Wednesday, December 7, 2022

December Days.....

 Louis Dean and I have stayed pretty much at home since Thanksgiving and it has been good for us to slow down and not have somewhere to go and something to do every single day.
Neither one of us ever get bored - there's so many projects around here and I've been staying busy decorating and cleaning while Louis Dean has been doing what Louis Dean does!
We meet back in one of the 'clean' rooms for tea breaks and we've watched a few more movies.
Every morning I address some Christmas cards and every night I put the house to bed with another room dressed for Christmas.

Nita is always on my mind.
I ordered three ornaments for us - and mailed Deanie's and Lonnie's to them earlier this week.
When I get sad for myself, I think of other friends who have lost a sister, daughter, son or a close loved one lately and I pray for them. 
I think it's a good thing this is a quiet December. I'm really not ready to party right now.
More thinking and pondering and praying these days.

I have purposely avoided going shopping - even for groceries - trying to use what we have and not waste things.

Normally, we eat  pretty healthy but every once in awhile, Louis Dean MUST have hot dogs!
As in with chili, mustard, relish, chopped onions and shredded cheese!
Just look how happy this makes him!

We love our kitty cats and cutting their nails is sometimes a two-man job.
I cut all of Tabitha's all by myself but Louis Dean helped with Samantha.

It's so cute how they hide their faces!

I finally made it into the dungeon den and slowly turned the messy chaos into a Christmas room.
Louis Dean and I watched Home Alone and Home Alone in New York while I worked.
This was a three day job!

I have been watching Annika and am hooked! I don't get much done and I need to pay attention to the storyline. 

Ginny asked what my favorite Santa is and it has always been my very first one.
Painted in 1994 from a scene on a paper gift box.
I remember looking at it and thinking, "I could paint that.'
And so I did - more than a dozen times.
I painted some for fundraisers, gifts and requests.
This one takes 4 hours of brush on canvas and I do believe it will always be my favorite.
Kimmy and June gave us a gift in that box and the box turned out to be even more special than what was in it!

My next favorite is this one painted in 2010 and it won a ribbon at an art show.

I had a good time painting this Santa Express last year and it was a real joy to paint the 2022 Santa holding the Nativity globe.

Back to a more healthy menu!
There's something special about a great big baked sweet potato with a chuck of butter melting on it!

The other night I could not sleep and stayed up until 3:00 the next morning.
Then last night I was in bed asleep by 9:30!
No telling when I'll go to bed tonight!

This morning I put the last touches on the den and vacuumed.
That's my least favorite thing to do - vacuum. 

Every room is a little different this year - but I stayed with red plaid in the den.

It's an eclectic kind of decorating.

This has always been my Santa tree but this year it is the Cardinal one.

A western Santa on a sleigh and lots of debris!

I'm looking forward to eating at the table again!
It has been covered up in a hodgepodge of stuff and the cats have been napping on top. 
Not any more!

Louis Dean's favorite Christmas book.
He put on a play that his beloved Ellen wrote when they were teaching in south Texas.
He loves to tell the story about it and it's been our tradition for him to read this to me every year.
He knows it by heart!

I haven't counted how many Christmas trees I've put up yet - but I know there's at least one in every room.

This was the last one to do.

Now I can relax and enjoy my Christmas home.

I've loved visiting my collection of ornaments......
Sam made me a MiMi!

The front porch is done and I kept it simple.
I took away all the pumpkins, hay and fall things and left the black and white and burlap plus I added a new small tree by the door.

17 days until Christmas!
16 until Christmas Eve which is when all my children and grandchildren will be here.
It's always so much fun!
Laughing and talking - lots of good food - NUTS game - rolling sugarplums - making memories!

I have 8 grandchildren and they all everyone say they love to come over on Christmas Eve.
As much as I love September First - Christmas Eve is really and truly my most very favorite day of the year!


Jane Prescott said...

You truly are a blessed woman. I so enjoy reading your posts.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Christmas Eve is also my favorite. My parents started it - we opened our gifts on Christmas Eve. It’s funny how Santa always visited when we were out for a drive to look at lights and how mom always forgot something and had to go back in, while we waited in the car for her. It was magical. I continued the tradition with my boys. We still all gather on Christmas Eve. The 25th is Church and neighbors dropping by and a more relaxed dinner.

Your home looks so warm and cozy. I don’t blame you - I wouldn’t want to leave either. God bless.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I forgot to add - your artwork is amazing! What a gift God gave you.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love your Santa paintings. You are a wonderful artist! Your home looks so fun and festive. Your family Christmas Eve sounds wonderful. Merry Christmas to you and Louis Dean!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think your first Santa may be my favrite as well! Your home is so wonderfully decorated, everywhere you look there is something lovely or interesting. We ADORE Annika!! I even love the theme song. Nicola Walker is such a great actress, and We have been streaming everything she is in. All her shows are superb and she is now my favorite actress. You would love the series "Last Tango In Halifax", about an older couple who get married and their families. It is a series.

BeachGypsy said...

your house looks so bright and festive Linda! Love it! I prefer eclectic decor myself, yesireebob. Remember that OLD SAYING, "yessireebob!" ha ha LOL. Like Louis Dean, I do love a good chili dog with cheese and ONIONS piled on, LOL. Hope your week is going great!

Unknown said...

Your home is so festive and Christmas-y I can see why all your grands love it. I love your Santa Express painting. The trees in the background are just beautiful. If I could paint like that I think I'd give everyone paintings every Christmas. But I'm sure they're a lot of work. The siblings ornament is just beautiful. My husband's face lights up just like Louis Dean's when I make chile cheese dogs. He loves them. I hate vacuuming too, and if my husband didn't vacuum it wouldn't get done. LOL

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You definitely have a Christmas home, Linda, and while it certainly takes a lot of work, the results are wonderful. Thanks for sharing your decorations here. I have enjoyed your Santa paintings on the cards you’ve sent. My favorite is Santa and the Nativity, so it was framed and placed my our Nativity set up.

Brenda said...

You are such a talented artist

Betty said...

Glad you can slow down and enjoy the beauty you have created, your time with LD and kitties. Realizing too that you are not alone in grieving for a loved one and taking the time to pray for all is a precious way to observe advent. Sending prayers your way too. Merry Christmas

Vee said...

So pleased that you have taken the time to decompress and rest. Of course, you are accomplishing so much I don't quite know when. I'll take your word for it. Your Santas have so much expression and personality. You will be ready when Christmas Eve rolls around and all the children and grandchildren are gathered in. Love reading here these December days. You inspire me!

Rita said...

Love your Santa pieces!
The place looks definitely ready for Christmas. :)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Enjoy your wonderful Christmas home and have a merry and bright Christmas Eve!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I only have one favorite Santa painting and it's the one you painted for 2021 since I won it last year and it's been out since Thanksgiving and I love looking at it I have lights all around it and I think of you every time I look at it. It was the perfect one for me to win because I do love trains and I love old trains so I got the Santa and trains. From the ones you posted today the second one that won the ribbon is my favorite. I'm trying not to be jealous of your talent for painting but it's hard.

Granny Marigold said...

You are one talented lady!! Your paintings are amazing and I can't get over how beautifully you decorated your home. I used to do more than I do now. As I get older I find things take me longer to get done. So I concentrate on what I like to do, namely, Baking. Have a wonderful pre-Christmas season.

Robin from P'ville said...

Love your blogs. Christmas decorations are beautiful and so homey.

photowannabe said...

So, So lovely and So creative. I just don't know how you do it!!
At least I got my tree up before company Tuesday night. 9 for dinner and it was a lot of fun. Again, can you believe??? NO photos. I did get a picture of the cake (later I will post it)
Gonna be a cold and wet weekend. The perfect kind of time to stay in and enjoy "The Reason for the Season"

Wanda said...

Hi Linda ~My Santa painting came yesterday and my heart was filled with joy and my eyes with tears. Today, I shared your blog with my dearest and he was delighted to see L.D. eating hotdogs and chili, and said that's what I want for lunch haha. We have a cheat days too, but most of the time it's healthy and low sodium.
Thanks again for my wonderful painting...can't wait to find the perfect place to hang itl.
Love and Hugs.
I put a card in the mail to you today!

Chatty Crone said...

I am going to check our Annika.
I think your first Santa may be my favorite as well.
How many bedrooms/rooms do you decorate and where do you store all your things. You are a wonderful decorator.
You sure don't waste your time.
Love, sandie

Hootin Anni said...

Does your neighborhood do holiday home tours?!! Yours would definitely need to be on the venue!!
Tell L D I like a good chili dog too, but the baked potato wins, hands down.

Rec'd your beautiful card!! Thanks Linda.

Jackie See said...

So beautiful Linda! Thank you for sharing your home, I can't be there to see but your photos bring it into my mind and I can imagine the Christmas Spirit in your home. I may try to get some photos of my home and share, sort of like a visit with friends far away. I also am being quiet on purpose. I tried to move on and I tried everything anyone told me to do. But I was still grieving. I asked God for this or that and prayed so hard for joy again. Then one day I seemed to understand my need to listen, that my grief and pain had a purpose in my journey. So I too, am taking some time for quiet, time to listen to God, to my internal Holy Spirit. I also think that losing our kids made us accept our own eternity, that our lives are changing along with our bodies needs in this winter season of our lives. Give Louis Dean a big Missouri hug from us. Hugs my dear friend! ~jackiesee~

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, you are so amazing! What a delightful home tour! YOur Santas are so wonderful...and thank you so very very much for the card! I will treasure it! I think your Santa looks a bit like Louis Dean. Is that on purpose, or just my imagination? I am enjoying your daily chatter and journal. I am learning so much here. Thank you for being so open and down to earth! May God continue to comfort and keep you and use you for His glory...that is truly what He is doing! Oh those chili dogs look wonderful...and so does the sweet potato and peas.

Deanna Rabe said...

I'm glad you've had time to just enjoy the season. Your home should be on a tour of homes! It's amazing!

I love your siblings ornament. So special.

I have some shopping to do still! Better get on it!

Susie said...

Linda, I got your Christmas card today and I love it. I liked seeing paintings you have made other cards from. L.D. loves his man food. My Teddy use to eat hot spicy foods and bless his heart, he always thanked me for cooking. You are right we miss our loved ones who have passed on. I liked the ornament too. Take care and be safe. Blessings to all. xoxo, Susie

Great-Granny Grandma said...

You are so talented, and your home looks lovely. What a lot of work you put into it.
My favorite Santas are the top one (also your favorite), and the one with the train.
I don't always comment, but I do love reading your posts.