Saturday, June 25, 2022

Friday With Sisters and Saturday With Louis Dean.....

Sherry and I arrived back in Irving Thursday night and we watered everything front and back before going to bed. She had left for work when I woke up at 8:00 Friday morning after having a terrible dream! I was trying desperately to get to the hospital to see Nita and someone had taken me to a house and I couldn't figure out how to get in touch with Sherry or how to get back home where my car was.

That doesn't sound nearly as scary as my dream really was and I hot the floor running so I could get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Nita had been taken down to imaging and had been there quite awhile but I arrived just as she was being brought back to CVICU. I was at the window watching while this amazing Nurse Kristen hooked Nita back up to the maze of tubes and wires that is supporting her life.
While not connected to her life support, naturally she lost some ground but Kristen worked all day gaining that ground back for her.
When I thank God for placing his angels around Nita, I do believe some of them are Baylor Angels.
And they have names and I am praying for them.

Deanie and Charlie were already there and it was such a blessing to get to visit with them.

We laughed, cried and talked for hours.

We walked around the hospital admiring the art.
This is the Water Gardens in Fort Worth.
I haven't been there in years but I used to take my children there often.

Amon Carter is my very favorite museum.

The Botanic Gardens are famous.
Amber and Benjamin and I used to visit there as well as the Japanese Tea Garden.

Another historic place in Fort Worth.

It was such a good day to be together.

We both loved this painting.

Deanie and I went several times to visit Nita during the day.
We stood at the window and prayed and talked to her and found comfort in being that close to her.
At one point Kristen had taken the sheet and blanket off of her as she felt warm.
We could then see her arms and hands and her toes.
Nita has always been warm natured so it was no surprise that she felt better when she was cooler.

After Deanie and Charlie left, I settled down with my Bible, prayer book and then I dozed off a time or two. On my last visit to Nita, I could hear Kristen talking to Leah on the phone.
It made me so happy to know I was right there looking at my sister while her daughter was getting an update.
Bottom line, Nita is seriously and critically ill.
I know in my heart that she is still here and I hope and pray we get to keep her.
We must be patient because there are so many issues being addressed with her all at the same time.
We are ever so grateful for the wonderful care she is receiving.

I left the hospital around 7:00 Friday evening and as I was walking out of the hospital, Mike was walking in. Perfect timing.

I talked to Louis Dean on the way home.
He had been in bed all day and still felt sick.
Dean had taken him some cream of chicken soup and checked on him so I felt better knowing that.
I went in and immediately put my clothes in the laundry and took a good shower.
That's what one does after being in a hospital all day.
Just as we were about to go out and water, Louis Dean called and asked me to come back to the ranch.
He wasn't better and thought he might need to go the ER.

Sherry is and has always been such a blessing and a support for us.
She drove us back and we arrived around midnight!

I took my 'bag of tricks' with me.....
the thermometer, oximeter, blood pressure cuff, Tylenol, some Liquid IV, and a Covid test.
Being away, I couldn't tell if Louis Dean needed to get to an ER asap or if he could wait until we got there. In the country, ambulances take a long time in arriving so he decided to wait on me instead of having Dean drive him to Waco.

I took all his vitals and he was running a low fever but the Tylenol nipped that back in just a few minutes. Everything else was looking good - BP, Sp02, pulse, a negative result on the Covid test,.....his main complaint is body aches and exhaustion.
So no middle of the night trip to the hospital after all.

It was 2:00 in the morning before I finally got in the girl bunk.
We both slept well and didn't wake up but a couple of times in the night.

This morning he was a little better but has spent yet another day in bed.
I do believe this is from heat exhaustion when he got out there and mowed and dug up things as soon as we got down here on Monday.

I love my Quiet Time and found comfort in my devotional book this morning.
It's amazing how God finds way to comfort our hearts.

It's been a quiet day here at the ranch.
Louis Dean has stayed in bed all day and I have puttered around.
This is the redeemed silk fruit and vegetable arrangement I repainted in oils.
I love how it turned out!

Look who is visiting us these days!

Tarzan! He is a brother kitty to our Samantha, Tabitha, Ginger and Klaus.
He didn't get adopted so he is the boy ranch cat now and quite a celebrity.
I am feeding him some every day.
Today he got an egg, some cheese and a couple slices of bacon!

The stand of sunflowers that blocks Louis Dean's view is starting to decline.
This was tonight's bouquet as I cut down another few stalks.

The cats seemed to disappear today and I was too busy paying attention to Louis Dean to notice.

Come to find out, they had gone down the back of the couch and was underneath it all day long.
They couldn't get out because I had put sun screens in the window behind the sofa and unknowingly blocked their escape. I finally thought to lift the sofa and there they were!

Louis Dean got up for dinner tonight and we ate outside on the deck.
After the sun goes down, it's really nice out.
I made a banana pudding for dessert and then did the whole 'check all his vitals' and he took his medicine and went back to bed.

I am about to go to bed myself in a few minutes.
Sherry and I are planning on working in the apiary tomorrow morning!
I'm looking forward to seeing the bees!

But I need to finish episode 2 of season 2 of Vera!
I'm loving this show!

It's been one week since Nita fell critically ill and was admitted to the hospital.
I haven't seen an update today so I am assuming Nita's about the same.
We know we must be patient and there will be ups and downs.
She is in God's hands.....and in our hearts and prayers.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my! I wonder if you will be ale to keep Louis Dean from working outside when it is very hot? You can get very sick from the heat. I am so glad you got it under control!! Prayers continuing for him, and for Nita!!

Unknown said...

I know you're taking good care of Louis Dean and I hope he'll be feeling better soon. Working outside in the TX heat is probably not a good idea. I know I can't tolerate the extreme heat and would probably be feeling the same as Louis Dean. Also, prayers continue for your sister. I hope you all get some good news soon.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, LD, your dear sister & entire family. All are in His hands.

Maryellen said...

I pray that your sister and Louis Dean both feel better soon.

Brenda said...

Prayers prayers prayers

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This is a hard time for you my friend. I'm keeping everyone in my prayers. Please give L.D. a hug for me! Diane

Vee said...

Thank you for this update. My prayers are joined with all the others' prayers. We must be making a bit of a racket at heaven's door. I am glad that you were able to spend the time with Nita and with Deanie and that you even got to see Mike.

You are taking good care of Louis Dean. Praying for a return to feeling good again.

Many blessings and comforts...

Arlene G said...

Praying for yall Linda....tell LD the nurse says that he does not need to be out in the heat!! Even my brother the farmer stays in during the hottest part of the day. Glad you were able to get all the vitals and make a good decision. I keep those liquid IVs on helpful when needed. We are off to Ga tomorrow but coming back on Thursday. We are supposed to get rain and very thankful for that!!

Changes in the wind said...

It is so unlike LD to stay in bed like that, pray that he will feel better soon. Glad you were able to go to the hospital and pray for God's perfect will for Nita.

photowannabe said...

My prayers for you dear friend as you take care of your precious LD and family.
I'm so glad you could see Nita and get updates first hand.
Rest and keep an eye on that man of yours.

Eva said...

Catching up with your posts today~~
I'm praying for Nita! I'm so sorry that she's ill and hoping God will restore her. Keep LD on lots of water. Sounds like heat exhaustion to me!
Love to all!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. You are going through a tough time with Louis Dean not feeling well and Nita being so critically ill. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I love that you are keeping everything in perspective and I always love to see your smile. Praying now for Louis Dean and Nita, and for you to have strength to carry on. Will look forward to another update soon!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I really feel for you - being torn between your sister and your husband's health. You want to be there for both of them. I hope your husband shows some improvement. It's not fun being sick when it's HOT outside.

I am so sorry about your sister - that must be heartbreaking. I just said a prayer for her and your husband and for you.

God Bless.

LC said...

May God's care surround Nita, Louis Dean, you and all your loved ones! Your posts are a blessing to me!

Carole said...

Hoping Nita turns a corner soon. LD is a worry - I certainly wouldn't cope well with your heat. Take care and kia kaha

PS the flower painting is my fave as well - lovely colours

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and Louis Dean and Nita

Deanna Rabe said...

Praying for Nita and LD!

Bluebird49 said...

Praying for you all Honey! For Nita and for Louis Dean most especially, of course!
Those kitties are something -- getting caught by their own mischievousness! I think that may be the first time I have seen their brother -- too bad nobody adopted him, because the rest did awfully well! 💓 He seems to be quite healthy though!
Make Louis Dean rest, and baby him most! Nita is being look after well, I'm sure, but only you can know the babying Louis Dean needs! He may have gotten too hot, but wouldn't let himself recognize it!
Sending love and prayers just for you, dear friend!

Susie said...

Linda, I am sending prayers and hugs. It just seems to be a lot o your plate dear friend. Please hug LD and tell him we do not like to hear about him feeling poorly. Dang, there's work to be done ! Just picking on him. Yes, I am sure he has over worked in the heat. Dehydration can be dangerous for us older folks. Praying God will stay at your sides. Blessings, xoxo,love to all, Susie

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Praying for Nita and LD.