIKE it! Does that help??

Jutta said...

I had once a congress in Fort Worth. I stayed one week in downtown but one day I hired a private taxi and went to visit the art museum, the longhorn old time ranch, and so on. Then after the meeting the same taxi took me to Dallas where I stayed for two more nights. I especially enjoyed B B King's concert in the opera house. Also the farmers' market was fun and the old tram. Lots of good memories from both places!

Linda said...

I love the art museums in Fort Worth! I haven't been in awhile but I used to go every few months. The Amon Carter is my favorite followed by the Kimball.

The Farmer's Market in Dallas is amazing!

My next door neighbor's son (who is like a second son to me) once lived in Finland for a semester or two playing hockey in college. I remember mailing him Kool Aid and Krafts Macaroni and Cheese. I dumped the macaroni and just mailed the packet of cheese stuff! He's a Marine stationed in San Diego now. My son in law worked in Finland a few years ago for a month on a project. He's an electrical engineer.

I always enjoy your comments. Hope you see this reply as I have no other way of contacting you.

Jutta said...

Cerendipity that you have such connections to Finland! Wow. We are just five million people in a far east corner of Europe.

I am a scientist who works in the field where almost all great scientists come from US so I have visited your country at least twenty times. I almost every time take a few days off work just to find out about the neighborhood. My favorites are San Diego where I actually have visited and stayed almost two months. In Miami Beach Ocean Drive I visit every single November on my own holiday. It is fun! I love the happy friendly talkative people of USA. And the sun and warmth for sure. Hugs from the Finnish spring with 0 F at the moment! :)

Vee said...

Oh I hate those nights when I can't get to sleep. Hope that you get the chance to sleep in this morning. So much going on there and I am praying that it all knits together just as the Lord wants it. You can certainly trust Him to be working it all out in your behalf.

Your mother must have smiled so big knowing that you're almost home for good! I know that it hasn't always been easy.

Enjoy this weekend and take time to relax.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and you do so enjoy all YOUR people..

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

In hopes that all those frayed pieces, come together, in the best possible way. So you can get back to enjoying Life, and Your People.


Rita's Recipes said...

Looks like you had a nice day with your Mom. Slippers! Yes my Mom always bought them two at a time! Hope the milk and pie did the trick!

MeriwetherGirl said...

I know just what you mean about "My People". It is something I say too. I think it is because "my people" know why we are what we are - they have known us from the start and they understand us like no one else. There is such comfort in that! I am so glad that you have had a little time to spend with your people.

You are an amazing, giving person and I know you must be such a blessing to those around you. I am praying those blessings come right back to you! Judy

Blondie's Journal said...

We think alike. And I definitely would have chosen the pie over cleaning! ;-D


Pondside said...

Yes, pie would have won out with me too!
Your people are certainly special - and it's lovely that you can get to see them as often as you do.
Good luck with all the decisions and bits and pieces of difficulty - I pray that they will all settle and leave you worry-free.

Nonnie said...

I know what you mean about "my people." You are a special lady indeed who takes time daily to spend on your people. You seem to have something going on every minute of your life.
Hoping you get over these bumps in the road soon.

Kathy said...

I hate those sleepless nights. Hope you do better tonight. I'm sure things will work out. Can't believe it's time for you to be moving back to HOME home. I know "your people" will be glad to have you back.

Linda said...

What great photos, Linda. Your mother looks like a wonderful lady! Your daughter as well. Sleepless nights are not easy. Thank you so much for your great comments on my blog as well.

Carla said...

Loved the pictures and I'm glad Deanie kept you from that cliff. Now if you ever need more therapy please feel free to come clean my house.

Hugs to ya