Friday, December 2, 2022

Fall Color in the Neighborhood!

I took a break from my cleaning and decorating yesterday afternoon and walked around the neighborhood admiring what passes for Fall color in Texas.
Since we mostly pass from green to brown with maybe some light hints of color, we are grateful for whatever we can get.

A burnt orange is pretty!
This is across the street and down two houses.

Around the corner is this beautiful tree!

A bit of orange, some yellow and a color I like to use in my painting - brown madder alizarin. 

We've had some rain over the last week and a shower yesterday and even a few drops today.

Most of the country has color earlier in the year but down in Texas we are late bloomers!

I walked over to see my neighbors, Jim and Tamara, to take them a few slices of that chocolate chip pound cake. Louis Dean didn't need to eat ALL of it!
This couple is so much fun and I love being neighbors with them!

THIS is the crowning glory of fall color in our neighborhood and lives in their back yard!!
She'd just begun to drop some of her leaves so I am glad I went over when I did.

Yesterday I finished dressing the dining room in her Christmas clothes.

Summer gave me the Twelve Days of Christmas napkins and I am using them as placemats and chair scarves.

Soon I will be shopping for candles to add to this centerpiece.

I'm loving this room!

My back yard is a jumble of empty tubs and scattered lids as I 'shop' my debris.

Pam told me about the Dolly Parton Christmas Special that came on TV last night at 7:00.
We loved it!!!

It was wonderful to watch!!!
I miss the sweet TV programs we used to have at the holidays.
Remember the Andy Williams Christmas shows?

Today I have nearly got the sewing room all done up and tomorrow I will move on to the den.
That room is scary looking right now!!!

Summer's surgery went well and she was heading back home before 8:00 Thursday morning!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

I have never noticed the time change bothering me before this fall.
I saw something on Facebook the other day that describes it perfectly......

Every night around midnight - 
 I realize it is only 6:00!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. I love how beautiful your home looks all decked out for Christmas! Your neighborhood has some beautiful fall colors. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am glad to hear about Summer! Your neighbor's red tree is gorgeous!!

Rita said...

You really do make your home so festive and warm.
Love the fall colors!
Yes, I remember:

Hootin Anni said...

Wow...that tree all decked out in Santa Red is stunning!!! I walked along the river yesterday and saw lots of yellow on our trees A beautiful sight

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful colorful tree your neighbors have. It is looking like Christmas at your house. I need to decorate for Christmas. Jan

Pamela M. Steiner said...

You really had some beautiful fall colors there this year! Delightful to see! Our fall colors here in Florida are even less lively than yours, but once in a while we find some beautiful patches of color and we saw "Awwwwww, so pretty!" But we can't complain. We have it beautiful here year round in one way or another. Love your dining room! Very festive! I would love a tour of your house some day! It must be beautiful all the time as you are so very talented and creative! Thank you for sharing it with us!!! Have a blessed and beautiful weekend. I am hoping to get our tree up at least before the weekend is over.

Brenda said...

I don’t have tv exc Hulu and Netflix but got this on iPad… liked it too. I have been to Pigeon Forge often…usually to the Christian Gospel Convention yearly…she has done much for that area. Love your blog

Estelle's said...

Oh how I enjoyed the Christmas dining's just lovely! Have a great weekend!

NanaDiana said...

Hi Linda-There are no fall colors left here at all. All the trees are bare and soon will be snow covered. I am so glad Summer's surgery went well and that she will be home for the Holiday preparations.

I missed the Dolly Parton Christmas special last night. I wanted to see it, too. I do miss the old Christmas shows. Even Danny Thomas had one.

Have a wonderful weekend! xo Diana

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Good news about summer! Prayers that she will heal quickly. That glorious Tree in your neighbor's backyard is for sure the crowning Glory what awesome color. That's a great picture of them also. You are almost ready for the holidays and I had to laugh when you said I am loving this room because you love all your rooms all the time no matter what the season is. I know you don't love all those bins all over the backyard until they're back where they go

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Ywa, wonderful news about Summer ! Hope she continues on the journey to good health! Your house is wonderful and very Christmassy! I like the quote at the end. I fight trying to stay awake until 9PM. It's like I want to go to bed when it gets dark out. I could sleep the whole winter away!

Jan said...

My husband and I both agree that this is the most beautiful fall we've seen in the 10 years we've lived in this area.(30 minutes Northwest of Fort Worth.) The road between here and Decatur is just gorgeous! Even our oaks on our land are red and gold. The wind is blowing today, though, so I'm afraid we may lose a lot of leaves today! Your Christmas decorating is lovely-I'm glad to finally feel like doing some decorating!

Vee said...

Yes! That final quote says it perfectly. I am in bed by 9 every night; 8:30 if I can talk myself into it.

Oh the foliage is beautiful! Love the tree in your neighbor's yard. Crimson leaves are my favorite.

Your dining room looks so warm and golden. Who wouldn't enjoy a Christmas Tea there?

So glad that Summer is doing well...ongoing 🙏🏼.

Vee said...

Oh I was going to say that I just watched an Andy Williams Christmas special. Talk about a time warp. I will see if I can find a repeat of the Dolly Parton Christmas special. Thank you for mentioning it.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Our Fall trees here in California are still performing their Autumn show. It is a beautiful time of year with snow on the mountains.

Your house is a Christmas wonderland! Yes I remember those vintage Christmas tv shows. Good news about Summer.

Anonymous said...

PS must add that a couple of Dolly’s songs made me uncomfortable but I adore her and always have

Anonymous said...

That anonymous was Brenda oops

Chatty Crone said...

I am so glad Summer is okay. Love your neighbor's tree!!!!!! I feel the same way about the time change. You are decorated so prettily.

photowannabe said...

HaHa..I said the same thing to Dave last night.
We were watching something on TV and I glanced at the clock. It said 6:10PM. I thought it was at least 9PM!! I was thinking about getting ready for bed...
So happy that Summer's surgery went well.
Your rooms are so lovely.
My Christmas tree is still in its box in the laundry room. Hopefully I will get it put together after church tomorrow. Got our bible study group coming over for dinner on Tuesday!!!
Today we go to our son and daughter in laws home for her side (+ a few extras) of the family for a Norwegian Christmas dinner. Its been a tradition for as long as I have been attached to the family over 32 years. Looking forward to it and especially the wonderful desserts.

Wanda said...

Love this time of year, and love roaming though your home. Each room brings a smile, and a feeling of joy and comfort. I totally planed to blog every day after Thanksgiving, but life got in the way with my dearest taking a new medication that has had a few side effects. Soon, but not yet! A line from Gladiator. Sending hugs
You are so wonderful to share your life daily. So glad Summer's surgery went well.
You have inspired me to share a few of my watercolors. My new header is called "Snowbound". Not anything like California!!

Susie said...

Linda, You have great neighbors there. Love that. I also love the dining room's pretty decor. Yes indeed thank God for Summer's surgery going well. Blessings to all of you. love you guys, xoxo, usie