Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Rita's Strawberry Bread, Tuesday's Treasures, Girls Hockey and Wednesday

 Tuesday morning I sliced the loaf of strawberry bread my sister Rita sent home with me and poured myself a cup of Dunkin Donuts Strawberry coffee.....

and I took it outside on the kitchen deck and sipped and nibbled and remembered what an amazing visit I had in Kansas City with my paternal family.

I love having my first cup of coffee with the Lord as I look up into the heavens.
"Be still and know that I am Lord."

Being still before the Lord is not all that easy to do.
My mind drifts and shifts even with my best intentions to focus on HIM.
I noticed, though, that as long as I was looking UP - I was with the Lord.
But when my gaze wondered and I caught myself looking down at the gardens and deck - I wandered in my mind. I pulled my eyes back UP and there was the connection again.

****Note to self****
Keep looking UP!

I came in and baked a batch of vanilla crack cake using small loaf and hive pans.
Perfect size for sharing!

Brenda picked me up shortly after 2:00 and we hit up our favorite thrift store.

Brenda found a few treasures and so did I.
She has a knack for name brands and that White House/Black Market pair of jeans is what she scored along with a few other bargains.
I always find some good books and the burlap ribbon and threads will come in handy!
The top in the lower left will be good for summer.

A table runner, Chico top (not shown) and a Talbot top plus a brand new with tags fancy top from Macy's! Original price - $89!!

We had tea and a good visit at Whataburger before calling it an afternoon.

Brenda dropped me off at home and I noticed the car was GONE!!!
Louis Dean had taken himself off on an errand.
No big deal to him but I was pretty antsy until he came home a half hour later!

Thank goodness he arrived in time for us to get to the girls' hockey game in Farmer's Branch!

He may be 86 years old but he's still a romantic kind of guy!

Our Trystan may be tiny but she is MIGHTY!!!
She   scored the first goal of the game and they ended up winning 2-1!
Now they will play again on Thursday!

Kailey skated off the ice and went right straight to her Granddad!
They have truly had a special bond from the first time he held her.

Logan found Granddad in the snack bar area after she changed out of her gear.

And Kailey always finds me.
I may play second fiddle to Granddad but I know she loves me just as much.
And I have to admit - I love the way she gives him so much special attention!

Then there's our beautiful Trystan!!
She's such a blessing to all of us.

Amber and her dad.
I remember when she came over to the house and asked us how we felt about adult adoptions.
I immediately wondered - 'who does she want US to adopt??'
She has loved Louis Dean like a dad from the very moment he came into our lives just as he has loved her.

He is her legal father and grandfather to her four children.
(Trystan was with her dad inside.)

We drove home in the dark but it wasn't bad at all.
There are a few routes I can drive with little to no problem - especially of Louis Dean is with me.
I am going to be SO glad when it's time for daylight savings time!

We are pretty crazy about our cats!

Tabitha is attached to Louis Dean and Samantha has a tender heart for those who are not feeling well.
Summer has been here for a few days and she overdid on Monday and Samantha slept on Summer's feet all night.

Summer left this afternoon to go to a few medical appointments and then she will head back to the Bar-J Ranch in Arkansas tomorrow.

She left us with some choice groceries so we had a great salad for supper tonight along with shrimp cocktail and BBQ chicken legs.

Yesterday someone came to our door but I did not recognize him so I didn't answer his knock.
We don't have a doorbell - but we do have a honey hive brass knocker!

No one can make you answer your door or your phone and I don't unless I know who it is.
Apparently this gray haired- gray bearded man came back this morning and this time he left a note on the door with a message and his phone number.

Turns our he's Tom from a jam session Louis Dean used to go to and he invited him to the Thursday afternoon jam sessions at the Senior Citizens Center.

Guess where LD's going tomorrow???


Rita said...

You found some real bargains! What a fun time out at hockey and Louis Dean with be having a high old time at the jam session! :)

Donna said...

I love going to the thrift stores! No tellin' what you'll find!
Looks like it was a good game!
A beautiful family...

Chatty Crone said...

I haven't gone to a thrift store for a while. I really need to go.
That came looked like fun with all the family there.
Also that salad looked interesting - I love olives like that.
Glad he is going to jam at the senior center.

Changes in the wind said...

A very good day I would say and the salad looked amazing.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I know Louis Dean will enjoy playing his music! You have so many fun things to do! Enjoy your day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think the adult adoption story is the cutest one you’ve ever told and the sweetest I just love it! That salad looks divine
I Felt a moment of panic about coming home and the car was gone so glad it turned out well

Vee said...

Have you discovered the secret? Keep looking up? My mind is all over the place when I am trying to keep it stayed on Him. I'll give your method a whirl. ☺️

Such fun things you do with your friends and family. 😁

NanaDiana said...

I don't think I have ever had strawberry bread, Linda. It sounds good though. I think it is wonderful that LD is so loved by the family and you can see those kids just shine around him. Looks like another good day of thrifting for you and your friend.
How wonderful that man came back to invite LD to come see them play!
Have a wonderful day, Linda- xo Diana

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I don't like to change the clocks all over the house when daylight savings time comes, but I do love the longer hours of daylight we get in the evening. At least then I won't feel like going to bed at 6 o'clock. I love the shopping finds you have today. I've got so much already, I don't dare buy anything new. There is just no room left to store anything else.

photowannabe said...

The story of Amber wanting to be adopted by Louis Dean is precious. It made me a bit teary eyed. You are so blessed Linda.
Definitely keep looking up!!
Great finds at the Thrift store and fun times with Brenda.
Happy Jam session LD !!!

Debbie said...

such a beautiful family, i am so happy you shared pictures of the kids, they are getting so big!! i must tell you i enjoy seeing pictures of them on the ice, and hearing about their games. i never had a grandfather, this reminds me of how much i missed out on!!

good for ld attending the jam sessions, he's going to love it and they are going to love him!!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Do you have the recipe for the strawberry bread? I've never heard of it. We did have strawberry shortcake tonight. I enjoyed your post as always, and all of the happy activities with your beautiful family. Life is always so fun and full of adventure in your neck of the woods! LOL. It's wonderful that the kids all love being with you both so much too. That is a real joy and blessing. Happy days. I know you enjoy every minute of it. ((Hugs)))

Deanna Rabe said...

This whole post made me smile! You live a joy-filled life! I love it!

I love the story about Amber and Louis Dean.

So much goodness in this post, family, faith, friendships. They are the most important things in life!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What another family photo filled post, Linda, an d the story of how Amber asked Louis Dean to be her dad was beautiful. The love between him and all the grands is so obvious and so very special for sure. Strawberry bread with strawberry coffe sounds like a lot of sweet treats. As always, you and Linda found great thrift store deals!

LC said...

Loved this post. Family, food and fun! My hubby was in hospital Christmas week and I'm just now attempting to get back in gear with blog.Just so thankful he is healthy after having "walking" pneumonia!

salemslot9 said...

You’re smart not answering door.🐱