Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Wednesday Morning in the Garden....

 It was a beautiful morning to be be sitting outside on the kitchen deck with Louis Dean and our coffee, stupor time and Bible reading.

This is one of my favorite times of the day.

I am NOT a master gardener or even an armature one.
I plant things willy nilly and am always surprised  how things turn out.

I do love GREEN vs in dirt.
The brick and stone on the back water pond is not pretty so I am encouraging my plants to grow and soften the look.
You know I am the Queen of Cover Up!

This is a good time of year to be outside - at least in the mornings and after the sun goes down in the evenings.

We are loving our trumpet vines!
I know they are invasive and we are digging the random ones up and potting them to take to the ranch. I am going to make sure once they are planted down there to keep an eye on them. We have planted so many and yet none of them have really taken hold yet.

While summer is not my all time favorite season - I do love it.

I took today off - more or less. I lingered long over coffee and our morning reading.
Only did the minimal housework chores.
Fixed super easy meals of leftovers and frozen foods.
Took a 3 hour nap this afternoon in the bed and under the covers just like at night time.
My only real accomplishment today was paying the bills....
and I carried all the things I could lift out of the sewing room and into the gazebo.
Louis Dean took the red Oriental rug to the driveway where I washed it down with cleaner and the water hose. Not the normal rug cleaner operation but I think it will work for me.

Tomorrow I will use my Rainbow vacuum cleaner to suck up the water and hopefully the sun will dry the rug out and we will flip it over to dry the other side.

Louis Dean will have some repairs on the the sewing room wall to do and I will be going to Tuesday Morning to shop for curtains.
I am hoping we will have the sewing room back to rights over the weekend.

Once I can see it in my mind,
I know it can be done!
And I am seeing my sewing room all clean and pretty!


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are doing good! And the rest today will really help with your energy. Our Trumpet Vines never lasted either.

Brenda said...

Sounds like a plan…rug should dry quickly the heat…enjoy the rest of your week.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You do have a beautiful place to sit in the mornings there. You have a lot more heat there than we do. Today we're in the low 70's which will feel chilly if you're not in the sun. It sounds like Louis Dean is going to busy there with repairs for quite a while. You are so blessed to have him. Your garden is lovely it would take a lot of work. I envy your ability to do so much.

Changes in the wind said...

Love all your green plants, they are lovely. Hope the rug dries and is nice and clean as planned.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our heat and humidty are here and thriving well. the pool water temp is at 87 today, to hot to be refreshing, but I get in before daylight and it feels cool then. I don't know where you get your go power/energy. I just got through wiping down the cabinets and counters with dawn and clorox and fell into my chair utterly exhausted. and I don't have anything much in mine to be moved and put back. I don't think I could do what you do.. have fun shopping for curtains

Vee said...

And so it shall be one task at a time. You have a home and garden that perfectly reflects your aesthetic. A joy!

Beth said...

Your garden is really beautiful! Love it so much.

BeachGypsy said...

Hi there girlfriend I'm a willy nilly type gardener too! Lol love that fence wall and the decor y'all have put on it and the pretty flowers below--- looks great! How did your cake turn out?

photowannabe said...

Your trumpet vines don't make it at the Ranch because you have planted them intentionally...
Now if they just bloomed willy would have all the vines you ever wanted..HaHa
Glad you are taking it slowly today. Too bad the Ranch visit will be so short.
I am having so much trouble commenting on people's blogs. Blogger doesn't like my name and wants me to be UNKNOWN.
I truly am Sue

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I enjoyed this post so much. I am still getting acquainted with you and realize that we do the same kind of gardening, willy nilly. Yours looks like it works better than mine, but I am getting there little by little. It is very hot here in north central Florida already and we have so much bright sunshine around our house so it is difficult to go outside anytime right now. The humidity is very high now too. So I try to get things done early in the morning or in the evening before complete sundown. Sounds like you got a lot done even though you say you took a day off! I am anxious to see your sewing room when it is done. I don't have a sewing room as I really don't do any sewing to speak of, only as needed. Then I pull out my portable Singer and hope it works. LOL. But I do appreciate what others do when they sew, so...I look forward to seeing what you do! Have a blessed and peaceful week.

Carole said...

Boy that would be a busy day for me! Cheers