Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Monday Food and Tuesday Treasures!

Monday's Food!

 Dean and Sherry sent us home with a dozen fresh eggs from the country!

There is a difference!
These country eggs seem so much sturdier!
From cracking the shells to the large firm yolks - they seem more 'substantial' than the store bought eggs.

My meal for Monday was breakfast - served at lunch.
Thick cut bacon and toast with apricot fruit spread and coffee completed the menu.

Louis Dean worked outside most of the day cleaning the back pond.
I should have taken a before and after pic!
The pond liner was coated with green stuff but Louis Dean drained, cleaned, and filled it up with water that was sparkling clean!

That's not all he did on Monday!

He's been talking about making his goulash for weeks now.
Monday was THE day!
While he forgets some things - making his favorite recipe was NOT one of them!

We were out of some of the important ingredients - like green bell pepper and celery.
Not to worry!
Our sweet neighbor, Stephanie , emptied the veggie bin on her fridge and Louis Dean's eyes lit up!
He had such a good time cooking.
I need to remember how much he loves spending time in the kitchen.

My only contribution to the meal was a salad and garlic bread.

He made a HUGE pot of what I would call 'Hamburger Stew.'
To me, goulash should have pasta in it.
My sister, Deanie, and I were talking earlier this evening and she reminded me that this dish was called Slumgullion back when Mother made it...except it was totally different.
Mother cooked hamburger, onion, bell pepper (if she had it) and added macaroni and tomato sauce.
That and peach cobbler, pinto beans, meatloaf and cheesy potatoes make up the foods that Mother cooked for us when we were young.

Louis Dean's recipe was delicious AND he cleaned up the kitchen! (Pretty much, anyway!)
He still gets credit!

While he was in the kitchen, I redid the dining room table for spring.

I love pairing vintage pieces with my plates and the whimsical napkin rings and napkins I have had for years and years.

After I took pictures of the table - I pushed everything to one end and pulled the tablecloth - which is actually a bedspread - over it and set up my art table on the other end.

While I did not put my brush into paint Monday night - I DID lay everything out and set it all up to do a mountain scene from the cabin in New Mexico where son Jesse took us last August.
I am hoping to go back there again this year if possible.
The scene I will be painting is in the fall - just as the aspens are turning.
Perhaps next year we can visit there for that season.
I will be painting the scene on a wraparound 12 inch square canvas.

Now that the art table is ready and waiting - it won't be long before I can start painting!
Preparation is the key! All that follows is easy!

Tuesday Treasures!

My normal thrifting partner, Brenda, retires on Friday so this is her last week of work and she didn't get off early on Tuesday as was her normal schedule.

Louis Dean has been wanting a new coffee pot - as in a regular sized one as opposed to the four cupper he has now. He's talked about this a LOT lately so today was the day to shop for one.

First we hit up Irving Thrift.

Right off the bat - he found one!!!
Plus a couple of good quality whiskers!
The bouquet was my find!

More faux florals, a brand new insulated picnic bag, two beautiful new cylinder lamps which replaced the two vintage ones in the guest room, and a brand new cushion for Louis Dean's chair in the gazebo.

 I found a nice green tablecloth for the baby grand in the den and a curtain that I will repurpose as a table cloth for the den table. As I stood in the check out lane - I spied my sweet Easter Lady! $2.98 less 30 %!
I added the lamps again accidentally. 

New pillowcases in the perfect shade of green for our bedroom.
The blessing sign is now hanging on the wall in my sewing room as I write.
That cool wine bucket was perfect for one of the floral bouquets I got today.

It was a wonderful day of 'Goodwill Hunting!!'

Our first stop was at Irving Thrift and then we went on down the street to Goodwill.
Louis Dean is 6 feet tall so I felt sure we could each take a buggy and meet back up.
Except we didn't.
I finished shopping and looked around for him - he's head and shoulders above all the racks - but I couldn't FIND him!  I got in line and was still looking for him, checked out and asked everyone in line after me if they had seen an older guy in brown overalls - NO ONE had!
I went out to the car thinking he MUST be there - but he wasn't.
BACK in I went and the PA system there was not working so they couldn't make an announcement.
The bathrooms are locked so my friend at the checkout assured me he wasn't in there.

I walked up and down every isle and FOUND him in the book corner!
The book cases are higher there and that's why I couldn't see him!

Be still, my heart!!!
I had freaked out for no reason and had to calm myself down.
Our imaginations can take control of us and throw us for a loop!

It was a blessing that our next stop was at Hollywood Nails for a His and Hers pedicure.

I was in dire need of a relaxing hour......

A pedicure for me is a luxury.
For Louis Dean it is as necessary as a medical check up.
His diabetes - as mild as it is - has affected his feet and these pedicures have made a huge difference.
As opposed to his previous podiatrist appointments which cost three times or more as much as a pedicure and was not nearly as beneficial. 

It was a good day for us and we came home ready to get a few things done.

Louis Dean went out to the gazebo and finished getting all the lights down.
Our replacement parts have come in so we will be working to get out gazebo back in shape!
I'm all excited about new ideas to decorate it!

While Louis Dean worked outside - I was baking inside!
I did a couple of cookie sheets of fruitcake cookies and a batch of rum cakes with a rum/sugar/butter glaze.

Louis Dean and I are doing a Fort Worth Day tomorrow and will be visiting family and friends and taking some baked goodies to share with them,

I walked over to our sweet neighbors to leave them a few rum cakes on their front porch....

Tamara is a gardener extraordinaire!
These beautiful bluebonnets are by her front door and I had to take a pic of them!



Rita said...

I am also used to goulash with pasta in it. But everything looks delicious.

Hootin Anni said...

My Goulash is elbow macaroni with tomatoes, seasoning, parmesan cheese...served with salad, and garlic knots!!
You two are always so active...which is good.
Never heard of a "wrap around" canvas....care to explain that to me?
Love the planter of bluebonnets.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

to me the word goulash is anything your throw into a pot, left overs and any choices we make. stew, soup, goulash, all don't need a recipe, just dig out and throw in what you have in fridge or cabinet. any type meat can be used. i have a few things I make that were in a book called 1001 ways to use hamburger. that book was back in the mid 60's. also this kind of food is called Make Do. as in make do with what you have. rice, pasta,potatoes are all stretch the make do foods. forgot about flour
I know how you felt when he disapeared, it is like a kick in the stomach

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

My goulash is what my husband calls marchetti (not sure of the spelling)...everyone has a favorite recipe! Love your thrift finds. I'm donating more than buying these days but it sure is fun to look! Enjoy your day!

Vee said...

Louis Dean's goulash looks a bit like what I know as American Chop Suey. Losing people makes me most anxious. My sister-in-law enjoyed ditching me so much that I stopped inviting her to go shopping with me. Too stressful!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Such gorgeous Bluebonnets! And you MUST tell me how you made the egg bowl table centerpiece!! I think my favorite find is the cute Easter Lady. Not very long ago, we went to a strip mall to shop. Phil dropped me off at a store and then went to park. After shopping, I still could not find him. I looked everywhere, and started to panic. I was on my way out to the parking lot to look for the car when he came in. He had gone into the WRONG store to meet me!! He had dropped me off at Michaels, then went into Ross.

photowannabe said...

I guess we all have our own version of Goulash...
Mine is called "Glop"
Its hamburger, onions, kidney beans, green beans seasonings and anything else in the fridge that needs to get eaten. Makes the house smell so good and it's our go to comfort food.
Love your blue bonnets and all of your treasures you find.
I think Louis Dean hit the mother lode with the purchases.
Its so scary when we can't find someone.
Once I was shopping in an unfamiliar mall. When son and I went in it was still light. When we were finished it was dark and I couldn't find our car.
We had come out the opposite side of the mall and were completely turned around. Total panic. At last we found our car and made it home.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. The goulash sounds delicious! I always enjoy seeing what you find with your Tuesday Treasures. So glad that Louis Dean was one of the treasures you "found" hiding in the books! Hope you both have a good week. See you again soon!

Sandy in Alaska said...

What a nice visit I just enjoyed with you, Miss Linda! Loved seeing all of the fun treasures ya'll found thrifting! My Jeffro & I did that today as well but nothing worth taking pictures of! Although I did get three cute tops for a buck a piece and a beautiful soft pink fluffy roses bouquet for $1.50. Super cheerful to greet us when we walk through the snow to come inside. :o) Did you paint your kitchen cabinet doors? Your home is so inviting and no doubt filled with delicious baking aroma. I made THE best carrot cake this week & used my daughter's short cut method of a boxed spice cake mix that she shreds a hand full of carrots into. I used a 16 oz. can of carrots along with the liquid it was in as part of the cup of water and added chopped walnuts. Super fast and tasty loaded with cream cheese frosting!! Have a wonderfully blessed rest of the week! Hugs to you from Alaska!

Donna said...

I make a Hamburger Soup that looks a lot like his goulash. We love it. LD looks like he's having fun!
Love the place settings! Pretty!
And I Love to go thrifting! Those are some great finds...
I wish I could get Larry to go with me to the nail salon!

NanaDiana said...

I haven't had goulash in a long time but I have always loved it. It seems I don't make things just for me that no one else likes. I am glad LD is still able to enjoy working in the kitchen. It is good for his soul (and his memory/mind). Glad you found a coffee pot and you found some great other items, too.
Your sweet cakes look great. I am trying to not eat sweets because they cause me to flare (achiness) but I do love them-especially ice cream....sigh....
Love and blessings to both of you-xo Diana

Judy said...

I make a hamburger soup that is thick...almost like goulash. Comfort food, for sure! You are the best thrifter I know. What wonderful treasure you always find. Beautiful blue bonnets. We were in 'hill country' in Texas many years ago, when the fields were awash with bluebonnets. It was April. So beautiful!