Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday Things......

 Sunday things today included springing forward .....

I woke up at 9:30 as in REAL time and that's when I remembered the time change!
Louis Dean was sound asleep so I did not wake him up because there's no way he could rally round and be ready for church by 11:15 - as in reality it was already 10:30.

So I spent the next 20 minutes changing all of our clocks one hour forward!
Guess how many we have?
At least one clock in every single room plus one on the porch and one on the back wall of the house by the gazebo.

After my Quiet Time and devotions my first order of business was doing our meds for the next four weeks.

I'm always amazed how quickly time passes and here I am again filling the medicine boxes.
The boxes do not retain their 'integrity' forever and the ones I use for Louis Dean had lost theirs!
They popped open when we traveled and spilled out - so I bought four brand new ones for him!
It takes over an hour to do this job so I watched a movie on Amazon Prime - movies and books are my not so new best friends. I read and watch every day and it's worth the challenge of finding a good book or a worthy movie.

The den is all dressed up for spring!

There's something special about a sweet nest of eggs....
or several.

There have been a couple of years when I did NOT decorate for spring.....
and while I don't have nearly as much spring as I do fall and Christmas....
I felt the need to do so this year. I want to celebrate Life and Living and Friends and Family.

I put a spring cover on this basket and Tabitha thought it was a special bed just for her and she's been there for hours now!

My sweet kitty!

Samantha curled up in this basket which is right beside the baby grand piano where Tabitha is.
I lifted her up andd put a kitty bed in there - and she left and wouldn't come back until I removed it!

I keep candy dishes filled both in the den and living room.
It used to be for the grands who would visit when they were young but as they are in school and sports, I fill them with goodies for Louis Dean and me.
This is candied ginger and pineapple - my favorites and I need to refill the container.
I keep cashews in the living room for Louis Dean....and I like them, too.

We went to Magnolia several years ago when Amber and her family came down to the ranch on Spring Break and we each bought a dough bowl. Is that what it's called?
While Amber decorates with hers in beautiful ways, I've never got the hang of it.
This year I filled it with eggs and small seeded wreathes and set it on the hearth in  the den.

My Easter Tree!
 Filled with memories and mementos of Easters past. 

I dearly love the gifts that friends have given me  over the years and they serve as prayer reminders.
This one is from Kimmy and June back in 2010 after my knee surgery.
God has blessed me with such sweet friends and I count all of you that read my words as such.

The den is clean and pretty and only the guest room remains to be done.
It will have to wait until we get back from the country.
Today I have done laundry and packed up our reading, medicine and food plus a small bag of clothes and the laundry we are taking back to the ranch,
We are pretty much ready to load and leave in the morning - hopefully before noon.

Breakfast this morning was served well after noon and it featured pancakes and bacon.

Sunday night supper was a broccoli cheese quiche.....

topped with crisp crumbled bacon!
Everything is better with bacon!

For Louis Dean I added leftovers from Friday night and then he had a second helping of quiche!

It's bedtime here and I am about to take a good shower and wash my hair.
I'm always excited about going to the ranch and am looking forward to BEING there!

And  isn't that the truth???


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your Ranch time!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love all your decorations! The Springtime Easter tree is outstanding, and so beautiful! I also love how you decorated the secretary desk and the stuffed bunnies with their flowers. I like the dough thingy, I would be at a total loss as to how to decorate it!

Unknown said...

Safe travels to you and Louis Dean.

Donna said...

All your decorations are Wonderful! I wish I had your energy! I suppose I need to start doing this because of our Baby Sloane! She'll love it...I have one of those skinny trees out in the glassroom. Thanks for the ideas!!
My daughter Crystal and hubby live in Magnolia...traffic is Growing there.
Be safe on your trip but have a blast!

Rita said...

Aren't cats particular. They seem to just know what they like and don't like and that is it...period. Allie will not come up and sit with me if I have a blanket over me. Never had a cat who didn't like blankets...but maybe Samantha is one--lol! Safe travels!! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a cat in a basket is better than a bunny, the thing is, it is also funny. love it. I have been ranting about the time change so will not rant here.
we only have 4 clocks in the house to change and the 2 trucks. we used to have watches but stopped wearing them when they both died in 2020. we think they died from not being worn for a year.
I hope you are enjoying your country home now

Arlene G said...

Oh I love a good dough bowl and it is up to you how you style it. I keep the little pillows I cross stitch in mine. I just like looking at them. I have one at Grimmwood that is filled with little farm themed pillows. The grands like to pull them out and look at them. Have fun at the ranch.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my, that quiche looks so good. You are right bacon does taste good !I love all your decorations and think you are a wonderful decorator ! Enjoy your time at the ranch!

Deanna Rabe said...

I like your spring decor! The kitties enjoying your home are the sweetest.

I love a good quiche. Yours looks so good.

Chatty Crone said...

You have 21 clocks - you will never ever miss what time it is. I have a medicine box to fill too.
My goodness your spring decorations are lovely. I would have no idea where to keep them.
Love your Easter Tree as well.
And your food looks delish as well.

photowannabe said...

I love how you celebrate the seasons. Seems I just never got the hang of doing that. Maybe I will try to find my Spring bunny and move myself into Spring time mode.
Love your sweet kitty in the basket too.
Enjoy your time at the Ranch. Peace and Rest to you and Louis Dean.

Brenda said...

Enjoy your time at ranch. I have no clocks exc on stove
I use phone or Fitbit

Vee said...

Happy Trails! May you enjoy your time at the ranch.

Every time I fill my pill boxes, I marvel that the time has gone by so quickly.
It's a chore I hate for the lousy pill boxes don't stay shut or else they don't
open. I need to go shopping for pill boxes.

The meals look scrumptious!

Debbie said...

chuck does my pills for me, the man is a saint. i honestly can't remember the last time i "did" them. whenever we travel, i always put thick rubber band around them the long way, it helps prevent them from opening!! when you are home, you can just slide them into the center, then they are there for next time!!

your easter tree is beautiful, i am not going to decorate this year, too much going on and i am trying to focus on the task at hand!!

i have to tell you that i really enjoy seeing the meals you make. they always seem so "homey" like a meal your mom would make for you!!