Monday, June 20, 2022

At the Ranch! And I Saw my Sister Today.....

We woke up this morning and decided we needed to get back down to the ranch
Sherry and I have bee meetings both this Tuesday and next.
Beekeeping has been a challenge this year and I am hoping we get a decent harvest.
The meetings are important as we always learn at least one thing at every meeting. 
Sometimes it's just through talking to people afterwards because beekeepers are wonderful about sharing their experiences.

Louis Dean is my Knight in Shining Overalls!
He woke up this morning thinking he would have a day to work on his music since we were planning on leaving Tuesday morning. He is such a good sport and sprang right into action packing and loading up the truck.

Almost there! 
I love it when we hit the gravel road!
But be aware!
It is a rough and bumpy ride!

At the gate!
My very favorite moment!

I took a selfie as I watched Louis Dean unlock and open up the gate.

We are HERE!!!

Louis Dean is more than a little dismayed at this stand of sunflowers!
These were not planted on purpose!
I threw out a dead bouquet last year and all these came up this spring!
Louis Dean hates them as they obstruct his view.

No worries! 
He can cut them down because I have plenty more!

My main goal this year was to have flowers for our bees.

And I do!
Sunflowers do well with little rain.....

unlike our roses which are still blooming but are suffering from lack of water and this intense heat.

We left Irving this afternoon and headed to the ranch by way of Fort Worth.
I went up to the hospital and saw my sister, Nita.

Photo taken on one of our Sibling Trips

 She is seriously ill and her life is hanging in the balance.

Still.....she is inching her way up and we are encouraged.
She is on full life support at this time and we are taking it one day at a time.
The blessings of this day included seeing Deanie and Charlie and Nita's children, Billy and Leah.
I realized that I needed to see them every bit as much as I needed to see Nita.

I do share so much of my life here on my online journal and I appreciate the relationships I have developed with so many of you who read my words.
We are all such needy people when we come right down to it.
We need each other.
In times of trouble and in times of joy.
In this world we have a like amount of both.
Thank you for being there for me and my family so many times.
We have history.
I appreciate all the prayers and the supportive comments.


Bluebird49 said...

Oh honey! I am so glad you can get away for awhile to your happy place.You need to get away and relax, although I know your mind will be on Nita. She would want you to be resting -- she's being looked after. I didn't realize she had gotten this ill. She is such a beautiful lady!
Hope you and LD have a way to keep cool. Boy! It's just June, and May was a hot month, too.
Poor David is having more Crohn's problems, but he soldiers on the best he can. Sometimes it is very hard to soldier on with the pain he is in. I just pray for a cure in his lifetime!It's hard to be 17, and it's harder when you are in so much discomfort most of the time. Ed said he had pushed his diet out of the "comfort zone", and it's not pleasant when he does that. He will learn, I know.Suffering the consequences of your actions is a learning, painful experience, but please say a special prayer for him and Ed, Kristi and Katherine. She's a teenager with her own set of problems, too.❤❤
Y'all take care in the heat, and enjoy your time away!
I will keep Nita in my prayers, and you, Louis Dean, ( your knight in shining overhalls!)and all your family, as well. You have had so much going on with your family this year!

Kathy said...

Glad you got to the ranch. Take time to just relax for awhile. Nita is where she needs to be and is being taken care of. Still praying for her and you and your entire family. I know it is hard.

MimiG said...

What an absolutely FUN photo of Nita! So glad you got to see her and all the others. It does give you a little bit of piece to see them, doesn't it? Enjoy your days at your happy place, refresh your spirit. Prayers continuing friend.

Heather B. said...

Big prayers to your sister, Nita!!! She sounds like a strong lady and I am sure is not ready to leave this earth yet, ya'll still have sibling trips to take :) I will now only think of Louis Dean as the Knight in Shining Overalls, lol!! Best description ever :)

Deanna Rabe said...

Oh I am glad you could see Nita! And her family. I am praying for your dear sister! God is with you all.

Praying peace for you, my sweet friend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. I am glad you and Louis Dean could get away to the ranch a day early. Still keeping your sister in prayer. So glad you could see her before you went to the ranch. God bless you all.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So glad you got to see your sister and are a bit encouraged for her. It's true you all feel like family after reading so much about every one..My prayers are going up for your sister. Hope you can find some peace there in the country.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I wish I had that view of sunflowers, i do love them and those are beautiful, what a way to plant them. you go girl. Pick them and take them inside and throw them out again when he cuts down those. ha ha
glad there is a little improvement with Nita, and will conintue prayers. learn a lot and enjoy your break, you need one

Arlene G said...

So glad you got to see Nita and her family. I know it was a blessing for all of you!

Changes in the wind said...

Glad you are able to go to the ranch and see the family on your way. Continued prayers.

Jan said...

So glad you got to see your sister and her family. Continuing in prayer for her and for you all.

Vee said...

Sending prayers, love, and sweet reminders of Who He is—the Father of all mercies and the God of all comfort.

So glad that you were able to see your loved ones today.

JoyM said...

Prayers for Nina and all of your wonderful family. With love. Joy

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Prayers for your sister and for the rest of your family during this time. The flowers are so pretty.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Those sunflowers are so pretty. Hope LD doesn't really chop them down.
Continuing to pray for God's mercy and grace, and a miracle of healing for your sister.

Susie said...

Linda, Prayers are a gift we can give one another . I am keeping all of you in my prayers. Be safe in the heat there. Take care of each other. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Okay, now I see more about the ranch. I had missed this post in my earlier comment on your newer post. I love the sunflowers that came up voluntarily! What a gift, even if they DO block the view! And I will continue to pray for your precious Nita. As I said before, God is in control and He is with her. (((hugs))) to you and all concerned. Have a blessed day and time at your lovely ranch.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I have been praying for your sister, Linda! 🙏 I hope she will recover.