Saturday, December 10, 2022

Counting Down to Christmas!

 And counting all our pillows!
I have no idea what makes me want so many pillows on the bed.
I suspect I saw a beautiful display in a store or a magazine or somewhere and loved it.
I do love a layered bed. 
The two pillows we sleep on remain under the top sheet when I make the bed up.

I used to have a dozen small frilly white pillows so at least I have moved on to man-size ones!

I pile several of these at the foot of my side when we go to bed as I like the weight on my feet.

I've been promising Louis Dean pancakes but I keep forgetting!

I remembered last night and set the bacon and pancake mix on the fridge shelf so I would see it right off! He used to whip up his own homemade ones but he isn't in the kitchen as much as he used to be.
I'm thinking about cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning - he makes those every year - so that will maybe happen.

I dearly love a good book - one that I hurry to get something done so I can sit down and read for a few minutes. Jeffrey Archer is one of the best authors I've ever read.

I finally decorated the sewing room tree....

and I notice from the photo that it's leaning!

It's the only tree with a 'theme' to it.

I'm spending more time in the sewing room now and I am loving it..

This is the second tree in this room and it is the top part of one of the old trees.
I just popped it in a tall vase and pushed it down real hard!
Simple white lights and some of the sequined poinsettias I bought at a garage sale so many years ago.

Tomorrow will be two weeks before Christmas - and our big celebration is on Christmas Eve so that's two weeks from TODAY!

I love all my little calendars.

This one is on my coffee cart.

And this one is hanging on the den closet door.

My small laundry room has four Christmas tress - all small one.

On the washer is where I hung all my hand painted snowmen.

Between the washer and dryer is this tiny flocked tree with small gold ornaments.

This tree is on the dryer.

Next to the pantry is the fourth tree!

There's only ONE tree in the kitchen this year.

This morning Louis Dean was up and out blowing all the leaves into the center of the yard and mowing them up! I slept late and could hear him out there - and he went to work before he even had coffee!
I didn't know he could DO that!!

He's been pretty proud of himself in keeping the leaves up and I'm proud of him.
Rain was forecast for 1:00 this afternoon and it arrived right on time.
Louis Dean finished just a minute or two before it started!

We spent a few hours in the gazebo this late afternoon and evening.
I made a start on the cleaning and decorating using what I can find left in our tubs.
We sat and sorted and rolled up a jumbled mess of pretty ribbons which make it easier for next year.
Maybe I can pack things away in a more orderly fashion this time.
I started putting Christmas up early and am late in getting it all done.
No matter. 

The plumber is scheduled to come out next week and once I get the bathroom up and running, then I will plan a ladies luncheon or tea.

It was this day one year ago that I hosted a sibling/cousins luncheon.
I'm so glad I did or this would not have come up in my memories today.

Tomorrow is church so I am going to decide what I'm going to wear and get it all laid out and ready.
I love doing that.
 Setting out my clothes, shoes, and accessories and painting my fingernails.
I have done this since I was a little girl.
Since I was the oldest - I would set out the clothes for my siblings to wear and roll Nita's hair on 'spoolies' and have everything laid out and ready for Sunday morning.
We walked to whatever church was closest to us - which was a Baptist one most of the time.
We moved every year and never really attended Sunday School- just church service.

I'm grateful we have such a wonderful church - Fellowship Church in Grapevine with pastor Ed Young and such an amazing church staff.  Our Christmas services start next Sunday and I would love for you to join us at the 11:15 service!


Rita said...

Seeing your home is like wandering in a Christmas store!
I remember spoolies!
Hope you're having a great weekend. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Each and every tree looks pefect and gorgeous! It is your artist's eye and talent.

Anni said...

The last tree photo shared is my favorite.
Pancakes look delicious!!!

Have a blessed Sunday you two.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think my favorite of the trees today is the one that you said is the theme tree. I actually like the black and white and did not know that I would but I do. It's a good thing you got the leaves up and mulch before they got wet because after they get wet you can't do much with them. Hope you all are not going to get any of that snow that's out there in California that's headed across the us right now yay for pancakes. I do love them. Your house is a Christmas house and you could charge admission and let people go through and call it a festival of trees. People pay money to go and wander through looking at different kinds of trees and you sure have enough to do that. You could charge $13 that's a dollar for each tree haha

Changes in the wind said...

I likel the little tree with the snowmen balls but they are all pretty. Glad you made LD the pancakes and am sure they were delicious.

Vee said...

A precious prayer for friends...
Probably I would enjoy my laundry in the dungeon more if
I had Christmas trees there. ☺️
And if I followed your other habits, I'd probably be further ahead. ☺️
Too late for that I think. I am an old dog after all.
A blessed Sunday to you.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love all your trees. I decided (because of you) to drag down from the rafters my FIL’s tree. I’m thinking of decorating it and placing it on our covered patio.

You are so talented in everything. You inspire my creativity.

photowannabe said...

Gorgeous..I'm always saying that about your Christmas House..because it is!!
I know your Ladies Tea will be marvelous in every way.
I can't imagine a tree and "debris" in my laundry room and it it full of TRUE Debris not the decorative kind.
Staying home today and nursing my cold and cough. It's sure not the time to be sick!
Stay well and I bet those pancakes were divine!

Chatty Crone said...

You had me with pancakes and cinnamon rolls! Having a tea with the ladies will be wonderful. You do have a lot of pillows in there - where do you put them when you go to bed? You must work from morning to night.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Gosh, it's just all so amazing. I love all your pillows and would love to fall down into that bed and go to sleep, surrounded by comfy pillows. I have one "My Pillow" under my head, a very small (airplane style) pillow under my right arm, a sweet little stuffed bear under my left arm, and a skinny satin pillowcased pillow between my legs. That's all for now. More may be added as needed, but there's got to be room for hubby. LOL. Love all your cute little trees in every room. Never thought about decorating my laundry room. It's not really roomy enough for extra stuff...I need the tops of the washer and dryer to put the clothes baskets on when I am doing laundry...and have to be able to pull out the dryer vent to clean it, etc., etc., so I keep it more utilitarian. I guess if I was having company I might throw a Christmas blanket over it or something. LOL. Did you say Cinnamon rolls? the yeasty kind? My sweet daughter in love made us some yesterday and I am in awe. I may have to write about that. I thought I didn't have anything to write about tonight, but here I sit writing a whole blog post on your comment section. I'd better quit while I'm ahead. LOL. Good Night. You inspire me to think and do. Merry Christmas dear one.

Arlene G said...

We had our Christmas yesterday with our sons and daughter. It is one of the few times of the year I get to have all my children together in one place and that alone is Christmas to me. Hope your Christmas with your children is one to remember.

Donna said...

Your house is Always SO pretty no matter the season! Wish I had the decorating bug like you do!
Enjoy your day friend!

Deanna Rabe said...

I won't be having my second tea before Christmas this year, but I am meeting a friend at our favorite tea room this week! Yay!

I love all you've done. What a commitment to the joy of the season!

I'm excited that Christmas is almost here! Savoring the days, of pretty trees, lights, and special music!

Thank you for your Card!