Louis Dean had an appointment with his cardiologist this morning.
He had to go alone but this time he brought back the printed summary of his visit and the two appointments they scheduled for him.....and electocardiogram plus the followup to that.
Then he went off to buy new packages of seeds for the garden since we can't find the other two batches we bought! This time I am keeping them where I can find them!!
I read his summary of the doctor visit and called to reschedule the two appointments since he had made them for when we will be at the ranch next month.
While Louis Dean was gone, I had my morning and early afternoon all to myself today.
We had a good many potatoes that I needed to use so I put on a crockpot of Creamy Potato Soup.

The recipe is from MA at ON THE BRIGHT SIDE!
and it is a good one!!! She has such a bright upbeat blog and I love the way she counts down the days to the next season or holiday. Her recipes are always good!!
So I drug out my largest crockpot and put all the things together to start cooking.
Instead of bacon, I used the scrap bacon Louis Dean loves to buy for seasoning.
I have no idea where the crockpot lid went!
It was on there when I pulled the pot out of the pantry - or at least I think it was.
Now I can't find it anywhere!
No problem......I used a similar lid to an old pot I have that I like to use to cook my roasts.
Towards the end of the cooking, I added a package of frozen mixed vegetables.
Before serving, I added some shredded cheese on top.
It was delicious!!!
I spent the late afternoon and early evening working in the herb garden.
It still doesn't look pretty but it will.....I hope!
I gathered up all the things that didn't totally die in the Arctic weather we had.
Some were in pots I had covered and some were in the bed around the back pond.
I sowed short rows of kale, cilantra, and parsley and marked them with two very old kitchen spoons and a potato masher. I think it will look prettie when I add the red cedar mulch but thought perhaps I should wait for the seeds to sprout. I am not a real true gardener but I decided to try harder this year!
Now for an updat e on Lonnie!
He is continuing to improve and we are so encouraged! They added another blood pressure medicine and it has been successful! He’s talking and eating! The neurologist has not been back in touch with Michele because Lonnie has already had the stroke so it’s a move on from there for now. He talks and when he can’t think of the word he wants to use, he says,”I’ll have to get back to you on that.”
He is still not a good patient but that’s no surprise! He continues to tug at the various things attached to him and told lady nurse he had today, “You can’t control me!” She said, “Nope! Just trying to help you!” Praise God for nurses!
He will be going to PT but he’s still so unsteady they are holding off for a day or two to let him get some strength back. All in all - an excellent report! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the love and prayers you have poured out over our brother!
We are grateful for the nurses who have been so kind to our Lonnie!
The soup looks so good!
I'm glad to hear good news on Lonnie, sounds like there is progress, and that's great.
Take care of yourselves!
Time alone is lovely, isn't it? With my hubby retired my life seems to have take a complete turn around. It's been a year so I'm used to it and the plus side is that when I go out, he's happy! And he loves his research so he goes into the den for most of the day and only comes out for a coffee or Pepsi. Kind of a nice routine!
Your soup sounds delish, veggies are a good thing to add to make it healthier and add fiber. All the best with the herb garden. I've always had good luck with my little herb patch.
Well wishes to Lonnie and I hope Louis Dean doesn't have any serious problems with his heart. I know, it's been awhile since I've been by. :(
Jane x
What a wonderful report, truly an answer to prayer. And it is a good sign that he is fiesty, it means he is feeling better!
The nurses probably think of him kindly. He sounds like a handful. That was a good answer..."nope can't control you, just trying to help you." This report sounds very good. Praying for returning strength so Lonnie can go to PT. He'll love that. ☺️
I don't know what you're going to call the Potato Soup now that you threw in all those veggies. That's the joy of Potato Soup for me. There aren't any veggies. 😉
Have a good day, you two! You'll be up to something for sure.
Thanks for the recipe! Sounds like a keeper! So glad to hear that your brother is improving. Have a good day. Hopefully you will have more good news about Lonnie!
So glad to hear that Lonnie is doing better!!
Linda - what a wonderful report! Lonnie sounds like he'll keep the nurses on their toes! Prayers answered and prayers continue!
Take advantage of time alone and time together - they are both magical, aren't they?
I became more serious about my gardening last year, so many things out of stock at store, I just decided to grow a few more of my own things and enjoyed it. Grew tomatoes, lettuce and peppers, adding green beans and carrots to that this year. I grew up in the country where we had massive gardens and just got away from it. Takes so little time, plus you're outside. A definite win-win.
so true about the wings and scrubs and he sounds just like Bob. Bob is the worst patient ever. so glad the update is a good one.. that soup looks wonderful... I wish bob could go to the doc by himself, i have to drag him there and if i did not he would not go.
I do love potato soup and I thank you for the mention of my blog too. It's a great recipe and satisfies my longing for comfort food in what still remains cold weather here. How nice to be able to plant things. It will be the end of May here before we can do that. I'm looking forward to it but here I'll be planting plants not seeds. I don't heave a greenhouse to start them in, but we do have loads of them around here that supply our plants. So thankful answered prayer and to hear you're brother is so much better. Hope he can go home soon!
Nurses are fab - and not paid enough in my opinion. Cheers
So glad to hear your brother is doing better. Your soup looks delicious
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