Tuesday, March 16, 2021

One Adventure After Another!

There is so much going on around here!
The carport material has been here for months and months.
Our metal guy that put the roof up never came back to do the rest of the work.
Dean knows practically everyone around here and, we knew that when the time was right, it would work out. Not many people are willing to finish up what someone else has started.
There's a lot of difference in the way contractors do things and we really appreciate Cheyenne for agreeing to do this for us. It's all in who you know and Dean knows Cheyenne!

They arrived Saturday and the work began with Sherry using her tractor to dig the holes for the poles.

She can move that tractor on a dime and put it just exactly where she wants it!

Go, Auger Lady!!!

The poles were set so they left and would come back on Sunday.

Things are turning green and growing.
The trees are budding out and the Chinese Elm our former neighbor friends gave us is doing well.
That's not it in the collage above, though. I keep forgetting the name of that one.

There's a lot of things growing out there and some are weeds but some may not be - so I don't want Louis Dean killing what could be my wild flowers.
I have a plant app that tells you what it is and am trying to check out as many as I can.
If it's green, just leave it alone for now.
This isn't the city and our bees love clover and ever little bloom around here.

Sunday was another work day for Cheyenne and his crew.
They squeezed this carport job in between their other contracts.
Pam and Cheyenne are such a great couple.
She brought food and Sherry made food and we had a real spread that afternoon!

Dean smoked a pork loin while Pam made a huge crockpot of pulled pork.
Both Sherry and Pam made potato salads and Sherry did her famous deviled eggs.
(Her magic ingredient is champagne vinegar!)
Lima beans, fresh veggies and dip plus I made pepper poppers.
That's a LOT of food for seven people!

Our cats are loving being here!
I came inside the camper to read and ....

Tabitha was sound asleep in my chair.
No problem, I would go to the girl bunk where I could stretch out......

Nope! Samanthat was there!

They spend a lot of time curled up together, too!

I got my bed back!

Every morning the cats sit at the door and watch!
One day it was one of the mops aka Great Pyrenees.
The next day it was a horse.
We have to be careful about letting them in the front room.
Our water situation is still being worked on.
Louis Dean had to take up parts of the floor in the bathroom so he could see where the broken pipes are.
Those are called 'inspection holes' that Louis Dean put there on purpose just in case he needed them. And it's a good thing he did!!!
So far, there's been at least five places. As soon as one was fixed, the water turned on, another break would show up!

Let's just say it has been frustrating for both of us.
Monday we headed out to Waco to buy parts. All this talk of three-quarters this and half inch that and cold water pipes or hot water valves is like another language to me.
After going to several stores and not finding everything he needed, we stopped to get a late lunch of Mexican food and I ordered a BIG margarita!
We drove from Waco to Groesbeck to another hardware store and found at least one thing he needed plus we bought linoleum flooring for the bathroom. 

I went down to Sherry's and took a good long hot shower last night and it helped my disposition!

Sherry has been off work for a few days so we took advantage of that and had ourselves a Girl Day this Tuesday!

Sherry has been wanting to go to the Cheese Cave....and we found Homestead Heritage which is a Christian Community much like the Amish or Mennonites.

"Homestead Heritage is an agrarian- and craft-based intentional Christian community. Its literature stresses simplicity, sustainability, self-sufficiency, cooperation, service and quality craftsmanship. It also strives to live in peaceful coexistence with the land, other people and other faiths."

There's all sorts of shops featuring the Market Place, Gristmill, Cafe, Quilting, Weaving, Blacksmith, and such. Each shop was fascinating and we loved seeing all the clever, quaint and unusual things.

I bought this red lantern which is LED and so clever!
Perfect for power outtages in Texas!

While I did not buy this, I thought it was clever!

We were REALLY interested in these chicken houses.
They are all on wheels and can be moved easily.
If there's some sheet metal left from our carport job, I know what we can do with it!

This is the gristmill.....

moved to Texas in 1908 from New Jersey.
Sherry bought some things in the store that were ground at the mill.

So many beautiful buildings.
So much to see and do.

We ate lunch at the cafe and it was delicious!

Can you see the bee?

It was a perfect day for our outing but we had to cut it short and head back to the ranch when Sherry got a call about work. We didn't make it to the cheese cave - but no problem!
We are going back on Friday with both of our Deans with us!

Louis Dean has been working hard trying to get the water fixed and we are closer than we were.
Son Dean has spent many an hour helping his dad and I'm sure they will get it all sorted out before too long. We have the water hoses out in the garden to fill our jugs and Sherry loaned me her electric tea pot to heat our water quickly for washing dishes and bathing.
All in all, it's not as bad as it could be.....but I do know that it's important to keep a good attitude!
There's such a mess everywhere I look that the other day I felt like I was living in Louis Dean's music room! So I clean up what I can and try to stay focused on what I CAN do and not so much what I can't.
Plus I have been whacking up denim like a mad woman!
It's good therapy!!

I close tonight's journal entry with this from my sister's Facebook page.....

Food for thought.....


Carole said...

Love your kitties! Have a great time. Cheers

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you look fantastics! so do the watchers at the door. so sweet i am thinking bees love all flowers weeds or not.. would love to visit the cheese store, and great the two deans can go this time... did they ever paint your roof that is over the house? i can't remember. hard to believe workers will just ignore what they started but i know it is true because it happens to us.. we have a plmuber coming today. ouch

Arlene G said...

Enjoy your time in the country. LD will get it figured out...he is a Renaissance man. I do not think there is anything he cannot do!! Loved visiting the store with you and hope you will share the cheese cave. Looking forward to seeing the finished carport. We head to Grimmwood next week. I had some appts this week so we had to get off our regular schedule.

Beth said...

Linda, I know you love margaritas. I make slushy/frozen strawberry margaritas. Pour one can of Cayman Jack margarita into blender container. Add a couple of handfuls of frozen strawberries. Put in freezer for an hour. Blend. Delicious! I use frozen, sliced, unsweetened strawberries. The whole strawberries don't do well in the blender. Enjoy your day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Look how pretty you look! And I love the quote about trees...so good for us to remember!

Deanna Rabe said...

That last graphic about the trees is excellent!

I know roughing it this past week hasn't been easy but you're making it work, and finding joy in your time at the ranch and being together with Dean and Sherry. Your carport is going to be incredible!

I enjoyed your photos of your day out with Sherry.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Love the food for thought. You never have a dull moment there,Glad things are getting done and hopefully soon you'll be back to normal. It will be so nice to dome and just relax and have everything working again. Thank goodness at least you have access to water. Yes, it could always be worse.

photowannabe said...

Busy is your middle name I think. So glad you could have a girl day to enjoy some different things.
I sure hope your water situation gets resolved soon. its time to just enjoy your time at the ranch.

Debbie said...

i watched the video and was hoping i would hear your voice. hearing you laugh was so much better!!

i love the measuring spoons and the garden looks awesome. you always kill me with the food!!

awesome food for thought!!