Saturday, December 17, 2022

So Many Christmas Trees!

 At long last all the Christmas trees are as decorated as they are going to be and here is a round up of them!

My favorite tree this year is in the sewing room!

This small tree holds hand sequined ornaments.....

I bought these in a garage sale for next to nothing!
It broke my heart to think of all the hours it took to sew these.
Originally they were stitched onto a net tablecloth.
Back in Amber's Synchro days - I spent hours and hours and hours sewing sequins onto swim suits so I feel very protective over this collection someone somewhere worked so hard and long on.

The living room tree - which changes colors.
This is Louis Dean's favorite!

A tiny tree in LD's bathroom - and there's also a Charlie Brown tree on the sink counter.

Our white bedroom tree.....

and a small tree in the hall on a shelf.
It's lit with battery powered lights and I need to change to new batteries.

Guest room tree......

Kitchen tree....

Laundry room trees.....

Laundry room......

Santa tree in the den.

Another tree in the den.

More trees in the den....

The SIXTH tree in the den......

I bought this ornament yesterday.

The tree in the foyer.

And finally the one in the gazebo!

I forgot to take a pic of the one on the front porch!

I have spent a good part of this day finishing up the stockings.

I am LOVING these!!!!!
Our old stockings were red and white quilted silk ones that I made back in the 70's

I used name labels on wooden tags to hang on the stockings!

So now they are all hung and I am about to go out to the den and fill them  up!
I have a big crockpot of what Louis Dean has pronounced a DELICIOUS vegetable beef stew.
Maybe a fire log in the fireplace?
That sounds like a fine idea.


Robin from P'ville said...

Does LD know what a treasure he has?

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Your home is filled with joy and much Christmas Spirit and love. I can't even begin to imagine the hours of work that have gone into decorating all of those sweet trees, but you seem to just wave your magic wand and presto! They appear! And those beautiful new stockings are wonderful! What a lovely idea. I know your family will love them! I know I would love one of those! You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing your lovely Christmas home with us. May the Lord fill your home with His love and grace and peace and JOY. Merry Christmas!!

Vee said...

Beautiful trees...hard to choose a favorite, but if pressed, I'm with Louis Dean. It is so tall and golden. Your new ornament is most special. ♥️

Jan said...

Your trees are lovely!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The foyer tree and the sewing room tree are my favorites!! Your artistic talent sure expads to tree decorating!! You have so many different ideas for each tree!! Your house is really like a Christmas museum.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. Your home looks so lovely and festive. I admire your energy to do so much decorating. Awesome. You have a good Sunday and a great week. See you again soon!

Sandy in Alaska said...

I love, love, love ALL of your trees, Linda!! ....actually, your whole house! :) Your home oozes comfort and Christmas cheer! A perfect celebration for our Jesus' birthday! It's hard to believe it has gotten here soooo fast. Best wishes for a very special time with your family! (They will love their new neat and love the wood tag!)

Unknown said...

So many trees! How festive! Your house is so warm and happy. I'm sure it's just like a big hug whenever your family and friends enter. I won't even try to pick a favorite tree, I'll just say I love them all. Wrapping gifts is a lot of work, so I think filling up stockings is a wonderful idea.

Anni said...

I can, in no way, pick a favorite. They are all exceptional as are your stockings but, I hafta say your new ornament is TOPS!!!

Donna said...

How do you DO IT?? Let us in on your secret please! Planning months ahead of time??
I have another tree in the've ignited me...Going out to get

Beth J said...

I loved seeing all of your trees! I counted 22, if I didn't miss any. WOW! You should do tours. Someone we know has dinners/tours of his home around Christmas, for I think $40 per person. He makes a really nice meal and then you can walk around and look at his trees. I don't think he has as many a you do, but he has a lot! He also displays Nativity Scenes and Santas.
I like your stockings. I have never done stockings. Seems I spend so much on the bigger gifts that I have run out of ideas and over budget to do stockings too. Anyway, how would I fit roller blades and scooters into a stocking? lol
I do love yours though. So pretty. Beth J from Iowa
ps loved your Christmas card. So glad we are friends!

Rita said...

I've never known anyone who had so many trees! Of no doubt it's a Merry Christmas at your house. :)

Lisa said...

Christmas Trees, fie logs and beef stew. Sounds so Christmasy! I love it. I am done with Christmas shopping. I only need to find stocking stuffers now.


Chatty Crone said...

My goodness you have a lot of trees! Each one beautiful as the next. That must have taken you awhile to do!

photowannabe said...

I am in total awe over all your trees. I know they are done with love and care. Joy fills your home and LD and you are the best part of it.

NanaDiana said...

Well, thank you, Lord! I am glad to see I am not the only person to put a tree up in every room...and sometimes more than one in a room. LOL. I love your trees. Those sequined ornaments are a treasure. I have sewn a lot of sequins on to costumes over the years and it is a HUGE undertaking. The person that made yours had a wonderful talent and how lucky that you found them and will appreciate them. xo Diana

Debbie said...

ooooh all your trees and other decor are so beautiful!!

i know you have "treasured memories"!!

beef stew in the crockpot and a fire...sounds perfect to me!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

To say you have a whole lotta trees in your home is certainly an understatement, Linda. My gosh those are some beautifully decorated ones too. We have never had more than a couple and that included one on the front porch.

Carole said...

I am adopting your Christmas tree in the kitchen - virtually of course. Cheers

Betty said...

So very beautiful you are truly a gifted artist. I hope that you and LD can spend the week resting among the beautiful home you created. Merry Christmas .

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Wow wow wow. Has your home ever been featured in a magazine? If not, it should. Just beautiful

Deanna Rabe said...

I love all your trees! So fun!

We have our big tree in the living room, a tree in Kyle's room, one in mine, one in Sarah's and my parents have a tree in their room too!

The stockings are fantastic! You've done an amazing job!

You are the Queen of Christmas!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

So many beautiful trees. They are all lovely. The one in the guest room is one of my favorites.