Monday, December 12, 2022

Sunday Church and Monday Things.....

Louis Dean and I were on the late side arriving at church on Sunday but we made it before the message started!
Normally we meet up with the Bells and sit together but I thought they might have gone to the Frisco campus when Amber didn't respond to my text.

Turns out she didn't see it so, as they were leaving the service, she said she wanted to take a family pic by one of the Christmas trees. 

When she looked over the way - guess who she saw trying to take a selfie in front of the tree?

We had a fun time doing a photo shoot and chatting a few minutes.
The girls had already played an early morning hockey game - and WON! 10-1!
It was nice to catch up and we even made a few plans for when the kids are out of school next week!
They went on home to finish decorating their Christmas tree and LD and I went off to Home Goods and TJ Max before we headed home.

We are having a problem with the front door locking - due to the house shifting, I feel sure.
I told Louis Dean to let things dry out and see if it will shift back!
We still have a lock at the top that works so I went on to fix dinner.

Alas, he forgot what I said and was in there chiseling away with the door wide open - and Tabitha got out! It took so long to get her back in that Sunday dinner turned into Sunday night supper!

 LD and I watched the recorded Cowboy game.
Who knew it would be so close???

I went to bed on the early side last night and was asleep before 10:00.
However I woke up at 3:00 and by 4:00 I decided to just get up and DO something.
I emptied the dishwasher, made coffee for this morning, hung some more ornaments, read my Bible and devotional books, prayed, and then watched the last episode I have of Annika before finally going back to bed at 7:00 this morning.

Louis Dean was lying on my side of the bed so when he turned over I slid into the warm spot he'd just vacated and went right to sleep for another three hours!

It was another wet gray day here - and I may well be the only person in the world who actually love days like this!

Grocery shopping at ALDI this afternoon and I was surprised at how high the prices of things are!!
Eggs, for instance, are over $4 a dozen!
I bought a huge turkey for Christmas Eve dinner and will need to make at least one more trip to the grocery store before then. The four Bell grands will be coming over to spend the night next week and they all like to shop ALDI with me so that is one thing we will do before making the sugarplum dough and some cookies and whatever they want to cook for supper.

I am so thankful to Louis Dean for bringing in all my groceries!
He waited until I had secured both cats in the guest room before hauling it all in from the porch.
We did NOT want a repeat of yesterday!

I mailed the very last of my Christmas cards today and still have some left - not too many but enough to take to Fort Worth on Friday and visit Trail Lake Nursing Home. I haven't been back there since Lillian died.

Pam invited me to go with her to walk Centennial Park tonight. 

The walks around the lake were lit up and it all looked so pretty.
I love the smell of wet leaves and the sound of the wind stirring what ones are still clinging to the trees.
There was a light mist in the air as we walked and it felt so good to be out and about - but not worrying about driving home in the dark. Thank you, Pam.

Tonight reminded me of December 2004.
I'd divorced in August of that year and I drove over to Fort Worth when I got off work on Friday to spend the night with Mother.
Leah was so sweet and came over, picked us up and drove us all around to look at Christmas lights.
She was in her 20's and it was a Friday night - and yet she chose to spend it with her Granny and Aunt Linda.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The fountain is gorgeous, and so are you! I don't know how you managed to get Tabitha back in! When our Simba got out, he was gone for four days - in an ice storm! I've been meaning to go to Aldi, maybe tomorrow.

Sandy in Alaska said...

After I read your posts I feel like I had a visit with my best friend of 54 years who lives in Pasadena, Texas where i used to live. Ya'll remind me of each other so much! I was hoping all of your decorating would have inspired me, which it did, but my follow through kinda did its own thing. ha ha! Merry Christmas and huge blessings to you and your Louis Dean and family!

Donna said...

How 'bout those Cowboys?! Close win!
I also love those wet and cloudy days. We don't get enough of them!
Hope you're enjoying your week sweet lady!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. Looks like you had a very nice weekend. You and Louis Dean are always on the go, doing kind things for others. You are such an inspiration to me. I am looking forward to one of your Santa Christmas cards! See you again soon. :-)

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So many sweet things going on here...and sweet memories too. Your grands are so cute! I am new to your blog recently and am just realizing the fact that you have quads! How amazing is that??? I can imagine how busy their family's life must be. I'm sure it's a little bit easier now than it was when they were newborns! Wow! Anyway, yes, prices for food are up everywhere and it is getting scary. I am almost ready to raise my own chickens for eggs and plant a garden in the spring. I need to study up on this idea first, as I've never been much of a gardener or a chicken lover, as I had a terrible fright from a big rooster as a child and so I tend to shy away from chickens. But survival could make us get over many fears when we want to eat! LOL. I love the quote at the end of your post. That is so very true, and I need to remember it. Have a blessed and beautiful week.

NanaDiana said...

I am happy to finally catch up with you. Lots going on for you and me! I love that the family all found each other at church and that you got family pictures. How very special is that! I am so sorry your kitty got out. I know your heart was in your throat until you found her and got her back inside. When Scruffy gets out I am beside myself until I can capture him. How wonderful to be driven around to look at lights with your mom all those years ago. Where does time go?!

Praying for you and LD every day. I know what you are going through on a daily basis so will keep you in my prayers. Much love to you- Diana

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The acts of kindness spread all over blogland too. And I'm very grateful for all of our friendships here. Happy holidays!

Deanna Rabe said...

What a happy post. So many good things happening!

I can't believe the girls team won 10-1! Wow! Glad they'll be staying over with you and LD and making memories!

Your talking about driving around to look at Christmas lights puts me in the mood to do just that! Maybe this weekend!

Vee said...

I have to say that some of the most stressful times of my life have been when the cat got out. 🐈‍⬛

Fun to find each other at the Christmas Tree. Sweet photos.

My door shifts about, too. When it's off, I stuff it with a long scarf.

Nice to take a walk to see the lights and get some fresh, misty air. Pam's a good friend.

Happy, productive December days to you!

LC said...

Thanks so much for sharing your life stories and photos. May your Christmas be filled with love and joy.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Yikes about your car getting out! I remember one incident years ago, I lived on a very busy road and one night I couldn’t find my beloved cat. I looked into the wee hours of the morning- I was in my twenties and I cried and basically was an emotional mess. Finally deciding I needed to go to bed, I opened up my dresser drawer and out pops my kitty! My one cat, Susie is strictly indoors and she’s got out a couple of times but fortunately only for a few minutes. I still freak out though. It’s a cruel world out there for our indoor cats.

Just love your posts.

Chatty Crone said...

Eggs are over $4 a dozen here too - went to Walmart today. The cost of food is amazing. I hope it stops soon.
The last meme about doing something for another - I just wrote to my son about a book that talks about it - funny - like a God wink.
Glad you got your groceries in safely.

Granny Marigold said...

It never seems to be boring around your house...always things happening. I'm sure glad you got Tabitha back where she belongs!
Around here turkeys are in short supply this year due to many flocks being destroyed because of Avian Flu infections. Our Kate's partner got a turkey from his boss ( this happens every Christmas) and she's hosting the meal on the 25th so we just had to buy a ham. Have fun with the grands when they visit.

Judy said...

I like that remember that there is no small act of kindness. From photos at the checking out the preparing for are making the most of the season.

Susie said...

Linda, I loved the photos. I laughed about you getting into the warm spot LD left. I miss my sweet bed warmer. Blessings to all of you. love you, xoxo, Susie

Carole said...

Dreading facing the Christmas shopping at the supermarket... Tis the season to be jolly! Cheers